Earlier on in this thread interest was expressed in Canadian content for a possible Canadian channel
Canada has a few public broadcasters and the
National Film Board which contains thousands of films ranging from short clips to hour long features many of which can be watch online, many of these films were taxpayer funded and include some artistic efforts which are best forgotten however the is a lot of good stuff, as far as I know the film board holds the rights and may be interesting in promoting the material and Canadian culture especially if some money was available to help in their work.
I'm not sure how many public broadcasters there are but know of the
TV Ontario ,
Saskatchewan Communications Network and the
British Columbia Knowledge Network
CBC also makes some of its newscasts and other shows available online
Like most PBS stations in the America they purchase a lot of their material so do not own national broadcast rights so unfortunately its unlikely they could be broadcast directly but all of them do produce some of their own material
Maybe it would be possible to put together one channel drawing material from all these sources?
All these bodies have one thing in common and that is a shortage of money if some way could be worked out to support them they may be interested.