7am to about 3am would be the National Release (NR)Yes, Friday 11 PM ET to 3 AM ET and Saturday 11 PM ET to 3 AM ET are CE (BETA) and not every week but many weeks. During the week is what they refer to as current release which is not Beta, this is Monday - Friday 3 AM to 7 AM ET. Unless you understand what CE is and the risk it carries I suggest for anyone reading this and updating to stick with current releases in the weekday window.
I would not consider 3am -7am as a current release
I believe that the 3am to 7am window is a time frame that they push a variety of updates to specific areas, to see how what they are working on may work ... I think its designed to go to maybe employees and other testers that they are aware of.
I don't think its intended to go to the avg user at all.