Netflix comes to the Hopper with Sling

I think that the regular pay per view channels should be called Blockbuster( like Directv did it when they had the name) and the regular hd pack of 10 or 15 channels should either be named Platinum pack for ala cart selling again or add it to the AEP at no increase in price. Then it would make AEP even more Everything and a better value for subs who have the money to afford them.
Now let me get my DIsh channels via a Netflex login on any Netflix device. The channels that are part of the DISH package that I subscribe to and then we have something.
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Here is the first bug. When I clicked on the Netfliz app, it took me to a sigh in page, I then clicked on sign in, but decided to exit. It ask was I sure that I wanted to exir, but when I clicked on yes, nothing happened. I pushed every button the the remote and nothing happedned. I coul not even turn the HWS off and yes I was in Sat mode. I had to reset the receiver with the button on the front of the HWS to get the receiver to work. Dish needs to fix this. Has anyone else had this happen. Try duplicating it to see.

Same thing on mine, except I don't get the sign in page, but S515 messed up my HWS so bad it has got to be replaced.
This is great news, too bad not available on my H2K. It said will be adding it to the Joey though, i wonder how that is?
While I'm sure it's nice for some, for me I find the dish app just way too slow. Using netflix through chromecast is much more responsive, but granted it starts up through my laptop.
I got a kick out of those that said they don't like switching inputs. To me it's no different than changing channels.
I got a kick out of those that said they don't like switching inputs. To me it's no different than changing channels.
That really depends on if one has an AV receiver. Some are a pain, and some commands, like from my Pioneer, aren't so easy to teach the Hopper remote. So, I can relate.
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I found Netflix to work very quickly on the Hopper with Sling. If you want to talk slow, try using Netflix on the Suddenlink Tivo Q Quad tuner receiver. I have not used it on Chromecast yet or other devices so maybe those devices are even faster.
Hi guys and gals. I have a super joey and a regular hooked to my HWS. The netflix app shows on the HWS but not on either joey. Any troubleshooting ideas? The tech chat said I need to wait up to 8 days but that doesn't sounds correct.

edit: I read through the thread again and see joeys aren't supported at this time. No clue why they tech chat couldn't have said that.
When having a show paused, going to the menu and selecting Netflix, it locked the receiver up and I had to reset it from the front.
Hi guys and gals. I have a super joey and a regular hooked to my HWS. The netflix app shows on the HWS but not on either joey. Any troubleshooting ideas? The tech chat said I need to wait up to 8 days but that doesn't sounds correct.

edit: I read through the thread again and see joeys aren't supported at this time. No clue why they tech chat couldn't have said that.
Should have checked here first. It's new, so do not expect even the techs to know what is what yet.
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Played with the app for only a couple of minutes, but so far, it feels decent. Granted, it will not replace my Roku 3 for a variety reasons, but it's a decent Netflix experience nonetheless. Not the best, but I've certainly seen worse. If nothing else, it shows me that my issues with Dish's UI have a lot more do with software than hardware, because if Netflix can develop decent software on the same exact machine, why can't Dish? Just a thought.
I understand your point as it relates to hardware capability, but that would be a nightmare for Dish to swap out old Joeys for new for those customers who want Netflix Joeys. I have had a few conversations with techs who had no idea they could give me a V2 Joey. This is virtually unknown for the field guys I have talked to.

This can't be the case. Gotta be all HWS customers with existing Joey hardware or its gonna be a mess.

I doubt enough customers would know netflix integration is possible. Only people who are on this forum would be calling customer service to ask. Average customer doesn't know any better
I don't subscribe to Netflix, but I've really been thinking about it lately. But I have a question on how it works among different devices. From my understanding, you can put shows you plan to watch into a "que" for later viewing. Is that correct? And if I put several shows in que from my Apple TV for example. Will they still be shown in que from the hopper (or any other device for that matter)? Is there a limit on how many shows or movies you can put in que? And I assume they disappear from the que after watching the show?

Que may not be the correct word. But you get the point. :)

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Yes, once you add a show to your "list" it is in that list for any device you use to watch netflix. Not sure on the limit to shows you can add.
They have some fantastic original series that make it worth it. House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, and Marco Polo are all excellent.

Error code 890-Wrong connection for SyFy, other channels

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