No doubt there are some poor folks who have no internet access at home but I can't even imagine living without it anymore. Just the ability to do an internet search has become almost indispensable. Granted, you don't need it to survive at a minimal level but could you really go back to the way it was before the internet?
I would love to!
Last August I was without a cell phone for the better part of a week when I had to send my Nexus 6P to eBay Valet and didn’t receive my Pixel yet. It was a beautiful, glorious, peaceful 4 or 5 days. Last March we had windstorms that took out the power from Tuesday afternoon to Saturday morning. Gasp, not only no internets, but no TV, no phone, no heat. Thank God for the gas water heater so we could still take hot showers. It was a cold week. It got down to 40 degrees inside of the house by Thursday evening. The internet is a really important thing when you’re freezing in your own house covered up with 5 blankets and the only source of heat besides your own body is a propane lantern. NOT! Besides the cold, it was a very nice feeling being isolated and having no access to the outside world.
One thing I’ve noticed is since the loss of power in March, I spend less time on the computer. Since being without a cell phone in the Summer, I hardly ever touch the thing.
The internet was great when no one was on it. It was a great thing up until it was ruined by things like Facebook and the advent of the smartphone, which allowed people who should not have a voice in society to have a megaphone courtesy of an overpriced circuit board they carry in their pockets.
Growing up in the 80s and 90s, I feel sorry of the Tide Pod eating generation, unless they are strong willed, which most of them aren’t, they’ll never know what it’s like to not have something like ‘social’ media infecting their life. If I had kids, I’d probably have enterprise grade ASAs with service agreements to restrict as much of the internet as possible.
I didn’t have an encyclopedia set at home. If I needed a real encyclopedia as a reference for a report and my Compton’s Interactive or Microsoft Encarta didn’t count, I’d have to go in town to the public library or stay after school and use the school library. I don’t feel sorry for people who don’t have internet home. My tax dollars are paying for you to have access to it in some way, shape or form, so take advantage of it.
My first real eye opening moment on how disgustingly dependent we are on technology was courtesy of the South Park episode 'Over Logging'.