New DIRECTV H20 MPEG-2/4 on sale

Please reply by conversation.
I appreciate what Robert, Longhorn, Scott and others bring to this forum. They give us the best information that they have. If it turns out to be wrong they get crucified. Please guys keep the info coming!!! If it turns out to be wrong at least you gave us HOPE. Without your input this place would be pretty dull.
joed32 said:
I appreciate what Robert, Longhorn, Scott and others bring to this forum. They give us the best information that they have. If it turns out to be wrong they get crucified. Please guys keep the info coming!!! If it turns out to be wrong at least you gave us HOPE. Without your input this place would be pretty dull.

And we appreciate the easy target practice when you are wrong!!! I kid b/c I love!
I look up to Robert, Scott, and LonghornXP for their knowledge and helpful tidbits that they post here. Robert, and the way he runs his business, has allowed me to recommend both VE and Directv to family and friends. I had my mom change from DISH to Directv earlier this year, and my best friend is about to get Directv next month, just in time for football season. :D

Any new hardware purchase I make for our Directv setup will be through VE.
asousa said:
Thanks a lot $HIT HEADS!!! Not only have you been bad mouthing someone who provides us with D* products at an exceptionally low price with backing from his company, but now you have made it so we will not hear about "rumors" or what is happening. Some people are so immature and ignorant! It is people like you, and you know who this thread is aimed at, that ruin the good things for all of society. I could only hope that you aren't parents, becasue I would hate to see the next generation be filled with the same ignorance that you have shown here.

Robert, thank you for the flow of information and I truly hope that you continue to do what you do for the majority of us here that appreciate it so much.

Glad to help out. If you got your head out of your azz and realized if he just passed info - instead of trying to take orders and get PR for being the first to sell the STB which doesnt exist yet which obviously Directv told him and others not to do, this would not be an issue.

Passing information fine - gambling to make a buck - you don't always win.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I am not sure Robert knows why, dealers are told an expected street date and thats what happened here. Why the delay? I don't know but I am sure it is not because Robert started taking pre orders. DirecTV wants these units out the door as fast as you want to purchase it.

It is unfair to blame Robert for the delay. Robert has very good insight into DirecTV and is also a valued sponsor as well. In fact I would say Roberts reputation and service speak for themself.

It could change, we never know, in the past we have been told things in writing then a few days later they changed their mind and decided to do things another way. Robert is NOT DirecTV corporate and can only pass along what has been passed to him.

If you happen to find a magic crystal ball some where that is 100% accurae then please let me know, I will take a truckload. :D guys can flip anything. I don't blame him for the delay. I BLAME HIM FOR POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE OF KEEPING HIS CUSTOMERS INFORMED.
markd said:
If you have to have it now then buy what's available. Pre-order is just that, PRE-ORDER. Which means it's not available but you'll be one of the first in line to get it when it becomes available. Anybody that keeps up with new technology knows release dates are almost never ever met.

This kind of reaction is the main reason that D* usually doesn't announce anything until after it available. I don't blame Robert for not wanting to post anything again. But I hope you do. Because I/we really like getting info of what's coming. And an idea of how it's going to be handle even if it isn't set in stone yet. Please keep posting Robert. 99.9% of us appreciate you! :clap

Though those 99.9% probably never buy from you either.
Scott Greczkowski said:
you could always cancel your order and get one someone elses waiting list, where you will probably be waiting longer. ROBERT HAS NO CONTROL OF WHEN DIRECTV RELEASES NEW PRODUCTS.

I'd be happy to except the other dealers aren't taking orders as Robert did.

And guess what? They were right!
Scott Greczkowski said:
I just spoke with one of my DirecTV contacts and am told that the delay is not that bad as has been posted. I am told that te H20 will ship first, and will start shipping to dealers at the end of August, with the first units being available to the public the first week of September.

It is expected tat R15 will be available about 2 weeks after the H20 is released.

I should note what when the Dish Network 921 came out we had a waiting list because Dish said the 921 would be out in a few weeks. That few weeks ended up turning into 6 months. The retailer can not do anything about the delays in getting items out the door. Please have some patience. :)

The retailer CAN KEEP YOU INFORMED OF THE DELAYS so you don't have to find out by accident.

I am finding that many here know nothing of how you keep a customer satisfied when there is a problem.


It's really not that hard and it doesn't cost any money.

HDTVFanAtic, please quit with the trolling and bashing of one of our Gold Sponsors! I do not see anything wrong that Robert did. You do know that when he takes preorders that unlike everyone else, he does not take any form of payment until it's actually shipped?? Try asking Gamestop do that.

Robert is a vital asset here at Satelliteguys. If it wasn't for his and LonghornXP's insights and tidbits, this forum would be slowed to a crawl.

You've been warned. Please do not troll here.
HDTVFanAtic said:
Glad to help out. If you got your head out of your azz and realized if he just passed info - instead of trying to take orders and get PR for being the first to sell the STB which doesnt exist yet which obviously Directv told him and others not to do, this would not be an issue.

Passing information fine - gambling to make a buck - you don't always win.

First of all I understand your feelings and am sorry that I did not break the news here on SatelliteGuys. I usually break all new information here first. I also am very sorry, sad and frustrated about the delay.

But I do want you to know th following;

DIRECTV has never told me not to take advance orders on any product.

We offer special pricing advantages to forum members, take no deposit, do not ask for any commitment to keep the order open with us, provide the first and fastest delivery for new, hard to get products and only offer advance sales to forum members exclusively.

I hope you are satisfied with my explanation and appreciate our position and intent.

HDTVFanAtic said:

I think thats a very unfair statement. Robert provides great service from what I have heard and is one of the best sources of information. I may disagree with some of his opinions, and I may find D* to be of low integrity but I do find Robert to be of very high integrity. I find your attack on him in very bad taste.
Scott Greczkowski said:
you could always cancel your order and get one someone elses waiting list, where you will probably be waiting longer. ROBERT HAS NO CONTROL OF WHEN DIRECTV RELEASES NEW PRODUCTS.

Robert and ValueElectronics.COM is the MOST RESPECTED and TRUSTED DirecTV dealers on the Internet, he would never do anyting to jepordize what he has worked so hard to build up upon.

A lot of DirecTV dealers have contacted me about advertising here but I stick with Robert because his reputation is so damn good. I am proud to have ValueElectronics.COM as a SatelliteGuys Gold Sponsor!

Sometimes a site administrator has to weigh the value of one members contribution against another member especially if one member is highly valuable and being attacked by some other obviously disgruntled member. Just my 2 cents.
Neutron said:
HDTVFanAtic, please quit with the trolling and bashing of one of our Gold Sponsors! I do not see anything wrong that Robert did. You do know that when he takes preorders that unlike everyone else, he does not take any form of payment until it's actually shipped?? Try asking Gamestop do that.

Robert is a vital asset here at Satelliteguys. If it wasn't for his and LonghornXP's insights and tidbits, this forum would be slowed to a crawl.

You've been warned. Please do not troll here.

With all do respect Neutron, if you are going to warn HD then you should warn other like asousa for bashing HD. HD has his opinions and although many do not agree with him, he should have every right to air his opinions in a respectful manner. Yes it has been passionate and yes HD has emphasized his point many times, but I really haven't read anything from HD that is completely out line.

I respect Robert just as much as any other person on this board, but he should not be protected from criticism, just because he is a sponser. Lets not sacrifice the integrity of these forums just to protect a sponser from a little criticism that is legitimate. Remember HDs concern is with Customer Service, which I feel is extremely legitimate. Robert is a sponser b/c he can make money by being a sponser and b/c he is in the business he is in, he should be prepared to answer questions and take criticism like this.
vurbano said:
Sometimes a site administrator has to weigh the value of one members contribution against another member especially if one member is highly valuable and being attacked by some other obviously disgruntled member. Just my 2 cents.

So if I say something that you don't agree with, I should be flamed? Or even worse, banned from the forum?
It seems like we have a bunch of immature kids in here. Why don't you just send each other e-mails and quit corrupting this post with your petty bickering. So...back on subject. Has this product actually shipped yet and has anyone recieved theirs yet?
The "bickering" is based on your point about being on subject. I know its hard to sift through that stuff, but its about the product being delayed.
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