I did, but the UI would still be a bit of a mess. Don't forget, PTAT still takes advantage of multiple channels on the same transponder to record multiple shows using only one tuner, even if it's no longer just recording the entire stream on the transponder.
So, imagine someone coming along and saying "Hey, I'd like to record SciFi every night using this PTAT thing". They'd need to be able to find which transponder SciFi is on (certainly doable with a search), then from there the receiver would say "Oh, you can also record up to 3 more of the following..." listing all the other channels that happen to share that transponder. Heck, depending on how good the on-the-fly demuxing is, you might even be able to allow more than 4 as long as they're in the same stream. Definitely doable, but is it worth Dish's effort to implement and (more importantly -- this IS Dish) debug?
The LIL's are almost EXCLUSIVELY on spots and will almost NEVER be moved. So, the PTAT has some stability/reliability in the future. All the other channels can often be moved to different transponders over time to achieve best PQ according to Statistical Sampling as in, let's move that sports channel to a different xpndr so the others look a little better and the sports channel can also look better, or let's move Starz which has a lot of action to another SATELLITE-even- etc. There is no such virtual GURANTEE that channels OTHER than LIL will be at the same transponer or satellite over months down the line. This makes a PTAT feature for such channels more troublesome and it would CHANGE what you could record on a given xpndr. This would lead to howls from customers whose PTAT selections have been "jacked" because a channels have moved to different xpndrs and now are in a group of different channels. However, Dish may re-evaluate this, but I doubt it as the engineers need the greatest flexibility to move and shuffle from xpndr to satellite for all channels other than LIL's.