New FTA service with 20 english channels

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I find it interesting to stop and listen/watch for a while from time to time.

Orchestra, classical piano/instrumental, ballet, some old movie clips occasionally, everything but Guess I wouldnt make a very good Viking.:rolleyes:
I was thinking that there were chances that a venture would startup that would offer free channels in the U.S. kind of like what we see overseas on the FTA system. It seems that we are lucky that there are good intentions with this in the U.S. which should make it more promising. There are people out there that do not have television because of the filth on it now.
Ok, so I do not make any confusion , We do not have any religious Agenda and what you see on the site is what we are. We are for clean programing that Leon would let his ten year old daughter watch. No cursing and no seductive behavior is what he would limit. Killing a deer or gutting a squirrel is ok with him, part of life. So any movies must make it by Leon and be ok with the F.C.C. guidelines. Thanks !!!

Welcome Wayne-o,
As a free movie channel you might like to see if you can get MBC2 ( Dubai on board). It is currently FTA in Englishand family films (on BADR6) . MBC Dubai have a feed to the US but I don't know the logistics of this. They also have other FTA channels in English have a look at their Program guide could be of interest and they do censor bad language. | MBC2 - MBC Max - MBC4 - MBC Action____
Thanks for the warm welcome again,
Also for the support and information on the overseas channels. We will be very busy in the up coming weeks and may not have time to get back with this thread. Our org. has got in touch with political reps. to tell them the concern of the FTA dealers and users. God bless all of you...
Your friend Wayne-o
I would like to see a channel devoted to all old sitcom classics, such as shows like I love lucy, Hooneymooners, My three sons, The Real McCoys, Gomer Pyle USMC and so on.
That used to be the function of TV Land before they ruined it, and Nick at Nite in the 80's.
I would like to see a channel devoted to all old sitcom classics, such as shows like I love lucy, Hooneymooners, My three sons, The Real McCoys, Gomer Pyle USMC and so on.

How about Gilligan's Island, The Munsters, Andy Griffith, and Petticoat Junction. And does anyone here remember a show called Dusty's Trail?
Hey !!! Most of you guys are right in line with our thinking, This is Wayne-o / Edward w.Raisley founding member of God bless all of you !!!


I also want to say welcome to you and thanks so much for what you all are doing with FreeDBS.

If I may simply get my two cents in, just so that I feel like I have contributed something, regardless of whether you can secure such programming....

The types of channels I would personally like to see are:

WESTERNS (movies and series like Rawhide, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Maverick, etc.)

SCI-FI (movies and series like the original Star Trek, Twilight Zone, etc.)

SIT COMs (older series like Gilligan's Island, Mr. Ed, Car 54, The Honeymooners and even newer programs like WKRP, too)

MYSTERIES (Columbo, McMillan and Wife, Quincy, McCloud, etc.)

EDUCATION (sciences: Geography, geology, history, chemistry, electronics, etc.)

CARTOONS (older cartoons from the pre-80's eras, where cartoons were actually fun and simple, not soap operas in themselves. Cartoons such as Bugs Bunny, Huckleberry Hound, Pixie, Mixie and Jinx, Yogi Bear, the Jetsons and the kin or ilk of these).

I don't mean to tell you what programming you should have, but I am giving you my one voice from many regarding what types of programming we (or at least I) would really love to see.

I would personally go more than out of my way to support just these six channel types.

I did send an email to Mr. Napier regarding programming. I am sure that he is inundated with emails, so I will let you retrieve my thoughts from this site and take them back to the office from here instead. This way you may filter the information better and free up your in-boxes for more official information and communications.

You can count that for every one of ME, there are at least a dozen or two dozen more people that would set up equipment to view your channels within the first year. Many more would follow after then in an exponential curve.

Keep going and God Bless your organization.

Gordy (RADAR)
TV has changed and it is not what it used to be. With that said, they do have some great new shows on so they have added some great stuff but at the same time, they do have shows like they did so that is the downside. I would like to see some of the older shows come back on a few channels. If this service offers something you cannot even get on cable/satellitite paid services then this would be a great advantage that they would have.
It would be a plus if they added a channel for news and weather because a lot of people like to keep it locked in on the news and if this was their only source of television it would let them know what is going on in the outside world.
Ok, so I do not make any confusion , We do not have any religious Agenda and what you see on the site is what we are. We are for clean programing that Leon would let his ten year old daughter watch. No cursing and no seductive behavior is what he would limit. Killing a deer or gutting a squirrel is ok with him, part of life. So any movies must make it by Leon and be ok with the F.C.C. guidelines. Thanks !!!

Can we PLEASE do without murdering & gutting Bambi and friends? I mean really, that's just not really necessary is it?

There's an ample supply of that sort of thing on Saturday mornings on RTV, flying under the flag of "e/i" programming. How awful that this sort of thing is presented to children on Saturday mornings!

And I am shocked that someone would let their 10 year old daughter watch such things! Terrible!
I'm OK with people eating Bambi as long as it's done legally.

People need to eat stuff other than vegetables, IMO. Otherwise it's not healthy.

As a result, I think it's OK to show on TV how to harvest food.
I'm OK with people eating Bambi as long as it's done legally.

People need to eat stuff other than vegetables, IMO. Otherwise it's not healthy.

As a result, I think it's OK to show on TV how to harvest food.

I'm not a vegetarian, I do eat meat on occasion and I'm fully aware of how and where it comes from. I was in FFA when I was in high school and saw the awful truth personally.

I have no issues with killing and eating wild animals FOR SURVIVAL. If you have no other options, then you do what you must to stay alive. But modern hunters do not do it for survival, they do it for FUN. Killing for fun. And they call it "sport". Um, sure.

People say the herds have to be thinned. OK. Fine. The government should do it and give the meat to poor people that are in dire need of food.

OK, whatever. I'm stopping now before I get cranked up and people start going off on me. I know my opinion is highly unpopular and unwelcome here.

I've said my piece.
My 4yr old daughters favorite sport is shooting at the range and hunting. My 7yr old son can show you how to gut and skin a deer. These are all valuable life skills I'm glad they know. My children know the difference between Bambi and deer, you can't eat a cartoon.
OK, whatever. I'm stopping now before I get cranked up and people start going off on me. I know my opinion is highly unpopular and unwelcome here.

I've said my piece.
I can't say I share your opinion, but is it not unwelcome. I like that we can be friendly while disagreeing on this site. I just don't like it when people imply that their view is the only valid one!

The proposed channel line up for FreeDBS is interesting and I like the variety. There are certainly a few channels that I will not be watching, but I'm glad they are there for others who enjoy those programs. I find it very encouraging that they are trying to offer family friendly programming. Seems like these days one has to choose between "anything goes" and exclusively religious programming.
I know that there are people out there that don't believe in hunting based on personal beliefs or philosophical ideals. I also think that they have every right to their beliefs and I would never hold those ideas against them.

That being said, what they sometimes don't think about is how tough life (and death) is for animals. I'm sure that an animal would probably choose not to be killed by a bullet or arrow if that were the only way they could die. The truth is that nearly all prey animals (and many predatory animals) will be killed an eaten long before they reach anywhere near the end of their lifespans. Those that aren't eaten face starvation, droughts, and natural disasters. To put it plainly, wild animals simply do not live to a ripe old age, and retire to enjoy their golden years.

Now I'm not saying that because animals are going to die anyway that we should go out and just start shooting everything in sight. However, given the choices of starvation, being eaten alive, or dying quickly from a bullet, the latter doesn't sound like the worst choice.

Just something to think about...
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