An when they say force a download is that when u just unplug the receiver from the power source for a min an plug it back in?? Thanks chris
An when they say force a download is that when u just unplug the receiver from the power source for a min an plug it back in?? Thanks chris
I would prefer to have the Native in whatever position it is that allows my TV (60" Pioneer Elite) to do the processing, however, I think that the channel changing is just WAY to slow in that mode, so I leave it the way it is.
Currently it is OFF, but I can never remember which way is which.
One allows the TV to make the processing, while the other the Box does it.
Also just discovered that the update appears to have wiped out all of the scheduled recordings after numerous complaints from the wife and kids. Ugh.
Also just discovered that the update appears to have wiped out all of the scheduled recordings after numerous complaints from the wife and kids. Ugh.
That is just temporary. One of mine did that too but after a lil while it all came back just as it was. No worries.
Also just discovered that the update appears to have wiped out all of the scheduled recordings after numerous complaints from the wife and kids. Ugh.
I've had different version of the CE on my HR24 for the last couple months and all has been pretty well. I updated it this weekend, and I noticed that today for the first time, waiting for guides/lists/menus to come up is painfully slow. Never seen this before. I'll reboot again like was mentioned earlier. Does it make a difference which way you reboot? From the menu, red button, unplug for a bit? Does one work better then the other?
They all do the same thing .... differently.They all do the same thing, so it dont really matter
Not interested in recording on tape anymore even if it's in HD.