New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

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USPS is processed on this side of the border by Canada Post. It may be because they are a federal agency that they do not care too much about custom fees and let the boxes from USA go-in without taxes. UPS and Fedex are different. For them each box represents another income, custome brokerage that they charge to anybody.
After a bad experience with Fedex ( they charged me $70 for a $200 product from USA, I wonder what happenned with NAFTA!) I always make sure the supplier ships via USPS instead one of those private bloodsuckers.
The brokerage fees charged by private courier companies (like UPS, Fedex, etc.) are essentially caused by an uneven playing field created by Canada Border Services Agency. In effect, this protects Canada Post (government agency) in an unfair business practice. Don't blame the private couriers; blame the Canadian government for this protectionist action. For now, never use a private courier company for cross-border shopping. If consumers follow this advice, perhaps in time the courier companies will make the effort to get the Canadian government to end this unfair practice.
What coding and modulation schemes can be handled?
CCM is standard ,what is with VCM or ACM or the combination of it?

Is MIS reception also possible?
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Brian I like to no if the box did have lnb out important if you like to uze the receiver feed from another receiver.If no't did you have on mine later to have one 2 nd tuner
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Ok, tomorrow is APRIL 1st.
If Brian or anybody for that mater posts the Micro is available for order, well I won't know what to think. :tongue:
If someone, or anyone for that matter, posts that it is available tomorrow, I may be a fool, but I will certainly be checking Brian's website just to be sure. :)
Would be fun to have a link we could click (once per unit we plan to buy) to indicate we were going to buy as soon as available. Like a new movie release where they carefully measure first weekend sales, it might indicate if the trend for sales was going to be acceptable or not.
Finally got a half day in the office on Thursday since the surgery two weeks ago. Unfortunately complications in my recovery caused a considerable delay and kept me away and participation minimized from the development at a critical approval period. Sorry that I hadn't provided an update on the delay in the past week.

At this time there is a USALS error with the new firmware. I am hesitant to approve the SMT and hardware production until the USALS calculation issue is addressed.

Don't want to sell and deliver a new STB that the user must update before using a USALS motor.... Maybe a bit obsessive on my part, but don't want the heat and grief raised by users who might be unhappy with the factory installed firmware. Would rather deal with a delay and disappointment on a release date rather than complaints about the factory firmware.

Thank you everyone for your excitement about the pending product release and for your understanding with the inevitable first run production delays.
cyberham said:
Would be fun to have a link we could click (once per unit we plan to buy) to indicate we were going to buy as soon as available. Like a new movie release where they carefully measure first weekend sales, it might indicate if the trend for sales was going to be acceptable or not.

STB sales trends and predictions based on a SatelliteGuys survey would not provide very accurate data. We expect the annual quantity to be purchased by forum members to be less than 2000 units. Hobbyist buyers are a very niche segment and the real measurement of distribution success is bulk sales to content distribution broadcasters. Unfortunately, the hobbyist segment is very small in North America. Total hobbyist sales for NA is less than a small European country.

We have our first OEM order from an international customer. This major quantity order covers the development cost of the project, so I am already calling the project a draw..... LOL!
What coding and modulation schemes can be handled?
CCM is standard ,what is with VCM or ACM or the combination of it?

Is MIS reception also possible?

At this time there is very few video services in North America (or for that matter, internationally) using Adaptive and Variable Coding or multiple input stream. We did not see the need to support our target markets with this level of feature without a demand or requests from broadcasters. As this market develops, set top boxes will be introduced to support any demand. For now the need is too niche and the TBS6925 PCI solution is much better suited to be adaptable for the hobbyists needs during the developmental period.

One of the reasons that we adopted the new SDK is that it will provide a better path to a future release chipset that will offer support for these. We did not select a STi chipset and those chipsets seem to have the best support for ACM/VCM/MIS at this time. ALI is releasing several new chipsets this summer that will be very competitive and we should be able to develop for any emerging market.
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....We have our first OEM order from an international customer. This major quantity order covers the development cost of the project, so I am already calling the project a draw..... LOL!

Bravo, good for you! And best wishes on your continued recovery, sounds like you have your priorities in order.

Tanka, if I understood your question, and Brian can verify, I don't think there is a Loop Out on the microHD. Don't know about a second tuner....surprised they can fit one in that little housing! ;)
I don't think there is a Loop Out on the microHD. Don't know about a second tuner

Correct, no loop out and no room for a second tuner.

No real need for a loop out port as you could have the same results by simply using a diode steering two port power passing 2x1 splitter.
No real need for a loop out port as you could have the same results by simply using a diode steering two port power passing 2x1 splitter.

Glad to hear that, figured there was a way to do it. I plan to use the microHD for motor control, and slave an AzElite to it for the (ever more uncommon it seems) 4:2:2 feeds. :cool:
We have our first OEM order from an international customer. This major quantity order covers the development cost of the project, so I am already calling the project a draw..... LOL!

Congratulations Brian! Hope this large order is the first of many...

Please save some units for us! :D
Hey Brian. Glad to see all is improving. I wanted to thank you for making me be the first one in Canada to receive the new Micro HD The setup was easy . I do love the simplicity of operation , as well as the more detailed features. All this in such a small package.
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