New FTA service with 20 english channels

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Iceberg, I was thinking the same thing. Could they use the local media for this? [NBC CBS, ect. .] What we get here would be out of Louisville Kentucky,since the are from Charlestown Indiana (Wave3, WHAS,ect.) is OTA. But again as mentioned before, it might just be a scam...who knows.
I get distant networks from SRL, when I contacted them I told them I should be grandfathered in, they told me that the law was changed and it didn't matter anyone could have them now, so I wonder if the market deal no longer applies.

Edited to add: IT did call them super stations so I wonder if the content would be different.

This has been a back and forth discussion . Yes we will go for the local market including WHAS 11, WDRB 41, WLKY 32 and WAVE 3. If this does not work out we will go to Lexington Ky. and Cincinnati Ohio. No we will not pay for these channels and no one else should either. These Stations would also have to clean up some of their programing and some of the ads would be limited to after 12:00 pm. We have been contacted by other stations reps. for other channels that are in our area. The first phase of the proposed plan has limited bandwidth that keeps us from putting all the locals up. In the future this will change as all of the old Birds are removed and new Super Satellites take their place. The new Super Satellites are not comparable to the older ones at all. Like for instance 1000-1 Most of us including me were living in the stone age as far as knowing what type of technology was in Space. God bless!!!
Ok, Sorry LoTech did not mean to forget you . Yes we are researching all aspects of this. The ball is in their court, it is up to them. We have other Stations that are willing to play if the big boys decide not to at this time.
This would make them a Super station. If There is any question on their part on how this will work they can look at the history of TBS and Their humble beginnings. God Bless !!!
It would still be nice to have a rough idea when to expect a signal. Summer? Fall? Before then? After fall? I wouldn't hold anyone to anything. But a general idea for the sake of arguments so to speak. Thank you for this attempt at an advertiser supported sat service. I hope you are successful and go far! Have a great day!
Too conservative?

At the risk of starting a firestorm I think one thing needs to be discussed. Wayne-o has said numerous times that this will be a family friendly service. He mentioned that anything on would have to be ok for a 10 year old to see and that the founders were very, very conservative. While, I am thrilled with the prospect of this service and hope more than anyone that it works out, I am a little worried about these comments. I believe in family friendly programs but I dont think that everything needs to be censored down to a 10 year old level. The recent statement that the networks would have to "clean-up" their programs and move ads to after 12 pm has me particularly worried about this service. If this service has any hopes of being accepted by the general public it can't be seen as some sort of religious service in disguise. With all the electronic parental controls built into most tvs and receivers, I dont think we adults should be forced to endure censorship to avoid the chance that a child does not hear a word that they already hear 50 times a day at school. While I'm not advocating any R rated material in the clear, I feel it is the parents responsibility to monitor what the child watches on network style programs. I'm probably a little more liberal in my views than most other FTAers, but I think this service will have to adjust its standards if it wants to be popular with the general public. Let the debate begin.
At the risk of starting a firestorm I think one thing needs to be discussed. Wayne-o has said numerous times that this will be a family friendly service. He mentioned that anything on would have to be ok for a 10 year old to see and that the founders were very, very conservative. While, I am thrilled with the prospect of this service and hope more than anyone that it works out, I am a little worried about these comments. I believe in family friendly programs but I dont think that everything needs to be censored down to a 10 year old level. The recent statement that the networks would have to "clean-up" their programs and move ads to after 12 pm has me particularly worried about this service. If this service has any hopes of being accepted by the general public it can't be seen as some sort of religious service in disguise. With all the electronic parental controls built into most tvs and receivers, I dont think we adults should be forced to endure censorship to avoid the chance that a child does not hear a word that they already hear 50 times a day at school. While I'm not advocating any R rated material in the clear, I feel it is the parents responsibility to monitor what the child watches on network style programs. I'm probably a little more liberal in my views than most other FTAers, but I think this service will have to adjust its standards if it wants to be popular with the general public. Let the debate begin.

I dunno. I'm about as liberal as they come and this aspect doesn't bother me. It is not censorship, it is a programming decision. They're shooting for some of the same behavior that is expected in the public daylight and this is one thing that endears me to some of my conservative counterparts; holding onto aspects of our culture that seem so distantly outmoded to some folk. I still hold doors for the ladies, so what do I know? Bleeding heart chivalry, haha.

I note that when Ted Nugent made a hunting series for PBS he cleaned up his mouth. Why? When Frank Zappa appeared on Johnny Carson he kept it clean. Why? These two are/were both foes of censorship and could mix it up with any sailor with their salted language, and yet out of respect they complied with the norms expected in these two programming environments. I loved the Nugent hunting show, Wayne-o could run that series and I would glue myself to the set. Just don't go to a Nugent concert some day and expect the same vocabulary.

If this new service offends someone, change the channel. If I get bored with this new service, I'll change the channel, too.
Timeline !!!

In regards to a date, Yes we do have a day that we are shooting for. Some people already know this date but we cannot release it publicly until our Uplink engineer
gets back to us and things are discussed with major investors. As far as Media content goes this is all up to the program manager and his team. Yes it is before next year. I hope this answers your concerns. Right now Satellite Dealer issues are being worked on. Hope to post some pictures of the uplink facility and studios on the site soon. God bless !!!
In regards to a date, Yes we do have a day that we are shooting for. Some people already know this date but we cannot release it publicly until our Uplink engineer
gets back to us and things are discussed with major investors. As far as Media content goes this is all up to the program manager and his team. Yes it is before next year. I hope this answers your concerns. Right now Satellite Dealer issues are being worked on. Hope to post some pictures of the uplink facility and studios on the site soon. God bless !!!

That is good enough for me. It's too cold outside to mess with a dish at the moment anyways...(Northern Indiana neighbor here my friend.) ;) I wonder if American Life Network would be interested? Just a thought. With the uncertian C-band situation with Motorola, another outlet for them would be nice. Thank you again for organizing this service. Everyone I have talked to is ready to jump on board. Take care and have a great day! :)
religious service in disguise.
They seem pretty open about their beliefs to me.

forced to endure censorship
No one is forcing anyone to do anything. If you don't like the show, change the channel. If I'm watching HBO, FoxNews, or Daystar and something offends me I change the channel. Every show and content provider has an agenda, political, religious or financial.
The recent statement that the networks would have to "clean-up" their programs and move ads to after 12 pm has me particularly worried about this service. If this service has any hopes of being accepted by the general public it can't be seen as some sort of religious service in disguise.


The argument goes both ways. There are those who feel that they shouldn't need to be exposed to "Extenze" commercials, and 1-800-hornychick commercials before the kids are in bed.

cen·sor (snsr)
One that condemns or censures.

It could be argued that your comments are an attempt to censor family programming.

I for one can not watch church programming. There is no entertainment value for me. (besides, I was raised a preachers kid and have had my fill) But I highly encourage family friendly programming as long as it entertains! PBS and other (censored) types of channels get heavy play in my house.
I'm not a moderator (nor do i play one on TV)..However, This discussion over censorship, etc. Serves no real purpose..First of all, lets stay united on what we can agree on..That this could be a great thing for the FTA community, especially if we can get National Broadcast Networks out of the deal..This kind of discussion (censorship) if taken too far, can divide us..Not a good idea right now..Lets let it play out, then see what happens once they get on the air..I think thats only fair..
I'm thinking some of these might be a scrambled way they can have some of these stations ITC

Heck the NAB would go ballistic if the 4 networks were free to air.

A friend of mine in Puerto Rico told me recently that the sations here in PR were talking with these people of freedbs let's see and wait!:cool:
Program agenda !!!

As far as I know only a few ads would be removed or change time slots. This is family oriented television. What you would feel comfortable watching with your kids. We have no religious agenda. God bless !!!
How can FreeDBS broadband the networks when it was just announced that on Monday, out of market networks will no longer be allowed on satellite, that the bill was not renewed?
OTA TV could go away if some get their way, here' is a C/P for this site:

Competition for radio spectrum

In late 2009, US competition for the limited available radio spectrum led to debate over the possible re-allocation of frequencies currently occupied by television, and the [ame=""]Federal Communications Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:US-FCC-Seal.svg" class="image"><img alt="US-FCC-Seal.svg" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/b/bf/US-FCC-Seal.svg/140px-US-FCC-Seal.svg.png[/ame] began asking for comments on how to increase the [ame=""]Bandwidth (signal processing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Baseband.svg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/4/48/Baseband.svg/300px-Baseband.svg.png[/ame] available for [ame=""]Wireless broadband - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Dishes_ft_worth2.JPG" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/e/e8/Dishes_ft_worth2.JPG/200px-Dishes_ft_worth2.JPG[/ame]. Some have proposed mixing the two together, on different channels that are already open (like white-space devices), while other have proposed "repacking" some stations and forcing them off certain channels, just a few years after the same thing was done (without [ame=""]Regulatory taking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] to the broadcasters) in the [ame=""]Digital television transition in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Shutdownmessage.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/1/1a/Shutdownmessage.jpg/250px-Shutdownmessage.jpg[/ame].
Some US commenters have proposed the closing down of over-the-air [ame=""]Broadcasting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Broadcasting.JPG" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/e/ef/Broadcasting.JPG/220px-Broadcasting.JPG[/ame], on the grounds that available spectrum might be better used, and requiring viewers to shift to satellite or cable reception. This would eliminate [ame=""]Mobile television - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Question_book-new.svg" class="image"><img alt="Question book-new.svg" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/9/99/Question_book-new.svg/50px-Question_book-new.svg.png[/ame], which has been delayed several years by the FCC's decision to choose [ame=""]ATSC (standards) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Question_book-new.svg" class="image"><img alt="Question book-new.svg" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/9/99/Question_book-new.svg/50px-Question_book-new.svg.png[/ame] and its proprietary [ame=""]8VSB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] [ame=""]Modulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Amfm3-en-de.gif" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/a/a4/Amfm3-en-de.gif/200px-Amfm3-en-de.gif[/ame], instead of the worldwide [ame=""]Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:OFDM_transmitter_ideal.png" class="image"><img alt="OFDM transmitter ideal.png" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/4/4e/OFDM_transmitter_ideal.png/754px-OFDM_transmitter_ideal.png[/ame] standard used for all other digital terrestrial broadcasting around the world. Compared to Europe and Asia, this has hamstrung mobile TV in the US, because ATSC cannot be received while in motion (or often even while stationary) without ATSC-M/H as terrestrial DVB-T or ISDB-T can even without DVB-H or [ame=""]1seg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:1seg_logo.png" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/7/7c/1seg_logo.png/200px-1seg_logo.png[/ame].
The [ame=""]National Association of Broadcasters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:2008_logo_NAB.png" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/1/1e/2008_logo_NAB.png/200px-2008_logo_NAB.png[/ame] has organized to fight such proposals, and public comments are also being taken by the FCC through mid-December 2009, in preparation for a plan to be released in mid-February 2010.
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