If you are still in the middle of building your new home, now is the time to run conduit for your satellite dish and OTA coax. Research your OTA signals to determine if the antenna can be installed in the attic. Run both OTA and dish coax in conduit hidden in the walls to your central structured media panel so they will not be on the side of your house. Duo Node would be better to put in your media panel so it is out of the weather and easier to troubleshoot your Dish system when required. All TV locations would be nice to have at least two coax from your media panel for future proofing. You never know if you want to move a Hopper to different location. That way there will be a coax for OTA and Satellite. Hoppers cannot sync recordings. So if you want to sync to another TV, the Hopper does not have built in modulators like their past DVRs had. So, you will need coax for RF modulators to run to your central system. Now is the time to install Cat6 to all rooms. It is nice to have a choice to run things wireless or hard wired. When I rewired my home getting her ready for Dish TV, I ran four coax to three Hopper positions. One each coax for satellite, OTA, modulated out, and modulated in signal. Also ran Cat cable to the Hoppers and Joey. All cables run to my central redneck media center. Here is my setup.
Boy ,that board looks like you are running enough cable & switches for a small apartment building. IMPRESSIVE!:up