New Hopper Software Has Rolled out (S215, S216, S217)

I woke up to find S217. They sure are rolling out a lot of updates lately. First thing I did was to re-enable bridging. It was working great for me before.
Woke up this morning to a green power light on the front of the Hopper (I know I shut it down last night), and no picture/function. I did a "reset" by unplugging and powered back up to discover that it had not recorded a movie on HBO last night. Came to this Forum to see if there was anything new going on, and found this update thread. Checked my version of software and I have the S217.

Question: Did the update cause anyone else's Hopper to lock up overnight when they received it?...
I think Dish has gotten very sloppy with them having to push out this many updates in such a short time.
For crying out loud, people can think of anything to make criticisms and snipe. I am just thankful that they are fixing the problems and trying to make the Hopper as stable as possible.
Lt Disher said:
For crying out loud, people can think of anything to make criticisms. I am just thankful that they are fixing the problems and trying to make the Hopper as stable as possible.

Right. Otherwise there would be complaining about how Dish is sitting on their hands and not working on the software. multiple releases in a short time indicates catching bugs before widespread distribution.
I think Dish has gotten very sloppy with them having to push out this many updates in such a short time.

Right. Otherwise there would be complaining about how Dish is sitting on their hands and not working on the software. multiple releases in a short time indicates catching bugs before widespread distribution.

Yep. I think it shows Dish being very responsive in fixing problems and adding features.
When I was watching Die Hard last night mine froze up. Had to reset it and had no problems after that. That was the first reboot in at least a month for me. Still been a very solid system.
Woke up this morning to a green power light on the front of the Hopper (I know I shut it down last night), and no picture/function. I did a "reset" by unplugging and powered back up to discover that it had not recorded a movie on HBO last night. Came to this Forum to see if there was anything new going on, and found this update thread. Checked my version of software and I have the S217.

Question: Did the update cause anyone else's Hopper to lock up overnight when they received it?...

I got S217 on both Hoppers last night. Both are working fine. Neither were locked up.
Same here, now that the bugs are fixed, maybe the next update will be the Over the Air Tuner (OTA) update so I can get the missing Locals that are not on the SAT. Then this will be THE perfect DVR.

CW in HD, PBS Nebraska in HD, PBS Iowa in HD, METV, MyNetwork, Local Weather, PBS Kids, PBS Create, LiveWell, ABC in HD from Lincoln, CBS in HD from Lincoln

Please excuse me if this has already been added, but any idea when/if the Hopper will support ATSC tuners for OTA? My DMA has a number of sub channels that Dish doesn't carry on our LiL. This feature would also be needed to allow us to watch OTA and pause/skip back.

I'm awaiting to pull the trigger on a Hopper/Joey upgrade.
216 here as well. Unfortunately, EHD transferred recordings still don't work. :-(

I received S217 last night on both of my Hoppers.. but My EHD transferred recordings are still not functional (transferred from my old 722K) - however, I did notice that a external recording that I transferred back to the external hard drive now plays.

I'm going to attempt to transfer a few more that are currently not funcitonal back to the EHD and see if they play from there. If that works then I'll be happy for the moment.
Lt Disher said:
For crying out loud, people can think of anything to make criticisms and snipe. I am just thankful that they are fixing the problems and trying to make the Hopper as stable as possible.

Ditto and Amen !!!
How much space does 8 days worth of PTAT recordings take up? If more than .2 gb, this is a "lose" for us PTAT users.
No, you GAIN space!

A while back I did some calculations (on a 922) of how much disk space was used. My calculations showed about 4 Mb/s or 0.18 GB/hr. If you apply that data rate to PTAT, it should use around 0.015 TB, so you'd be gaining 0.185 TB of storage. If you record fewer than 4 networks and/or fewer than 8 days you gain additional user space.

Using the 180 MB/hr figure, the additional 185 GB results in a little over 100 hours of additional storage.

Even if they recorded the entire ATSC bandwidth of 18 Mb/s, PTAT still only uses 0.066 TB so you're still ahead for user space.

It is odd that we didn't get the entire 0.5 TB reserved for PTAT moved into user space. But some gain is better than none.
As a side note, I noticed that PTAT has been extended 1hr for the Olympics. That must mean that the space needed for PTAT is somewhat variable.
So, with the previous firmwares, I believe S213/S265, I was able to stream all my home network DLNA stuff to all the Hoppers and Joeys in my house; now, with this "newer" firmware, S217/S268, I can stream stuff to my 2 hoppers that are connected to the internet/home network, but I have lost that ability on my 4 Joeys...

What can I do to get this back?

I hate when new firmware breaks a working configuration...
So, with the previous firmwares, I believe S213/S265, I was able to stream all my home network DLNA stuff to all the Hoppers and Joeys in my house; now, with this "newer" firmware, S217/S268, I can stream stuff to my 2 hoppers that are connected to the internet/home network, but I have lost that ability on my 4 Joeys...

What can I do to get this back?

I hate when new firmware breaks a working configuration...

You might make sure your Joey's are show they have a network connection and are linked to the Hoppers. Also you might check Bridging as well I know on some of the updates they been setting that back to disable which seems to be the default. You might try a reset on the Joey's as well.. Just some ideas.. :)

Anyone having problems with locals on 61.5?

Report: Dish CEO Charlie Ergen finally gets his spectrum
