New FTA service with 20 english channels

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> I guessing they'll announce they're on Galaxy 15!

Thank goodness. I get that bird at Q90 with a 18 inch dish (On C Band) using the S2 mode. :D
Again, what satellite will they be using?

Sat talk said that there is a RUMOR going around saying that they will be on 93W. That was the first time I heard anything about a specific satellite.

You can hear that specific rumor at 1:38:40 on the recent 8/20/2010 podcast found at




So that video isn't quite right. I wonder if registering wasn't in response to it.

Ok, so, they supposedly did 7 months of "negotiating" with companies before they were ANY SORT OF LEGAL COMPANY? Look at the papers above, showing that. That's all sorts of screwed-up. Why would any program suppliers even deal with them, IF THEY WEREN'T a legit company, can't show ANY financial resources, and uplink site, etc, etc, etc.. That doesn't even show any true good-faith on their part, to a program provider, by filing as a company, before claiming they were doing all of this.

Dreams are nice, but I'm sorry, it's far too fishy to be legit. Maybe I'm wrong, and we will see. However, even if I'm wrong, since they have done everything so far so backwards, what are the odds they can survive?
I guessing they'll announce they're on Galaxy 15!
Yeah! Drifting along on "Zombie-Sat" :eek:
...that's why we'll need their special receiver- It has an "auto-tracking" motor drive circuit, that auto-magically moves the dish, continuously, to keep a lock on "Zombie" as he crosses the sky! :rolleyes: :D:up
That is aweful fishy seeing how they were negotiating for stations BEFORE getting a business license? How is that even possible? I would think that a requirement would have been to show a business license. Maybe they wanted to see if there were enough stations interested with good enough deals to make it possible before getting the license.
Everyone here seems to be working for the big providers the way they talk down an effort to start a business that will serve the community. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Many a business was shot down before it ever got going by people that had no clue shooting off their mouth and offering their uneducated opinion. I can guarantee that the providers will stop at nothing to get rid of anything like Freedbs. They do not want any competition. So keep it up people. You are only hurting the new kids on the block and helping the providers by bad mouthing Freedbs at this time. If they don't get going by their timeline, then talk all you want. Until then, try and think for just one minute how your bad talking is helping the community. As far as a scam goes that is a non issue. Scammers ask for money. I don't see anything telling people to send money to Freedbs anywhere so labling them as a scam shows the mentality of some people that "have an opinion". I hope the majority of the community can see through the uneducated opinions that are in no shortage here. Have a great day!

Note: they announced at the end of March this year, that it would be 3 - 12 months. So that makes the timeline as late as next March for the 12 months.
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Note: they announced at the end of March this year, that it would be 3 - 12 months. So that makes the timeline as late as next March for the 12 months.

Duh! Check out message #1 on this topic and check the date before you attack anyone else, ok? The lack of checking of simple facts hurts ones credibility. :D

Hint: January and March are NOT the same thing, unless you are using the all-new FREEDBS calendar.
It is very obvious to me that freedbs said that they would be on the air in 3-12 months from 3/30. Other people read the same words and seem to believe that the 3-12 months statement meant 3-12 months from January. Only the folks at freedbs could tell us for sure what they meant by this news release, because they are the ones who made it. If they came on here and clarified what they meant, people would just rip that statement apart and insult them. Why would they bother?

Today is neither January nor March. 12 months from either date have not passed. Why are we discussing this now?
I am curious, with all the negatives being posted about this service, are all of the naysayers NOT going to use the service if it gets up and going? I have started 2 business in my past and both of them took longer than planned for to get up and running, and a slow economy makes for a tough start with any business. Anyway I hope it will happen and if not the naysayers can say "I told you so".
That is aweful fishy seeing how they were negotiating for stations BEFORE getting a business license? How is that even possible? I would think that a requirement would have been to show a business license. Maybe they wanted to see if there were enough stations interested with good enough deals to make it possible before getting the license.

I'd say that all the "stations" that they plan to broadcast are either public-domain or owned by them. Have you seen any pre-existing channels that actually STAYED on their list after being "announced"?
> They'll just move on to criticizing the channels, the tech, or some minor detail that didn't come to fruition. It has already started with the epg.

It is called looking at FACTS about the information that is being presented. I am reminded of the 4DTV fiasco, a company comes out telling the public that Motorola is pulling out of the business. Every one was in denial, but hey they all feel good, and then 6 months later BAM an official announcement comes out from Motorola stating by the end of the year they are getting out of the 4DTV business.

Suddenly all those people in denial look pretty silley.

While I am all for the concept of more FTA channels I will not bury my head in the sand to feel good. The facts presented in this case lead me and others to see it as a gold digging operation nothing more.

Time will prove me wrong or correct.
How much money have you given them?

It's not worth getting worked up over. If they're con-men then they're either the most patient or incompetent con-men ever
Free DBs

i hope they get on the air but they have a tough time with the big guys. They need the resources to rent uplink and transponder time. I have been watching them but have not seen progress. The staff looks like a bunch of amateur radio operators that decided to set up FREEDBS. Nothing wrong with hams I am one of them but knowing the hobby and people wonder if they will ever get off the ground. I have sent emails but no return ? :confused:
Duh! Check out message #1 on this topic and check the date before you attack anyone else, ok? The lack of checking of simple facts hurts ones credibility. :D

Hint: January and March are NOT the same thing, unless you are using the all-new FREEDBS calendar.

I havn't attacked anyone friend. The news release was dated 3-30-10. Last I looked, 3 stands for the 3rd month of the year and month number 3 is March not January. As for the the message number 1 on this topic goes, that is not a dated news release from the Freedbs people. I am sorry you feel attacked as that was not the intention of my post so I apoligise for any missunderstanding. That said, I said what I said and stand by it. People should be ashamed of making uneducated opinions. That simply means that unless one has actually started this type of a venture, they have no clue as to what is involved so should refrain from comments either way as it does no justice to the community. Many people that are new to the hobby look to us for insite. Those same people are impressed one way or the other by our words. Those words need to have purpose. The only purpose in bad mouthing any company is to destroy them and I can tell you the big sat boys will love that. We all should be in the "wait and see" mode as I have stated along with a few others here. Come next March when 12 months have passed from their "3 - 12 months" announcement, then we can unload on Freedbs because they then would officially have missled us in the news release. (Even then things never go according to plan in life.) Remember these guys are just some ham radio operators that are learning how to do this. They are not seasoned vets of the broadcasting industry with a checklist of what to do. Have a great day!
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I'm sure there are many here!including myself who have decided to just sit back and hope for the best.Myself! I'm pretty skeptical on this happening but I'm willing to see what happens.I'm guessing that members of the freedbs organization do not read whats going on here because if they did i would think they would get alittle annoyed at some of the things said here and defend themselves.FTA here on this site and elsewhere is freedbs future bread and butter and without us there would be no reason for FreeDbs to exist.
This can't get any clearer!

Duh! Check out message #1 on this topic and check the date before you attack anyone else, ok? The lack of checking of simple facts hurts ones credibility. :D

Hint: January and March are NOT the same thing, unless you are using the all-new FREEDBS calendar.
Mikey (and the rest of flamers)I think you have your glasses on upside down.Your bad memory is sure getting you worked up.I posted this yesterday but for those who refuse to know what they are talking about here it is AGAIN.Please tell us what part you need help with reading:
News Release: 3/30/2010

We are now estimating a broadcast date from 3 to 12 months, many of our channels are coming together but the process is slow due to the massive amount of content and limited personnel we have to assemble it.

If you are sending in MMA, wrestling or boxing films please contact Charlie Mattingly with the Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Organization. We will be broadcasting MMA fights for up to twenty MMA clubs, along with wrestling, and boxing on the Fight channel during prime time. The channel will run 24-7 with many of the martial arts movies produced during the 70s and 80s airing after hours and non-primetime. You may click here to view a Sample Video created by Shooter Russell.

We have a conservative estimate of 2 million viewers when we begin broadcasting; our advertising time has been priced at a competitive rate

Note that it is only an ESTIMATE.That means it is their best guess.Can you kids understand this now??I think even an idiot could understand this issue now.G'luck and God bless
trommy said:
Mikey (and the rest of flamers)I think you have your glasses on upside down.Your bad memory is sure getting you worked up.I posted this yesterday but for those who refuse to know what they are talking about here it is AGAIN.Please tell us what part you need help with reading:
News Release: 3/30/2010

We are now estimating a broadcast date from 3 to 12 months, many of our channels are coming together but the process is slow due to the massive amount of content and limited personnel we have to assemble it.

If you are sending in MMA, wrestling or boxing films please contact Charlie Mattingly with the Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Organization. We will be broadcasting MMA fights for up to twenty MMA clubs, along with wrestling, and boxing on the Fight channel during prime time. The channel will run 24-7 with many of the martial arts movies produced during the 70s and 80s airing after hours and non-primetime. You may click here to view a Sample Video created by Shooter Russell.

We have a conservative estimate of 2 million viewers when we begin broadcasting; our advertising time has been priced at a competitive rate

Note that it is only an ESTIMATE.That means it is their best guess.Can you kids understand this now??I think even an idiot could understand this issue now.G'luck and God bless

Wait so it says they will be broadcasting 3 - 12 months from January? :p
This does not have a time limit on it.
News Release: 1/31/2010

" concerns,

#1. We do not want to have any misconceptions!!! Please read Twice if you are new to the Free To Air market . Channels that you can receive now. "Click here" Our channels are not up yet, though we will be streaming in the coming months. From: Mark Mauk : Assistant Program manger, Mike Spencer :Assistant Director.
#2. How long does it take for you to put your channels up ? For us to lease a transponder on a current satellite and not counting other Logistics - 3 hours quoted.
#3.Where is your signal going to be ? This is information that will be released later. and other Sites are very knowledgeable on this subject.
#4. Please read all the information on our site and remember , We are very, very, very conservative. God bless all that read . Leon Napier : Program Manger
#5. From the Executive Producer : Please be patient as we organize our channels. "
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