NESN HD - letter to CEO

It such a shame to to watch a RED SOX game on SD with the logo that it is being broadcast in HD and the announcers bragging about the fact all the time as well
Not only that, but on today's game (in glorious SD), they boasted about the new DD 5.1 audio for games at Fenway. They even showed some of the mic placements around the park. :mad:
Not only that, but on today's game (in glorious SD), they boasted about the new DD 5.1 audio for games at Fenway. They even showed some of the mic placements around the park. :mad:

I'm about to go POSTAL!!!! Yup, todays game SD... just like the rest, channel 434....lovely!!! And seeing all the NESN-HD this and that, the DD 5.1 mike placement at can all be seen in glorious HD....

Unless of course you get NESN thru E* which case you're SCREWED!!!!!!

Where's my GLOCK!!!!!
What I don't understand is during the game on 434 it still always says NESN-HD on the banner but of course it is not HD for Dish.

So who's doing the false advertising - NESN or Dish? Does NESN actually broadcast 2 separate feeds - one SD and one HD?

It seems to me that the FTC should prohibit them from implying it's HD when it's not. Shouldn't they be saying something like "in HD "were available" like the networks do?

Makes me very angry to sit there watching SD that they're telling me is HD.

I agree with you that NESN should be using "In HD Where Available" just like the major networks. Not sure if two feeds are being provided. Seems to me the answer would be no.

It's simply a matter of O'l Chucky being to cheap! Yet, they're in a partnership...Roush Fenway Racing, E*.

Does D* sponsor a NASCAR team? I'm not into NASCAR...If they don't, they should! That'd piss off O'l Chucky seeing a car with the D* logo finish before his!
What I don't understand is during the game on 434 it still always says NESN-HD on the banner but of course it is not HD for Dish.

So who's doing the false advertising - NESN or Dish? Does NESN actually broadcast 2 separate feeds - one SD and one HD?

It seems to me that the FTC should prohibit them from implying it's HD when it's not. Shouldn't they be saying something like "in HD "were available" like the networks do?

Makes me very angry to sit there watching SD that they're telling me is HD.

And why is dish the Last holdout seems like all other providers ahve NESN in Hd?
It seems that any letters to never even make it to Charlie, but instead to support staff. I wonder if he even has a clue about NESN-HD and I'm wondering how we can make some "noise" to get Dish to comment on adding (or not adding) it publicly.
It seems that any letters to never even make it to Charlie, but instead to support staff. I wonder if he even has a clue about NESN-HD and I'm wondering how we can make some "noise" to get Dish to comment on adding (or not adding) it publicly.

Anything short of NESN themselves pointing it live on the air, or the Boston Globe doing a story on it....probably not!

I like the Boston Globe idea.....Hmmmmmm!;)
I don't think E* has considered the real potential to steal some D* subs from throughout New England. Currently, NESN HD is only available in the Boston DMA through D*. I know at least two local D* subs who would switch in a heartbeat if E* decided to invest some of the money they're not spending on MLB EI and light up the 24/7 HD. Conversely, if D* ever lit them up in my DMA (Hartford / New Haven), I'd be making the move.....
Personally I think writing to Mr. Ergen is a total waste of time. The guy is a billionaire, he is definitely an intelligent, educated person, and makes decisions based on his bottom line. If and when he believes that this is viable, he won't need any of us to ask.

For gosh sakes they don't even have the YES network in SD. They are the last for that also.
It seems that any letters to never even make it to Charlie, but instead to support staff. I wonder if he even has a clue about NESN-HD and I'm wondering how we can make some "noise" to get Dish to comment on adding (or not adding) it publicly.
Maybe someone could convince NESN to put a sign under their banner during the games, where it says "NESN-HD", saying "Everywhere except on Dish Network".:)
Maybe someone could convince NESN to put a sign under their banner during the games, where it says "NESN-HD", saying "Everywhere except on Dish Network".:)

I like that idea! I just fired off a letter to the BOSTON GLOBE stating all the facts about the issue. Hopefully, someone in power there will be a RED SOX fan, have E*, and will have the cohonies to look into it a maybe do a little article about it!

I like this for a title:

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Jimmy J
Love your persistance. I'm another dissapointed Sox fan watching games in SD after a full season last year of incredible HD via Comcast cable. I'm more than willing to participate in "rattling some cages" if the right cages can be found.

Any response from the Globe?
I just noticed is that this thread has been viewed over 3,500 times!!!! What that means to me is that this is an issue for a large number of DISH subscribers.

Isn't there some kind of on line petition site that could be used to bring this problem to light? Or, is there someone (with more knowledge of this entire thing than me - Jimmy??) that might be willing to author a letter to Dish. If the letter was signed by even half of the people that viewed this thread, you'd think that it might finally open someone's eyes at Dish as to the number of customers disappointed in the lack of NESN HD.
Jimmy J
Love your persistance. I'm another dissapointed Sox fan watching games in SD after a full season last year of incredible HD via Comcast cable. I'm more than willing to participate in "rattling some cages" if the right cages can be found.

Any response from the Globe?


Thanks man, but I've pretty much come to the conclusion that it's a lost cause. 'Ol Chucky just doesn't give a crap about giving us NESN-HD anytime soon, because it does absolutely nothing for his bottom line.

The only way I see E* adding NESN-HD anytime in the near future, is for current E*-NESN subscribers leaving in a mass exodus and stating that they are leaving to get their NESN-HD COMCAST or D*!!!

It's still fun to rattle as many cages as possible. Maybe sooner or later they'll get the point. Just look back thru this thread for all the contact info, don't forget CEO@DISHNETORK.COM

Maybe if every single E* customer who wants their NESN in HD, would call ADVANCED TECH SUPPORT, ask the tough questions, tell them your frustrations, & to note in your file that you "WILL" be leaving as soon as the service becomes available to you elsewhere! And do the same via email to CEO@DISHNETWORK.COM, and maybe...just maybe we can all make something happen!

Oh, and as to be expected no response from the GLOBE....Bastards!!! Not surprising as they're owned by the NEW YORK TIMES.

On a side note, in another thread, I mentioned COMCAST has paid me two visits to determine if I can get their service due to my distance from the line drop...about 210ft. Well just the other day I get a letter from COMCAST that a contractor will be coming by to survey the site, paint markers, and then schedule the line burial install! I immediately called COMCAST asking how much my out of pocket costs were going to be, to which he said nothing!!!! They'll do the, line hookup, and burial all the way to the house for free. Then it'll go to their resolution dept., who will contact me with regard to equipment choices, programming packages, and schedule the actual service hookup install!!!!

When & if this all pans out, E* can kiss my arse goodbye!!! Yes, CHUCKY, I'm even willing to pay higher monthlies from another provider to get the service I WANT!!!! NESN-HD!!!!!!!!! Not to mention locals in HD!

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