New Guide UI now rolling out (plus HDR support!)

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The Astros used to be on Fox Sports Network, then they decided to leave, and start there own network with the Rockets, it was called Comcast Sports Netowrk, that didnt last, then it went to ROOT, that didnt last, now its ATT SportsNet Southwest HD, and none of these channels Dish Network have never had, and still dont, and that's why it ave DTV in the first place, just in my room, lol. Dish Network in the rest of the house, we've had them for years.
ROOT Sports Network didn't go anywhere, it just changed names when AT&T bought DIRECTV.

Back to the new GUI, I still don't have it on my HR44.

Yeah, i knew they where still around, i just meant that Astros/Rockets network changed names again, or whatever. Anyways, BTT.

I plan on staying with the 1037 till i read reports of anything new being better.
Hopefully CE tonight, I created an auto updater using a raspberry PI, IR transmitter and a python script with a cron job to kick off at 11:30 should we be blessed with a new CE :) I constantly keep falling asleep before 11:00 these days, getting up too early by default. I tested it and it works but during the day (aborted the update of the old GUI), so tonight will be the live test. If it works as it should I will post the code and how to if anyone wants to give it a try. I know I am not the only one getting up early :) Also if you are in another timezone you might have a life and be out during the window.
I downloaded 1077 last night and as has been the case with me .... I had Logo and Posters and On Demand all right from the start.

Note from the 1075 software, toward the end of the week, maybe Wednesday, I would use the guide and when scrolling thru the guide I occasionally would lose the highlight that shows what show your looking at ... i could scroll thru and it would just be Gone, or I might move the guide again and it would show up again and be fine.
I saw this reported earlier as well.
So far the 1077 hasn't shown that issue.
As of right now, still no logos and a lot of posters. We'll see if they show up, when I've went back to 1037, the logos are not there, but always come back within an hour or to, not the case, wit the ones afterwards.
What Jimbo said.

I know the guide "skipped" or something a few times this week but I really didn't catch it well enough to describe it but it seems like it was that.

I also downloaded 1077 last night and immediately had logos, on demand, posters, etc.
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What Jimbo said.

I know the guide "skipped" or something a few times this week but I really didn't catch it well enough to describe it but it seems like it was that.

I also downloaded 1077 last night and immediately had logos, on demand, posters, etc.
I wonder what it is that I usually have all this stuff while others do not ...
I once thought it was recvr based, but I have a HR44 while your using a HR54 and all is working, so THAT isn't the common denominator.
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