Nov 31stwhen do you expect carbon ui will be coming this month or next monthl
when do you expect carbon ui will be coming this month or next monthl
Soooooooonwhen do you expect carbon ui will be coming this month or next monthl
Since it appears that Dish employees might be getting the UI early for testing, why don't you apply for a job with Dish?when do you expect carbon ui will be coming this month or next monthl
Yup if and when I am able to tell I will do so.
i understand scott please let us who when you know it will be released thanks
He will and you can now stop asking until he tells us.....
when do you expect carbon ui will be coming this month or next monthl
Since it is a new month, shouldn't we start a new thread pontificating on when the carbon app will be coming this month or next monthl(sic)?
We know....i am just so excited seeing it coming.
Maybe you'd have better luck watching a pot boil.guys i know that carbon ui is coming and is being tested right now by dish emplayees and i am hoping we have it real soon i am just so excited seeing it coming.
As mentioned Alan, it will be out when it's out and not a day sooner. Considering we are all just customers, and none of us work in the corporate office, none of us know. Lastly, anyone that knows anything, as stated 100 times on this thread, is under a Non Disclosure Agreement. That means that until the company wants you to know, no one can disclose any added inside information to it.any word on the possible of carbon coming out in the next three weeks dish told sometime this fall.