There is some variation on the Signal Level, but refinement on the reading linearity will be in a future firmware release.
Our initial change to the metering was simply change the text to identify the meters with the names that we all recognize. Then technical changes to make sure the Signal Level reading indicated 0% if no LNB is connected and the Signal Quality reading indicated 0% if no valid transponder is detected. We have the default Quality reading set to Pre BER mode. This setting produces a jumpy reading, but far more responsive to reflect fine-tuning adjustments.
We will likely add a menu setting for the customer to select Pre or Post BER setting for the Signal Quality meter and add BER and C/N displays for advanced signal analysis. We also have an option to add a Spectrum Analyzer feature, but an initial review indicates that we would have many hours of development to produce anything more meaningful that a graph without reference.
For now we continue to refine a few features that will be unique to the microHD and explore the new options that 1GB of DDR memory allows.
One feature is not yet in public release yet by the chipset provider. We are unable to disclose this feature, but the microHD will be the only consumer MPEG 2/4 unit to offer. We certainly appreciate the high level of support provided to our team by the chipset provider!