Negative things about this Voom purchase

Iceberg said:
swap out the LNB to KU band and you'll be OK :)
I have plenty 10750 Mhz dual and single LNB's sitting around. If Voom goes with one polarity on AMC6 as they are now doing with Rainbow 1, then all the old primestar LNB's would work. You remeber the ones with 2 RF connectors, one for Vertical and one for Horizontzl. But I ordered some dual output LNB's a while back that fit the feed horn from the Primestar LNB. Nice package as far as aesthetics. Probably be a rush on the old Primestar stuff. I know where there is a semi load of new in the box Channel Master 1 meter elliptical dishes sitting here in Indiana. I knew those would come in handy one day!
Iceberg said:
yes it would work as long as you have KU band on it. But if you motor around, you would lose the signal

It would make rain fade almost non existant :)
I do have KU and use it. Do motor around but never failed to hit a dead on signal in KU. thanks much.
rtt2 said:
VOOM will be providing service on a bird that it will not own and providing content that it really does not own. The service will go from a DBS service to a FSS service. (Primestar all over again)

From VOOMs form 10 filing they talk about the size of the required dish "our leased transponders on the Americom-6 satellite, all of our subscribers will need to use a single dish antenna measuring approximately 35" wide by 20" high."

I fail to see how any of this is a negative. Replace VOOM with the name GlobeCast ( ). GlobeCast has been providing a service on a bird that it does not own and provides content it doesn't own. The service has always been on FSS. GlobeCast has been in the niche DTH business for 10 years. It was slow going for several years, but they now lease 9 TPs on IA-5 and offer over 100 channels. Just because D* and E* own the lions share of providing direct to home services doesn't mean there aren't other sucessful businesses in the market or that D* & E* has the only plan that works. There is much more up in the sky besides D* & E*.

The AMC bird is a FSS signal. You cannot receive that signal with a small dish. It is simply not possible. That is precisly why the DBS signal became so pupular. It allowed the signal to be received with a smaller dish.

So let me get this straight. People want little 18-20" dishes? Then why on Earth is E* offering the 1 meter "Super Dish" and why are people having them installed? Why does D* offer a 24" dish to receive all three of their sat locations? A 90cm dish isn't all that big. By all the talk over a FSS dish one would think you had to put up a 10-12 ft dish. My OTA antenna is bigger than a 90cm dish!

Iceberg said:
actually, If Voom was smart, they'd use a regular 30" dish instead of eliptical.


30" dish doesnt need as big a pipe and is smaller than SD or eliptical

My 30" dish can use a regular Dish pipe (1 5/8" I think?)
an Eliptical needs about a 2 3/8" (and braces)

Iceberg, I completely agree with you. My 90cm round dish for IA-5 uses the same pipe as a standard DBS pipe. The plate to install it on a flat surface is larger though. The eliptical dishes are heavier than a round dish and typically can't be attached to a house.

rang1995 said:
Big dish=big problems

Oh, please my 90cm dish has never had a problem in the 5 years I've had it. It has no more "problems" than an 18" DBS dish. Now I would agree that a C-Band system can have major problems since it has movable parts (stuck & broken servo motors, broken or froze up arms, the dish itself won't move). Since KU-FSS dishes normally don't have movable parts there isn't really anything to break except for an ocassional LNB replacement which you also have with the DBS dishes.
Iceberg said:
also have a C-Band in the garage waiting to be installed :)
Mine is in the basement. It seemed like a good investment when I bought it back in 1988 ... I had no line of sight at my parents but invested hoping my house would be better. Then things went scrambled and several things changed in my life. But I still have a NIB C Dish waiting for me.

I have line of site at my current house but small dishes will give me plenty. If I installed it it would only be a toy.

Indy said:
Iceberg, are you using a STAB motor on the 30" offset dish to the left in your setup? I tried this with the elliptical dish but obviously elliptical does not track well. A prime focus would be better but I have never seen a 30" prime focus KU dish. The offset is the next best thing. Where did you find the round offset dish?

It a SG2100 motor...thats about all I know :)

Both dishes and the motor were purchased through Pete (PSB)
Indy said:
I have plenty 10750 Mhz dual and single LNB's sitting around. If Voom goes with one polarity on AMC6 as they are now doing with Rainbow 1, then all the old primestar LNB's would work. You remeber the ones with 2 RF connectors, one for Vertical and one for Horizontzl. But I ordered some dual output LNB's a while back that fit the feed horn from the Primestar LNB. Nice package as far as aesthetics. Probably be a rush on the old Primestar stuff. I know where there is a semi load of new in the box Channel Master 1 meter elliptical dishes sitting here in Indiana. I knew those would come in handy one day!

I was selling Primestar at Radio Shack in 1995 :)
I so rememebr the dual LNB, but only one polarity per (unlike the new ones)

hmmmm.......Indiana huh? Might have to make a trek there to get some of these :):D
Iceberg said:
It a SG2100 motor...thats about all I know :)

Both dishes and the motor were purchased through Pete (PSB)

Same motor I have. I just need the round dish to go with it.

The P* dishes were a good seller on ebay couple of years ago because they were still in the box. Sold many to early adopters for free PBS HD feed on AMC3. That was my first taste of satellite HD using a Unity Motion 1000A STB in 1998 Still watch the feed occasionally.

The dishes shipped UPS for around $30 to about anywhere in the lower 48. Sold all the ones I had still in boxes. :(

Mpeg 4 question

Dolan has to raise financing by Feb. 28 for Voom buy-out
