New Indiana Jones Movie Review

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Funny that there are alot of people out there aside from the critics that are giving it good reviews but your right we all will have to see it.

Now the real question is how will the new remake of the remake of the remake of the incredible hulk be when it comes out here soon.
I've seen the Hulk Trailer, and I think that I am suffering from CGI fatigue.

I am excited to see Indy again. I've been watching the "young Indiana Jones cronicals" on History Ch the past few months. So up on the "timeless" Indy stuff.

I've seen him as a kid
I've seen him as a Teen ager (Lost Crusade)
I've seen him as a Young Adult
I've seen him as a Man (Movies)
I've seen him as a older man (Flashback scenes on Young Indy)
and Now I get to see him as a old man.

I don't think any one character's life in Pop Culture has been covered such a timeline.
I saw the movie last night. It was a good movie, but it didn't quite have the Indiana Jones feel to me. And I have to say the subject matter was a little more out there than normal Indie fair.
The only thing I saw from the trailers that I felt was repeated from another movie and unrealistic CGI was the action scene with the fight over the two boat cars and the related cliff shot, go back to the recent King Kong and the dinosaur stampede and you will remember that cliff scene as well.
Just got back from seeing it. After the sticker shock of $10.50 tickets (crazy), I had to say I was just not impressed. Watching a 65 year old man pretend to be a character he played 25 years ago was just hard to stomach.

Did it jump the shark? One could argue that for sure. But my 10 year old loved it. I thought it was predictable. There were snakes, bugs, monkeys, torches, the whip, Russians acting like Nazi's, etc.... and constant action.

The only surprise for me was when Marion showed up.

Somethings are just best left to pleasant memories, I guess.
As the movie went on, my friends and I were licking our ticket stubs hoping that maybe, JUUUUST MAYBE, someone that saw the movies before us had printed the tickets on hits of acid. No luck...

I have not left a movie in a LOOONG time as disappointed/pissed off as I was when I left IJ4. George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg gathered all the movie clips that had gathered on the cutting room floor, slapped them together, and called it a movie. Not to mention the editors needed fired. IJ has always been a little far-fetched... I don't know what to call this crap. AVOID THIS MOVIE!

It was so bad, that I wanted to report my credit card stolen just to get my money back.
No surprises. A guy at work asked if it was true that
the skull was a relic from aliens who took off in their flying saucer at the end
and said he was disappointed when this was confirmed, as it was "not plausible."

My response was:
"Plausible? Plausible?! Like, angry ghosts are hiding in the Ark of the Covenant, and will kill whoever opens it but leave them alone if they close their eyes, is plausible?"
I have to disagree with most of you and say I liked the movie. It wasn't as good as ROTA or LC but it was good non the less. I didn't go in with high expectations and that might be why I ended up liking it.
I wasn't a big fan of it. It was definitely the worst of the 4. The thing I didn't like was that it was a little too hokey for me. Rather childish, appealed too much to the young kids who probably never even saw the other movies or at least were not old enough to see the last two, as opposed to the people who were real fans of the originals and looked forward (in some way) to another story.

I would have preferred to see Iron Man again.
I wasn't a big fan of it. It was definitely the worst of the 4. The thing I didn't like was that it was a little too hokey for me. Rather childish, appealed too much to the young kids who probably never even saw the other movies or at least were not old enough to see the last two, as opposed to the people who were real fans of the originals and looked forward (in some way) to another story.

I would have preferred to see Iron Man again.

I think that was kinda the point of the movie. To bring in a new audience and close up some stuff for the older audience.
I wasn't a big fan of it. It was definitely the worst of the 4. The thing I didn't like was that it was a little too hokey for me. Rather childish, appealed too much to the young kids who probably never even saw the other movies or at least were not old enough to see the last two, as opposed to the people who were real fans of the originals and looked forward (in some way) to another story.

I would have preferred to see Iron Man again.

It's been my long standing complaint of both Spielberg and Lucas that they make movies that pander to small kids.
It's been my long standing complaint of both Spielberg and Lucas that they make movies that pander to small kids.

But you know what -- I have a 10 year old who spent the entire day building an Indy lego set; and begged me tonight to play the original films. He loved the new movie, just as I loved the original when I was his age.

So... does he pander to kids? Sure. But its great stuff (even if I was not impressed with the new one).
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How do you fix a bug zapper?

Will this be the gadget of the future?
