New Dish customer with channel Recall question


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Original poster
Mar 29, 2008
I had been a Directv customer from 1995 to 2012. When they would not upgrade me without a $350 charge, I decided to try Dish, and I also was very interested in the Hopper/Joey system.
With the Directv system, I was used to watching a recording from the dvr, then hitting the recall button to return it to live tv to take a call, or etc., then hitting recall again to once again return to the recorded program.
Am I missing something obvious, because to return to a dvr recording, I have to hit "dvr" then search for my program to return to. Seems like there would be an easier way to do that.
I had been a Directv customer from 1995 to 2012. When they would not upgrade me without a $350 charge, I decided to try Dish, and I also was very interested in the Hopper/Joey system.
With the Directv system, I was used to watching a recording from the dvr, then hitting the recall button to return it to live tv to take a call, or etc., then hitting recall again to once again return to the recorded program.
Am I missing something obvious, because to return to a dvr recording, I have to hit "dvr" then search for my program to return to. Seems like there would be an easier way to do that.

The recall option only works with live programming, not DVR content. If you are viewing live TV you would need to hit the DVR button, find the event and highlight it and press the play button to resume where you left off.
If you are taking a telephone call, simply press the Pause button on your remote. When you are finished with your call, simply press the Pause or Play button to continue your recording. There is no need to come out of DVR mode...
My first thought was "Pause" as well. Why go to live TV especially if you're answering the phone or something? Seems that you'd want it quiet...
My first thought was "Pause" as well. Why go to live TV especially if you're answering the phone or something? Seems that you'd want it quiet...

I suppose it's possible that the op has a concern of burn in and does not want to leave the screen paused. In that case, having it work like he described would be appealling.

Sent from my phone using SatelliteGuys sweet app.
I use pause and if on phone for a long period of time, I turn off the tv and leave the receiver on.

I do the same, probably don't have too, but something in my brain is always thinking "what if?" Lol

Sent from my phone using SatelliteGuys sweet app.
Most new Plasma TV's (2007ish and newer) have burn in protection features and even the burn in removal feature and burn in is somewhat a thing of the past.

"Many new plasmas include burn-in reduction features, such as screensavers and "pixel shifting" that help prevent burn-in. Some of these features are invisible to the viewer. For instance, newer Panasonic plasmas call it "pixel wobbling," while Pioneer Kuro plasmas have something called "pixel orbiting," but both do the same thing: they ever-so-slightly shift the image on the screen a pixel or two at set intervals. The shift is virtually unnoticeable. Many sets also have settings for treating burn-in should it occur. Often, this involves simply blasting the screen with a white image from several minutes to hours, which usually eradicates the ghost.Many newer plasmas, include built-in features that safeguard against burn-in."

cant remember where I copied that from
I really wouldn't be too concerned with a paused picture burning in unless you leave that screen on for hours, like a whole day. I'll also say that being cautious is not a bad thing either. ;)
Still, the best workaround for your situation is to pause and then turn off the TV if you really want to be cautious.
I agree with the OP. Channel recall should toggle back to the DVR program.

I've done a recall by accident and it should be easier to recover from that. On Hopper, I've set the recall mechanism up to require selection from a menu of recently watched channels to help avoid accidentally dropping out of DVR playback.
Channel recall should toggle back to the DVR program.
It will never happen with Dish. They could add a "Resume" button that could do this though. Reason I say it won't happen is that with Dish receivers, for a very long time, "Recall" has had a specific function and they aren't likely to change it. Even on the Hopper, they "enhanced" the Recall function but the old method is still there (not sure which is the default although I think it's the NEW method).
I'm just not seeing the burning need for this. Pause works so well. You can come close to that function with a Harmony remote if you really need it. (I already have a button on the Harmony that takes you directly to the DVR listings)
I also agree with Hall, it's possible Dish could add another button, but probably not change the function of recall. Could be more frustrating to go to that recording when you did not mean to...
It will never happen with Dish. They could add a "Resume" button that could do this though. Reason I say it won't happen is that with Dish receivers, for a very long time, "Recall" has had a specific function and they aren't likely to change it. Even on the Hopper, they "enhanced" the Recall function but the old method is still there (not sure which is the default although I think it's the NEW method).

I hope you're wrong. I too like the OP am a former D*TV customer who used this capability all the time. I still find it annoying that Dish hasn't implemented this feature on the Hopper. I also disagree with the notion that in order to do this they'd need to create a new button such as resume. The recall button would work just fine. Just have it do what is says, e.g., recall whatever program you were playing whether it be a recording or a live broadcast.

Now, for those wondering why they'd ever want this feature I'll explain how I used it on D*TV. Let's say I turn on the TV and I see a program playing live that I want to watch. However, I despise commercials so when a commercial comes on I just press the pause button on the remote so it pauses the live TV and then go find something already recorded and begin to watch that. After say 15 minutes or so of watching the recording I'd press recall (on D*TV I believe it was the swap button or something like that) button and it would take me right back to the live (albeit paused) program/channel I was on before. I would press the play button and then skip past the commercials and watch it for awhile. I would go back and forth like this and it was wonderful.

This feature worked particularly well when watching sporting events where I really didn't care to watch the whole game but simply wanted to check in from time to time to see how things were going. If a game would get good I'd keep watching, but it play became boring I'd switch over and watch the recorded content for awhile and then switch back and fast forward until play started to pick back up again. The way this worked was seamless and didn't require an extra button.

There's my two cents.
Unfortunately, implementing such a recall would probably be more involved than you'd think since the current design of the DVR dumps the live TV buffer when watching a recorded program.
Would PnP accomplish what they are trying to do? I've never used it with live and DVR, only with live and live but the mention of a swap button got me thinking that might work.
I hope you're wrong. I too like the OP am a former D*TV customer who used this capability all the time. I still find it annoying that Dish hasn't implemented this feature on the Hopper.
I can't argue that it's not a good idea, but on the other hand, I have NO experience with it, so I'm not missing anything. Neither are millions of Dish customers with DVRs.

Your usage of this is different than the OP's. In your case, I fail to see why you wouldn't just hit "Record" instead of "Pause". It will accomplish the same thing - I think. Then again, with the most recent s/w update, hitting "Record" actually defaults to recording from the start of the show (if you'd been watching it) so when you tell it to play, it will start from the beginning, not at the point you told it to start recording.

DIRT Availabilty

Joey very erratic - Stuttering, pixelation, 1305 codes, etc.

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