Netflix comes to the Hopper with Sling

I can't imagine Charlie is making this move without being paid by Netflix somehow. This is a money maker for Dish , like carrying HSN and getting something that way. He isn't doing it as a "public service".

I doubt Dish is getting anything that Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, and Sony didn't get for making Netflix devices. I said this before but those are some of the biggest companies in the world and the amount of people watching Netflix on a Hopper will be insignificant compared to all the other devices out there.

As of July Netflix had 50 million subscribers. From a quick google search it looks like Dish has about 14 million subscribers. Out of that 14 million only a small portion would likely have the required Hopper with Sling. Out of those customers with the right hardware only a small portion would likely sign up for Netflix to watch on the Hopper. Some people don't want it, some can't use it because of poor internet access, and some simply have other devices they like better.

I'm not saying this won't be good for Netflix. I'm just saying any gain they see will be a relatively small drop in the bucket. I'm not sure why they would make Dish a great offer that they aren't giving to all the other device makers for that.

I'm not sure how their hardware deals work out but I would suspect that Dish got the same deal as Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, etc... Netflix could be paying these companies for putting their service onto devices. It could also be the other way around though. Netflix is a huge deal these days and companies might have to pay Netflix to license their software.
So I got the Netflix prediction right in the other thread on CES predictions
I next predict at CES that they will also add Amazon prime and YouTube apps and many more. Plus a new Hopper model with 5 to 6 tuners that can do 4k Called the Hopper Streamer
What this does is keep casual Netflix subs from switching inputs. People that don't care about 1080p or Dolby 5.1 can watch a show on Netflix in two button presses. When they are done, they can go back to watching live TV instead of using someone elses service. It's about convenience and keeping people within an ecosystem you control. I too never thought they would do this even though the box is more then capable. Pretty cool, but I'll probably still be using my Xbox One just because I do care about 1080p and 5.1. Still bravo Dish. This is awesome.
As of July Netflix had 50 million subscribers. From a quick google search it looks like Dish has about 14 million subscribers. Out of that 14 million only a small portion would likely have the required Hopper with Sling. Out of those customers with the right hardware only a small portion would likely sign up for Netflix to watch on the Hopper. Some people don't want it, some can't use it because of poor internet access, and some simply have other devices they like better.
Excellent explanation and logic :thumbup
So true, I was about to switch to Tivo as it fully works now with my Cable System AND it has Netflix and many other apps.

"What this does is keep casual Netflix subs from switching inputs. People that don't care about 1080p or Dolby 5.1 can watch a show on Netflix in two button presses. When they are done, they can go back to watching live TV instead of using someone elses service. It's about convenience and keeping people within an ecosystem you control. I too never thought they would do this even though the box is more then capable. Pretty cool, but I'll probably still be using my Xbox One just because I do care about 1080p and 5.1. Still bravo Dish. This is awesome."
My view. I also have a PS3. I miss the 5.1 sound. The Hopper displays 1080i, the PS3 1080P, a noticeable difference in Picture Quality.

My family won't care about the audio and picture quality, they will look at it as easier to use. I have a 7.2 Home Theater and do care about quality. Hopefully this is still in its infancy and improvements will be made.

In the meantime, I will use my PS3 for Netflix.
We can only hope. I would love to see WWE Network come to DISH as a real channel at $14.95 a month and make the on demand stuff available via the Hopper in an app. This will give folks the WWE Network in places where broadband is not good.

I think Providers are purposely not doing this in hope the WWE network will fail.

If the WWE network is successful we will see more and more programmers bypass the cable and satellite companies completely and run their own internet based channel
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I never used Netflix because it required switching inputs and grabbing another remote or controller. I see this as a huge win, for both dish and Netflix. I watched either TV or Netflix in one sitting, I rarely would watch both because I was too lazy to move and it takes soooo long to fire up the xbox or wii and log in.
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Count me in as one of the 'few' that will sub to Netflix, to atleast see if it is worth it, now with the Hopper. I am going to wait til after CES though, as I have other plans for my equipment and time first, anywho.
Side Conversation: A cool name, if they were to buy Netflix, and do the IPStream, and IPVOD, in addition to the channels from BB@HOME, they could merge names, and call is DishFlix Blockbuster Package. That would stand out, and get some attention. And eventually people would only say "Do you have DishFlix", which in turn would be free advertising for Dish. Just my take.
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I heard this today and just yawned.

First of all, I don't need another device ( number 7 ) that gets Netflix!

Second, I still am very happy VIP 722K with 4 tuners, external HD, and Sling adapter user.

Never got excited about the Hopper.

Satellite service keeps getting more expensive and not worth the cost. If they keep raising rates for the same service, I'll move back to cable or just do all IPTV with my other IP boxes.

Sorry, guys, I don't share your excitement over this.

If Dish really wants me to pay more, open up a few 3D channels, not costly PPV, but 24/7 3D programming. Then I'll wake up and smell the dish.
I don't need another device ( number 7 ) that gets Netflix!
Don, I think that's exactly the reason why many of us are excited about this move!
We don't want to have many different devices to get various forms of video content (multiply that by the number of TVs in the house).
Ideally we want one single device with an integrated UI that would deliver all video content from all content providers (both streaming and satellite-based) to our entire house!
And Dish just made a huge step exactly in that direction!
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Hopper has the technology to play 5.1 on its regular HD programming, why aren't they able to play 5.1 sound on Netflix? Or is this just an oversight that will be corrected? I also noticed that the closed captioning on Dish Netflix was tiny.
scott talked to vivek last night about 5.1 sound last night on satguys radio vivek said he will check into it also i too i have a 5.1 surround sound system which i like to use also when i watch movies.
Don, I think that's exactly the reason why many of us are excited about this move!
We don't want to have many different devices to get various forms of video content (multiply that by the number of TVs in the house).
Ideally we want one single device with an integrated UI that would deliver all video content from all content providers (both streaming and satellite-based) to our entire house!
And Dish just made a huge step exactly in that direction!

Right on!

When I got my smart TV's, I dumped the blue rays and associated cabling. Then I went to the wireless Sonos speaker system and dumped the audio amplifiers and all those cables. Gave away my apple TV since I can get everything I want cheaper from others. Now with the Hopper/Netflix combo, I can put away the smart tv remote for almost all my viewing since I will be able to run all (except Amazon Prime) with the Hopper remote.

No more devices getting lost talking to each other and having to call up configuration screens.

Life is good (and simpler).
I heard this today and just yawned.

First of all, I don't need another device ( number 7 ) that gets Netflix!

Second, I still am very happy VIP 722K with 4 tuners, external HD, and Sling adapter user.

Never got excited about the Hopper.

Satellite service keeps getting more expensive and not worth the cost. If they keep raising rates for the same service, I'll move back to cable or just do all IPTV with my other IP boxes.

Sorry, guys, I don't share your excitement over this.

If Dish really wants me to pay more, open up a few 3D channels, not costly PPV, but 24/7 3D programming. Then I'll wake up and smell the dish.

As I've said before, I'm not a 3D fan, but now that ESPN has shut down their 3D channel are there even any full time 3D channels left?
What this does is keep casual Netflix subs from switching inputs. People that don't care about 1080p or Dolby 5.1 can watch a show on Netflix in two button presses. When they are done, they can go back to watching live TV instead of using someone elses service. It's about convenience and keeping people within an ecosystem you control. I too never thought they would do this even though the box is more then capable. Pretty cool, but I'll probably still be using my Xbox One just because I do care about 1080p and 5.1. Still bravo Dish. This is awesome.

Bingo! About six months ago, I installed a TiVo Roamio next to my Hopper after a year or so of video glitches and dropouts on several of my Dish provided local channels. It didn't take long for me to realize that what I watched on TiVo - outside the ecosystem - comprised 75 to 80% of my viewing on a weekly basis. It puts paying north of $100 per month for Dish in a completely new perspective.
I hear that. But it always comes back to sports for me. Until there is a real option to watch live sports without Dish/Cable I won't drop it.
Netflix loads up MUCH better & faster on Hopper than it ever did on the sluggish Tivo receiver that Suddenlink has to offer (even the latest 4 tuner one that they offer). Suddenlink dropped the Viacom channels so Dish might be wanting to offer this to compete with Suddenlink better. Suddenlink just got a bump in internet to 300/30 and plans on upgrading to 1 GB in a few years. Dish has to compete with that as well.

Dish could offer Netflix free for x months as part of a promotion along with or instead of the movie channels for new customers. I am sure Dish is getting something out of this. Also, Dish could do this for a while to see how many Dish subs subscribe to the service to see how viable it is for them to do a similar option. Perhaps Dish wants to partner with Netflix. It would go hand in hand with NuTV. Advertisement to all Netflix subscribers about Dish's NuTV and Dish Network (with Netflix) is a great way to trade advertisement/support.

Dish knows that Netflix is way better than Blockbuster. They probably figure it will not hurt their Blockbuster sales much and will be made up with whatever other benefit Netflix has to offer Dish.

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