I think I'll just wait.
I remember when the TU-HDS20 was going to solve all the worlds problems, then it was the Zenith 1080 was the bees knees, then the Sony HD100, HD200, 300, Sammy 160, 360 HTL-HD, oh wait the H10 will do everything perfectly!!!
I am perfectly content with our 2 160's, our 360 is sweet as not only a HD box but also as a scaler/upconverting unit, that also outputs over HD15 for CRT projection, I would LOVE to take a hammer to our H10.
It seems as though DerrrecTV takes steps backwards since the Sammy/LG boxes.
(Sarcasticly) Does the H20 have component out? Wouldn't surprise me if they ignored the 5 million or HDTV's without a digital input like HD-DVD is doing with the lobotomizing down rezzing over component.
I'm done being an early adopter (1st HDTV in 1999), been burned toooooo many times.
But I do appreciate the info!