New Equipment for Old Customers


Original poster
Nov 10, 2003
Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to how I could go about getting updated Dish equipment. Actually, the equipment isn't for me, it's for my parents. I'm not sure exactly how long they have been with Dish, but I think it's at least been 5 or 6 years (maybe longer). Well, the equipment they have has seen better days and they are looking to replace it. Does Dish offer any kind of deals for long-time subscribers who just need to get updated equipment? Would they offer newer equipment if my parents signed up for another one or two year contract? I'll call Dish later, but was hoping to get an idea of how this could be handled so that I'm not going in blind. Thanks.
Dish has a few promos... standard 301 remanufactured recievers "Dish'n it out like new"
.. 501/510/721 upgrade promos.

All of them offer discounted recievers at a commitment/CCAP with add on/swap out potential.
Oh yeah. I'm sure he'll enjoy the mulltiple phone calls he'll be receiving every day from his parents as they try and use the 811. Shoot. My mom used to call me from Florida every time she wanted to record something with her VCR.
ride525 said:
maybe time to get the parents a HD TV and Dish 811 HD receiver? I think promo is still on for 811 at $149 or $199, depending on your customer status...

Don't you love your parents, why would you do such a thing to them? :rolleyes:
GaryPen said:
Oh yeah. I'm sure he'll enjoy the mulltiple phone calls he'll be receiving every day from his parents as they try and use the 811. Shoot. My mom used to call me from Florida every time she wanted to record something with her VCR.
OTOH, Stevens dad may be an old fart like me who loves to play around with the latest and greatest and may want the future option, at least, to get HD in the future. Also, it would appear that as long as you don't stray into OTA on the 811, it is a fairly solid performer.

I think the best deal right now for anyone who is absolutely not interested in HD is the 721 at $249 for current subscribers. That is half of what I paid for mine and it is the neatest one so far, but then again, I MUST have HD so will someday succumb to the siren call of the 921..................

I would absolutely recommend getting at least a PVR/DVR, 508 or 510 which makes TV watching easier.
I'm also trying to get my parents upgraded to a dvr. I've had a 721 for going on 2 years now and just ordered another one wed. from the dish store that they gave me a good deal on. My parents would need a quad lnb to hook up a 2 tuner receiver though, so I called the original retailer they bought from in 96' about the 249.00 deal and there answer was, (never heard of a 721,whats that?) I can't believe someone in a business over 10 years that don't know what products they have to sell. Anyway i'll try again when I hear of someone getting this deal.I believe 2 tuner dvr would be easier to operate for someone in their 80's than a single tuner because of timers firing when watching live tv.
No way, no HD for them...I'm still trying to convince them to upgrade to a DVR. My mother thinks that it's pretty cool, but she just can't see spending $4.95 a month on the service (although she probably ends up spending more than that on VCR tapes each month). :rolleyes:

Anyway, called customer service and got ahold of someone who I suppose was a bit upset that I interrupted his nap. I told him the situation and he muttered (I'm not exaggerating...he actually muttered) something about $49.00 trade-in deals. Oh well, too bad existing subscribers can't get in on the kind of deals that new ones can. Dish should at least allow current customers (in good standing) to get new customer deals every 5 or 6 years (with a new contract of course) but I guess that'll never happen.

Well, if I can convince them to upgrade to a DVR and I give them an old 301 I have, that'll just be one more I have to get ahold of for them. Thanks for the replies everyone. :)
You might consider switching them to Directtv. You can get a Directtivo
and standard receiver for $99 and some reduced programing for six month.
Unless you just want to stick with E* you might want to check them out.

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