New DishHD Packages to be added February

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Dune said:
Am I wrong in saying that everyone who receives Dishnetwork HD programing currently, will still be receiving the exact same programming using their existing receivers on Feb 1.
In other words come Feb 1 for existing subscribers nothing has changed including the price.
Dish stated in the press release that an upgrade path would be provided for existing customers. Why don't we give them a chance to let us know what the plans are before we threaten to jump ship.
No, the press release never addressed the issue of an upgrade path for existing customers...that's what we're all carping about.
Well don't expect anything for free, nothing is free. Don't hold your breath until monday for the HD Chat because my feeling is nothing at all in terms of upgrade paths will be announced. You will get the same news we got today..."Here are our new receiveres and they are capable of x,y, and z and here are our new HD channels including blah blah blah."

I'll sit tight for now. I will see what they offer. I am not going to D* thats for sure, but cable with a dual tuner HD-DVR at no up-front cost is a simple and easy way to go...heck no commitment either. So I won't complain now or ever, I will just switch.
can you guys believe this, first microsoft makes me upgrade my xbox to play the new 360 games, then dish network makes me upgrade my reciever to see the new HD channels!! what a load of crap! what are they a business trying to make money?!?

I heard rumor upon rumor that they werent going to do this to me, and now that the offical press release is here and it dosent go along with the rumors that were spreading I am so upset, I wonder why dish would say those things in rumors, and then do another, what a lousy company!! I will go to directv where they do the same exact thing, and I will never EVER be happy!!! I am still not for 100% sure whats going on, but I will act like I know and be all ticked off and complain!

Sorry guys, but reading through alot of posts today is kinda the same thing over and over, everything that was released was a RUMOR and was released as so, now that dish network has KINDA said what they were doing (I am sure more will be announced later) everyone is flying off the handle, just relax things will work out in the end, and guess what if they dont, do what I will do, own up to your contract and afterwards take your money somewhere else if you dont like it, thats just my two cents anyways.
I'm with Brett. If the new and currently existing channels move up to full rez. I'm bout it but if not I won't be happy to say the least. Also how about Dish cuts the sh*t and adds an extra HD movie channel since we're paying extra for those packages anyway. I'm thinking Starz HD. If Dish would charge a $1-2 extra for each package I'd be happy to see Cinemax and TMC HD. This is pathetic seriously. Granted VOOM was more expensive but all the movie channels and almost all the regular HD channels were there too right?
If Dish could COMPLETELY fill VOOM's void, full programming AND full rez HD nuts would be running to it. Why is it so hard to give us all six movie channels but they can fill VOOM's shoes for regular HD channels?
I have no problem with the new HD channels being in Mpeg4.

I do have a problem with the new HD channels launching in 3 weeks with the receivers being vaporware and no upgrade path being spelled out for current subscribers.
mwgiii said:
I have no problem with the new HD channels being in Mpeg4.

I do have a problem with the new HD channels launching in 3 weeks with the receivers being vaporware and no upgrade path being spelled out for current subscribers.

I would stand with you on this issue, I am going to give them to the charlie chat to see what they are going to do, as CES is just to get the word out there, I actually have a 411 or 211 on order so I might get lucky at least I hope I would I have been ordering it since middle of december! but I would agree it does seem like MASS confusion and a big scramble just to get a new mpeg4 reciever!
I'm generally not a pessimist, but for all the statements hoping the E* will make it easy or affordable to upgrade to MPEG4 and get the new 622, have you all not been paying attention?

What on earth makes you think they'll do a dang thing for existing customers? It just isnt in their track record to pay much, if any, attention to the existing subs, is it?!?

Wait for the promised Charlie Chat on HD? Yeah...those are always filled with facts that you can chisel in stone, right? Ranks right up there with the tech chat what, two months ago that told us not to expect MPEG4 anytime soon. How many folks went out and bought 811s and 942s after that insight.

I wouldnt be surprised if we all get the price increase for the new HD pack, whether we have the equipment or the ability to SEE the channels or not...and wow, won't that be nice. Heck, given their track record of meeting announced committments, I am surprised more folks havent questioned whether the channels will actually launce on 2/1/06 as they have stated. I'd bet they get delayed for some reason or another. They could have easily tossed us a bone at least us foaming at the mouth for ESPN2HD, but they didnt even toss us that...even though it is already on the sats in MPEG2. Flip a dang switch, and we'd all be watching it right now.

OK...backing down from the soapbox...What a damn disappointment this announcement turned into.
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I'd pay the $25 a month and sign up for a 2 year commitment if they gave me the 622 for $200 as an upgrade to my 721 and 6000 (I'd gladly send both back to them) and installed the dish i need to get the HD content. Net cost to me would be $100, simplify my life, and give me the HD channels I currently don't have (since I don't have any HD for the 6000 other than OTA, since it is such a POS I decided not to worry about the third satellite point when i moved).
" DISH Network is also introducing at CES a new series of satellite receivers that combine MPEG4 and MPEG2 signal capability. The cutting-edge ViP Series combines state-of-the-art imaging technology with life-like Dolby(R) Digital 5.1 surround sound for the best picture and sound quality available. Existing customers with MPEG2 equipment, such as the DISH Player DVR 942, will continue to receive all their current content and will need to upgrade to a ViP Series receiver to receive the new HD channels. DISH Network will offer a convenient upgrade package for existing customers who want to expand their HD lineup to include the new channels."

This is from the press release so why is everyone still bitching? Why don't people read first, digest and then talk?
My unique Dish Hell

I've been a dish customer for over 2 years. Switched to them after a few years of DirectTV before that. Started shopping for an HD plasma in September with the goal of getting one and starting HD programming in time for the Holidays and Bowl games. Finally settled on and received the plasma, then set my mind on securing HD programming. I had two 311 receivers, so our household never took advantage of ANY upgrade to DVR offers in 2+ years, and we've been a DVR-less household. We pay our bill on time and they've made a LOT of money on us. DVR HD was a high priorty for me. My shopping took place the first few weeks of December. I called Dish numerous times trying to get a 942 for less than $700. They wouldn't budge. I checked into DirecTV, our local Cable HD. Free HD DVR unit from Cable...only 8 or 9 channels. DirectTV HD/DVR for around $250. I threw these into Dish's face, and really put the pressure on them to "help me out". They still wouldn't budge. They said they "escalated" my issue to a supervisor, and when I talked to her, same story: pay $700 or feel free to cancel. I came oh so close to cancelling, but in the end, my college team was playing on ESPN HD and I REALLUY wanted to see it in HD and record it. With unfavorable reviews of DirectTV's HD offerings, I was trying my hardest to stay with Dish. So, in the end, I caved. Ponied up the $700. I had a few conversations with my local installer about the rumblings of mpeg4 and such. He didn't know what was going on with the new channels or when..but DID say I would without a doubt be able to get ESPN 2 HD with my 942 in a few weeks. After Christmas is when I discovered the Satellite Guys forum, and I've been reading about the whole mess since then.

So, I AM one of those "suckers" who owns a 942, and not only that, it's less than 3 weeks old. What's gonna happen to me? Stuck with no ESPN2 HD forever? My gut feeling and ultimate nightmare is that Dish won't care when the 622's start shipping, that I was a very recent purchaser of the 942. They'll want me to pay full retail to get the 622. That sinking feeling keeps getting worse and worse the more I try to decide what to do. Should I hurry up and eBay my 942 while they're still bringing $500?

By the way, I also have a serious audio sync issue I can't fix. I can't watch a concert or a movie on Dish's HD channels pumped through my Marantz for sound AT ALL. Lip sync is horrible. NO such problem with my settup with my DVD Player, so I think it is a problem with the 942. I might just call them and tell them I want to return the 942 because it is "defective".

Any advice from experienced listers about what a sucker like me should do? I'm feeling really, really down about the whole thing right now.


Many have, just saying 'a convient upgrade package' means nothing

Simply put, it could be $250 + 2yr commitment + your first born son, and that may be considered 'convienent'
CJPC said:
Many have, just saying 'a convient upgrade package' means nothing
Simply put, it could be $250 + 2yr commitment + your first born son, and that may be considered 'convienent'

Exactly. Whats convienient? $99 upgrade fee that seems fair. $200 to upgrade say from an 811 to the 622, that seems fair. But thats my thinking of fair. Theirs may be $250 for an upgrade $500-600 to get an HD-DVR. Thats where all the fuss is, and I see neither of these answers being dealt with anytime before march/april.

Also if they are raising prices on the HD pak because of the new channels, well then they better credit my bill for the difference. I will gladly pay if I can WATCH the new channels otherwise they can kiss my 5 year or so old auto-pay account goodbye.
sker66, I'm right there with you. I've been with Dish for 8 years now. Same as you, just bought my 942 4 weeks ago after the same hassles of trying to get a better deal.
Ended up with a $798 bill - receiver and install. Tried to get a Dish 1000 thrown in, but they wouldn't do that, although they did try to add Voom service to my bill even though I had no way of receiving it.

I hold out a slim hope for a decent upgrade path. But I also know that E* has never done any favors for me as a loyal customer. If I scammed a rotating "new customer" deal, I'd be treated better.

But I don't want to go to D* and I really don't want to go cable. I really like the 942 and would hope that whatever replaces it will be as good or better. Until then, I'll live without E2, Voom and Universal HD. I'm actually finding out that I watch more OTA HD than any of the Dish HD channels (which doesn't help the buyer's remorse).

keeping fingers crossed...

sker66 said:
...I called Dish numerous times trying to get a 942 for less than $700. They wouldn't budge. I checked into DirecTV, our local Cable HD. Free HD DVR unit from Cable...only 8 or 9 channels. DirectTV HD/DVR for around $250. I threw these into Dish's face, and really put the pressure on them to "help me out". They still wouldn't budge. They said they "escalated" my issue to a supervisor, and when I talked to her, same story: pay $700 or feel free to cancel. ... So, in the end, I caved. Ponied up the $700. I had a few conversations with my local installer about the rumblings of mpeg4 and such. He didn't know what was going on with the new channels or when..but DID say I would without a doubt be able to get ESPN 2 HD with my 942 in a few weeks. After Christmas is when I discovered the Satellite Guys forum, and I've been reading about the whole mess since then.
So, I AM one of those "suckers" who owns a 942, and not only that, it's less than 3 weeks old. ...
The Wages of Bait and Switch

Dune said:
" ... Existing customers with MPEG2 equipment, such as the DISH Player DVR 942, will continue to receive all their current content and will need to upgrade to a ViP Series receiver to receive the new HD channels. DISH Network will offer a convenient upgrade package for existing customers who want to expand their HD lineup to include the new channels."
This is from the press release so why is everyone still bitching? Why don't people read first, digest and then talk?
In May I paid $350 (DVR, second Dish) for 10 VOOM channels then and the remaining channels (11, count 'em, eleven) by first quarter '06. I didn't pay for 5 more channels in '06. I didn't pay for the option of increasing my contract commitment in '06. And I damn sure didn't pay for the chance to ante up again to get the rest of what I was promised. Considering the recent Voom resolution downgrade, if Dish plays bait and switch with the rest of the channels, they've already gotten their last dollar from me. They can pick up their stuff after I get my $350 back. I've advised my colleagues and acquaintances to sit tight on Dish until the smoke clears. And my colleagues ARE the 800 pound gorilla.
bookwalk said:
This news release about MPEG 4 and VOOM -- is this a case of 12 miners lived and one died or 12 miners died and one lived?
Can there be a class-action lawsuit somewhere along the line? FAlse Advertising all along.

A little insensitive, no?
Guys heres what i think we should do. Everyone who is concerned should email him showing your frustration and threating to drop Dish. This may force him to re-write his script for Jan 9th, Charlie Chat.
One more thing why won't any one answer this simple question which has been asked in this thread about 3 times "will you still be able to use the D500 and 6.15 to get all the channels including HD mpeg4 or will they need a D1000"

Happy NY and good luck to all of us.
"will you still be able to use the D500 and 6.15 to get all the channels including HD mpeg4 or will they need a D1000"

The Voom channels and Espn2 are on both 61.5 and 129. The HD package is on 110. So yes you should be able to get all the HD channels either if you have a Dish 1000 or a Dish 500 for 119 and 110 and a second dish for 61.5.
RandallA said:
"will you still be able to use the D500 and 6.15 to get all the channels including HD mpeg4 or will they need a D1000"
The Voom channels and Espn2 are on both 61.5 and 129. The HD package is on 110. So yes you should be able to get all the HD channels either if you have a Dish 1000 or a Dish 500 for 119 and 110 and a second dish for 61.5.
Thanks bud.
Appreciate the info and help from all the guru's on this forum.
There appears to be a lot of speculation here on what E* will, or will not, do to provide an upgrade path for existing customers. The facts are none of us know what path will be taken. Quite frankly many of the posts I have read amount to little more than emotional venting based on the unknown.

I get the impression that E*'s plans for the expansion of HD and MPEG4 have been in a state of flux. Call me naive but I find it hard to believe that during the last tech chat we were intentionally deceived concerning the plans for MPEG4 implementation. I am sure this is a very fluid situation that may have changed numerous times since that broadcast.

Have many of you forgotten the great deals on the 6000 (along with the OTA module) and 811 receivers there were offered to existing customers with no additional commitment? I took advantage of both offers and both receivers are in use today. Before I offer an opinion on MPEG4 upgrades for existing customers I think it would be prudent to learn what those upgrades are.
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Fee question

Hello everyone... Quick question on a 322
