New DIRECTV H20 MPEG-2/4 on sale

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bonscott87 said:
It will all be taken care of inside the LNB housing. Just like the current Phase III dishes have an interal multswitch that takes care of the Sat C combiner and all that inside the LNB itself.

I think what people are looking for is some actual information on how the new lnbs are selected- whether they use new voltages and tones, or new combos of the old voltages and tone. This information would be very useful in determining whether our existing cascaded multiswitches will work with the new 5 lnb dishes.

HDTVFanAtic said:
Ok, I am confused (Not an unusual state for me).

I ordered the H20 from you earlier this week and said early August on the webpage when I ordered.....just as you say above.

I referred someone today to pick one up as well and it now says late September.

What changed this week? :confused:

D* told me this past weekend that maybe Jan or Feb before anyone has one.
No offense, but I'd really like to hear from Robert what changed and why. I would hope a superior sponsor wouldn't be throwing out FUD/BS on delivery dates and clearly had to have assurance from D* that the units would be available August 1st as originally stated. If I wanted bull, I could choose any supplier out there, but was trying to support someone who supported

And quite frankly, if this is the case, how can I or anyone believe him when he posts earlier in this thread that he can sell a 5lnb Dish to anyone and it does not require a D* installer? How do we know that will not change in another 5 days?

These are simple and reasonable questions that I and everyone else here should and would expect an answer to.
I am NOT speaking for Robert, nor do I hold any specific insider info but this kind of thing happens all the time with any new product, from nearly every company; They announce to dealers at shows or via newsletters that an item's ship date will XX/XX/XXXX at then 2 weeks later they have a setback.
HDTVFanAtic said:
No offense, but I'd really like to hear from Robert what changed and why. I would hope a superior sponsor wouldn't be throwing out FUD/BS on delivery dates and clearly had to have assurance from D* that the units would be available August 1st as originally stated. If I wanted bull, I could choose any supplier out there, but was trying to support someone who supported

And quite frankly, if this is the case, how can I or anyone believe him when he posts earlier in this thread that he can sell a 5lnb Dish to anyone and it does not require a D* installer? How do we know that will not change in another 5 days?

These are simple and reasonable questions that I and everyone else here should and would expect an answer to.

You do realize that DirecTV runs the show. And thus they can change the rules at any time. So right now they have told dealers they can sell the 5LNB dish. They may change their mind.

The R15 was delayed until Sept due to some software issues. The H20 may have been delayed until Sept simply so DirecTV can launch them both at the same time. Who really knows and it certainly doesn't matter to me. The fact is that up until within the past week DirecTV planned to sell them starting the first of Aug. Now DirecTV has put in a delay. How is this Roberts fault?

My pre-order for the R15 will stay and I'll probably pre-order the H20 by the end of the week if a couple other things line up. When it's released is of no concern to me. But that's just me I guess.
Robert @ VE is just offering what he knows as "a fact" when he offers it. He sometimes is over-enthusiastic, but that does not mean he intentionally lied or misled us.

It just means that we, the reader should take the most of the news regarding future schedules from anybody with some grains of salt.

(I guess that would be my two cents.)

I would never hold Robert responsible for any delays in Directv's plans. He tells us this stuff not to feed us a line of BS (Which he never has, look how accurate he's been so far), but because he does it out of kindness knowing that us geeks want to know everything.

Keep up the good work Robert, thank you for all the things you do here.
1) I ordered a unit based on an early August ship date.

2) I have a confirmation of my order

3) This thread says they are now on sale and as quoted, it shows the early August ship date.

4) Where is the post from Robert explaining a 45-60 day delay in this thread? Number please. If facts change that he posted, isn't it his obligation to post the changed facts?

I do not hold Robert responsible for Directv's decisions. I do hold him accountable for how he deals with people that have purchased products from him.

Where is the notification from him - in this thread or via email - that my order has been delayed and reasons why.

I see just the opposite - a disapperance and no correspondence or posts at to this change from him. Is this what I expect? no!

Did he just expect I would let my order slide for 60 days and not wonder where it was? That's what I hold him accountable for - how he handles his customer's relations.

Anyone who doesn't get this needs a reality check.
You have to remember that he runs a busy business. Have you tried e-mailing him? He's good about getting back with people. He can't be on here 24/7.

Out of any business/person I have ever done business with, I would have to say that Robert has been the BEST person to do business with. He's very polite, and if something goes astray with your order (like what happened when I ordered a D10 from him earlier this year) then he will help you any which way he can.

Please cut him some slack. I have noticed that whenever someone is nice enough to give us some information about upcoming stuff and something happens and it changes or gets delayed, some people cut the messenger at the throat. I have seen the same thing happen with LonghornXP. These guys don't work for Directv. Directv can and will change things sometimes. It happens.

Again I also have not seen any messages regarding delays in product.
I don't have any explanation from DIRECTV why the delivery date will not be in August. I know they want to get all of the new advanced products out as quickly as humanly possible.

The first date was provided by reliable sources. New advanced consumer technology hardware is frequently more changeling to get to market than expected and I am guilty of getting too excited about the product and it's benefits and I should have used more caution.

DIRECTV keeps these new product developments very confidently and whenever I find information I have freely communicated it. Which in itself I am not going to be able to so freely provide from now on.

I am sorry if I have not been as prompt in responding here and to possibly other threads on other forums that this information is spoken about.

Frankly, I do not know why the product will not be available in early August, but I am sure they are working very hard to get to market as quickly as possible and the time it takes to get these advanced products in our hands is necessary to make the product as reliable and fully capable to deliver the rich new experiences of all of the advanced features we will long enjoy.

Keep the faith.

Neutron said:
You have to remember that he runs a busy business. Have you tried e-mailing him? He's good about getting back with people. He can't be on here 24/7.

Out of any business/person I have ever done business with, I would have to say that Robert has been the BEST person to do business with. He's very polite, and if something goes astray with your order (like what happened when I ordered a D10 from him earlier this year) then he will help you any which way he can.

If you look at Message #1, this thread which was quickly picked up by other forums in the satellite arena was that he was taking orders for an early August delivery. It was in fact a veiled thread to push sales for himself.

In fact, afaik, he was the only dealer in America taking orders for delivery. Either that made him smart or .....less smart. The web page stated the same delivery date as posted above and he stated the same date on this thread.

Its easy to have a good transaction where everything goes according to plan. Where a dealer shines is when things DONT GO RIGHT and how they handle it.

Re-read your statement. He runs a busy business so he was too busy to let those how have placed orders that the information he provided is incorrect and the wait time will now be 500% LONGER THAN QUOTED ?

I am glad he is so successful. However, when a customer who needed a new HDTV STB for Directv now and was willling to wait until early August finds out that the ship date has been extended 500% and the delay is now 8-10 weeks by recommending the dealer to someone else who happens to find an end of September ship date on their web think I would recommend this dealer again? You think he will continue to be that successful when he can't make good on the orders he's already fillled while taking new ones?

Neutron said:
Please cut him some slack. I have noticed that whenever someone is nice enough to give us some information about upcoming stuff and something happens and it changes or gets delayed, some people cut the messenger at the throat. I have seen the same thing happen with LonghornXP. These guys don't work for Directv. Directv can and will change things sometimes. It happens.

Great! And please give me the url of any dealer in America that is currently taking orders for the retail version of Microsoft Longhorn to be shipped in a given month.

Give information. Don't take orders and then wonder why you have mad customers when you did something D* did not endorse or condone. Clearly you did something no other dealer in America did. Directv didn't tell you to put these on sale for early August delivery. You gambled wanting to be the first on the block and the publicity it would result in (which you did) and ended up loosing the PR game by burning potential customers along the way.

Neutron said:
Again I also have not seen any messages regarding delays in product.

I am not sure anyone really has a legitimate say about this matter on this thread except those people that actually purchased (or attempted to purchase) a STB which is why the thread is here.....but the fact that you have seen no messages regarding the delay and the link on the first page is to a website that NOW SAYS late September delivery - and someone could change that website but could not either 1) notify those that had placed orders or 2) post 1 message here for those customers to see there had been a change.

C U S T O M E R F O C U S and S E R V I C E A F T E R T H E S A L E.

Is it really that hard to understand?

If I wanted BS, I could just go talk to the minimum wage employees at Best Buy. In this case, they were right.

He might be the best dealer out there, but how can anyone now take him at his word that he can sell a D* 5lnb dish to anyone and it doesn't take a D* installer doing it now - as its just a suspect as his early August information.

And again, you wouldn't have mad customers if we were told here or via email of the delay. At that point, it would have fallen all on D*. But that's not how we learned of it. If you want to post information, post the Good and the Bad....not just the Good - or at least update the information when you find out something changed.
Great! And please give me the url of any dealer in America that is currently taking orders for the retail version of Microsoft Longhorn to be shipped in a given month.

He is talking about the user LonghornXP not the program!...

Robert ended up in this very same boat with the pre-orders for the HR10-250. That product was delayed by D* for months. But everyone who ordered one was taken care of....He can't ship what he doesn't have and anytime you "pre-order" something you agree to accept that risk...Quite frankly I am amazed Robert still does things like this after the bashings he takes by people on forums across the internet...
HDTVFanAtic, I understand you being disappointed at the delay. I think we all are. But it should be stated that Robert didn't take any money from anyone. The ad read no deposit required. In fact someone posted earlier that his credit card had not yet been charged anything. Had Robert been been filling his pockets with other peoples money, I would say FRY him on these boards. However that is not the case. As helpful as this and other sites like it are, they are still rumor mills when it comes to issues like this. Robert was working with the best information that he had available to him at the time. Things have changed and that's too bad for all of us, but no one has lost anything, except Robert. His reputation has now suffered somewhat, he is the one that may loose buisinnes over this. I for one am willing to cut him some slack.
DIRECTV keeps these new product developments very confidently and whenever I find information I have freely communicated it. Which in itself I am not going to be able to so freely provide from now on.

Thanks a lot $HIT HEADS!!! Not only have you been bad mouthing someone who provides us with D* products at an exceptionally low price with backing from his company, but now you have made it so we will not hear about "rumors" or what is happening. Some people are so immature and ignorant! It is people like you, and you know who this thread is aimed at, that ruin the good things for all of society. I could only hope that you aren't parents, becasue I would hate to see the next generation be filled with the same ignorance that you have shown here.

Robert, thank you for the flow of information and I truly hope that you continue to do what you do for the majority of us here that appreciate it so much.
Robert, I really hope you will continue doing what you do here for us. Don't let these jerks prevent you from passing on information. Satelliteguys would not be the same without it.
HDTVFanAtic said:
No offense, but I'd really like to hear from Robert what changed and why. I would hope a superior sponsor wouldn't be throwing out FUD/BS on delivery dates and clearly had to have assurance from D* that the units would be available August 1st as originally stated. If I wanted bull, I could choose any supplier out there, but was trying to support someone who supported

I am not sure Robert knows why, dealers are told an expected street date and thats what happened here. Why the delay? I don't know but I am sure it is not because Robert started taking pre orders. DirecTV wants these units out the door as fast as you want to purchase it.

It is unfair to blame Robert for the delay. Robert has very good insight into DirecTV and is also a valued sponsor as well. In fact I would say Roberts reputation and service speak for themself.

And quite frankly, if this is the case, how can I or anyone believe him when he posts earlier in this thread that he can sell a 5lnb Dish to anyone and it does not require a D* installer? How do we know that will not change in another 5 days?
It could change, we never know, in the past we have been told things in writing then a few days later they changed their mind and decided to do things another way. Robert is NOT DirecTV corporate and can only pass along what has been passed to him.

If you happen to find a magic crystal ball some where that is 100% accurae then please let me know, I will take a truckload. :D
HDTVFanAtic said:
Re-read your statement. He runs a busy business so he was too busy to let those how have placed orders that the information he provided is incorrect and the wait time will now be 500% LONGER THAN QUOTED ?
you could always cancel your order and get one someone elses waiting list, where you will probably be waiting longer. ROBERT HAS NO CONTROL OF WHEN DIRECTV RELEASES NEW PRODUCTS.

Robert and ValueElectronics.COM is the MOST RESPECTED and TRUSTED DirecTV dealers on the Internet, he would never do anyting to jepordize what he has worked so hard to build up upon.

A lot of DirecTV dealers have contacted me about advertising here but I stick with Robert because his reputation is so damn good. I am proud to have ValueElectronics.COM as a SatelliteGuys Gold Sponsor!
If you have to have it now then buy what's available. Pre-order is just that, PRE-ORDER. Which means it's not available but you'll be one of the first in line to get it when it becomes available. Anybody that keeps up with new technology knows release dates are almost never ever met.

This kind of reaction is the main reason that D* usually doesn't announce anything until after it available. I don't blame Robert for not wanting to post anything again. But I hope you do. Because I/we really like getting info of what's coming. And an idea of how it's going to be handle even if it isn't set in stone yet. Please keep posting Robert. 99.9% of us appreciate you! :clap
I just spoke with one of my DirecTV contacts and am told that the delay is not that bad as has been posted. I am told that te H20 will ship first, and will start shipping to dealers at the end of August, with the first units being available to the public the first week of September.

It is expected tat R15 will be available about 2 weeks after the H20 is released.

I should note what when the Dish Network 921 came out we had a waiting list because Dish said the 921 would be out in a few weeks. That few weeks ended up turning into 6 months. The retailer can not do anything about the delays in getting items out the door. Please have some patience. :)
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