New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

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Cool, well I have a pci card for 4:2:2, a ps3 for networking and netflix but I notice more feeds coming in using 32 APSK so this interests me, my Manhattan does not pull in a few 16 APSK feeds, I am getting a micro no matter what haha but my dealer does not carry azbox, he said something about they have no cetification or something?
Surfs you tube, displays pictures, plays music files; which has nothing to do with Satellite TV, but gives you more things to go wrong.
We experienced a two week delay as we switched to a new specially developed SDK package just released 10 days ago from ALI to support our future plans. This release was several months ahead of schedule.

Since we are producing the microHD several months later than planned, we have decided to implement the new firmware in the current model instead of waiting for future hardware. Burning the SMT flash on the microHD with the previous firmware would have prevented microHD customers from upgrading their receivers to take advantage of the features now available for development.

Thank you for your patience! The microHD is now in production and will be here shortly!

Sweet! This means that we will get cutting edge technology, with great flexibility for future upgrades!

Things seem to be falling into place for this box to be legendary...
whatever you guys and gals say, i just hope my wife likes it... and i can show her how to use it. she has been a stay at home mom for 40 years so the fewest buttons to push make her day. charlie
whatever you guys and gals say, i just hope my wife likes it... and i can show her how to use it. she has been a stay at home mom for 40 years so the fewest buttons to push make her day. charlie

Make a Favorites List and show her the FAV, Channel and Volume buttons. Doesn't sound easy?
Out of curiosity, what exactly can't it do that Azbox can?

Well, if you've read this thread, 4:2:2 for one ....

Surfs you tube, displays pictures, plays music files; which has nothing to do with Satellite TV, but gives you more things to go wrong.

I just wished to chime in here with a personal opinion regarding the AZBox or any IRD for that matter.

Since I am an AZBox owner and user, I view some features that OpenSat incorporated into the AZBox as totally unnecessary and that I wish that they had left out. It would have made the box less expensive and (as Magic stated) had less things to go wrong.

You Tube, RSS News, IPTV, Internet Browser, Music player and Photo viewer.

All these items are (again as Magic stated) unrelated to satellite TV and for many, they are unusable due to their internet connection type.
The Music Player and Photo viewer are the least of these as they are not much more than another way to utilize the HDD option to its fullest potential, so they are alright to an extent. But, even so, OpenSat could have developed a much better AZBox if they had concentrated on several items which were more satellite TV related instead. i.e. Faster blind scan and faster tuner/meter response, better channel and satellite editing options, etc.

Yes, it kinda bothered me that they had added the other features that I can't use and left the satellite end of it a bit unfinished. When I buy a satellite IRD, I want it to work excellently with satellites. Little concern do I have if it does email or you tube or such. I suppose the next thing someone will want on their IRD will be Facebook or Toddler or Twiddler, Piddler or whatever they call it. Heck, I wouldn't allow that stuff in my house or on my PC, let alone on my satellite IRD!

If the IRD mfg will just stick to satellite technology and bring on a good... no a great product, it will be well received.

Therefore, I am looking forward to this GeoSatpro microHD. I want to see the final product specs when it is fully unveiled, but so far I am quite interested, even though I don't need another IRD at all. The lack of the 4.2.2 support doesn't cramp my style, by the way.

I think you said a great piece there Gordie, but I want to add to that.

I have been thrilled with my OpenBox S9 from the day I got it. I haven't had to change anything since I received it, and when I scan I do so only for TV free stations, and not radio. We have our favorite stations that we watch more than anything else, and we use this more to compliment our OTA stations. We are more or less hooked on the network series that we like and I just don't seem to be all that interested in looking for a heck of a lot more than I have.

Since i have not done much experimenting with adding or finding new "fixes" and then trying to back up the new fix, only to find that others were having trouble, I haven't wasted much time on that either. I was happy with the unit the way it arrived and I am still happy with it now. The only thing that seems to be bothering so many people is the non working clock, but you know what ... I knew that before I ordered my OpenBox.

The biggest reason I want one of the new receivers is this. We have an ancient (five years old IS ancient in this world) CNX DUO in the living room. My plan is to replace that with the OpenBox that's in the bedroom, and put the new receiver in the bedroom. Since we spend most of our time in the bedroom, that seems to be the logical choice. And the limits that now exist on the DUO is that it doesn't do HD and it doesn't do the audio I want. I would love to watch PBS in the morning, especially since our local PBS dropped Create and replaced it with "Life" or some such foolishness. The programming that I would like to watch is still on Create, but not on "Life." So a change HAS to be in the works.

So, Brian, add me to the anxious people waiting (and waiting) for the new receiver to arrive. I want one also.

I will echo what you said Phottoman. Except my clock works with my 2011Aug30 firmware, though not so precisely. I just check it before programming and, if I remember and I'm available, just before recording starts. Even if I had paid the new local price of $140, I'd be happy with it overall. I am still going to buy a new microHD, but I won't really be burning my S9. It will be kept on the shelf with my Coolsat 7000 as a souvenir of the "good old days" before we all got professional in the new era of satellite receivers in 2012.
I "hear" you cyberham, but I think you missed what I was saying. I haven't NEEDED a clock. The times that I have recorded a program were when I wouldn't be able to watch two things at the same time. If I am watching something on OTA, and at that same time something I wanted to watch was on satellite, I would record that satellite program. I haven't yet found a way to record HD OTA, but that's OK since there are only so many hours a day, and the TV seems to be on all the time. Plus my limited budget keeps me from buying expensive equipment JUST to watch a TV program.

I DID go out and buy a 2G USB recorder, and noticed the other night that there are 136 programs recorded on there. Still LOTS of space left, but there just isn't that much that I "HAVE" to have for later. Of course, that recorder will be moved to the living-room with the OpenBox S9, and that means I'll have to buy another .... wait, no, I won't have to buy another recorder, I'll use the one that is connected to the DUO now, see, problem solved.

And on the very few occasions when there is "nothing" to watch on TV ... well ... I still have and add to my very large library weekly (snicker).


ps: but I STILL want the new receiver for the bedroom
I will probably finally update my Openbox S9 with the latest and greatest firmware once the microHD is up and running. The Openbox will become a backup receiver for viewing, and I will use multiple microHDs for my recording tasks.
Tron Wrote:
"......and I will use multiple microHDs for my recording tasks."

This is when the (proposed) next gen multi address remote will be needed.
Now if we could just teach them to speak TCP/IP A/V streaming via the USB port..........
Open OPen OPEn OPEN!
Brian doesnt do pre-orders. He'd rather wait until the product is in the warehouse then have people shell out money for a product that MAY be here on X date

Good way to do business..

After having the OpenBox S9 for nearly two weeks..I've had some minor glitches in freezing pictures and loss of audio., but rebooting usually solves the problem..The last few days, despite the rainy, windy weather, my dish has been pretty steady on the signal and the motor has worked pretty well..As the receiver was free to me, I have really no major complaints..I may pick up the MicroHD Next year for income tax with maybe a new LNB as well..Looking forward to seeing the reports when the MicroHD starts getting some use..
Brian, I don't remember if this has been discussed before, but are you planning any kind of rack mounting solution for the microHDs? I figure that three of them can fit on a standard 19" rack shelf, given the dimensions posted early in this thread (5" wide). That would allow for about half an inch of space between the units, assuming 17" of usable rack shelf space. I have already procured a 19", 1U, 6" deep rack shelf, and have ideas on how to mount the receivers to the shelf so they will not move. Just wondering if you had a product in the works that would be specially designed for this purpose. Of course, it would be prudent to leave a unit of free rack space above the receivers, and to use some method of forced air cooling.
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We have no plans to develop rack mounting for the microHD set top box. Sounds like a great aftermarket product!

We are developing a single unit 1u rack mount design receiver based on the microHD hardware / firmware development. The unit will provide front panel control / display along with connections / outputs more suitable and with application in a commercial environment.
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