Anyone else a little bit pi$$ed about the voom/dish thing?

I don't agree

Anyone, who knows about voom and its history knows its rollercoaster, yes we will survive no we will die. Voom has nine lives. Everyone was saying that wait till the last day, why the hurry to sign to another provider. VOom was going to find someway to survive. Charles Dolan's silence said it all. I knew that something was up with echostar, especially since Charles Dolan had flown to Colorado, dish headquarters to meet the Big Cheese , Egern.

Plus rolling the dice, wouldn't it make more sense to get dish over Direct especially since that had taken over Echostar. There were so many voices in the voom forum, that said wait tilll voom goes dark, and they were right. The ones that rushed are locked in contracts with Direct tv, or stuck with Cable. With voom , i learned that nothing is black and white, it is all grey, if they say they are shutting down, they are not. If they say there will be a dvr hd in March it will come out in May, now never.

Everyone was warning , many posters , wait till the fat lady sings, they were right.
I'm sure Charlie and his team of lawyers were negotiating with voom till the last week this is a business and Charlie likes to play poker and bluff.... guess what he is coming out smelling like a rose. Got everything for pennies on the dollar and Rupert Murdoch is chasing his tail. You can always tell when Charlie is bluffing he has that smirk ;)
calikarim said:
Everyone was saying that wait till the last day, why the hurry to sign to another provider.

Because voom made a very public announcement and explicitly told us to!!

This programming deal was a done deal weeks ago. Why do you think C Dolan just folded so easily and voted with the board to shut voom down after fighting with everything he had to keep it running? This is just speculation, but I'm sure this deal was brokered as part of the whole shutdown strategy.

It's BS the way they went about letting us know, especially after telling us to literally hit the road and find some other provider. This was a piss poor way of handling it.

I'm still not sure what I'll do, even less given that I may not be able to get dish anyways. My hope right now is that adelphia picks up the channels also.
The ones that rushed are locked in contracts with Direct tv, or stuck with Cable.
Huh? I opted for cable in the short run but not "stuck" or locked into anything. Got a decent price/deal with no commitment required. That E* is getting Voom channels is nice but I, after various tales Ive been told about em, I still wouldnt be comfortable with locking myself into a 1 yr commitment with E*. What if they do crap to maximize their bandwidth and it ruins image quality? If something like that happens what are ppl gonna do since thier "trapped" into a commitment? Voom channels are as much about the quality as it is about the content. They can offer the same content but if the qual isnt there it isnt Voom to me. I'll sit back and wait a bit and see what ppl report once E* has it together and ppl know what they will actually get. Right now we have some saying FREE 942 HDDVR while others say its $250 up front. Hard to make an informed or wise decision without all the details.

For me right now its kind of a tradeoff deal

a) Try E* for a yr to get a few of the Voom channels I watched and back to getting 3 local channels in HD via OTA

b) Stay with comcast a bit, get ALL my locals HD (other than UPN) but for now no Voom content. However as none of the voom channels seem to be exclusive deals CC may pick up some

c) DTV had for yrs and actually like just don't want to invest 1K in new equip when could be obsolite soon. They may also pick up some voom channels too but again I'd be stuck with OTA for locals

d) say screw it all and stop watching TV altogether
Ditto ditto ditto

Yah, I'm angry like many others but it just shows that D*, E*, and cable really don't care about getting VOOM subscribers. I'm angry also because all of them don't give a rat's a@% about High Def programming also. Guess that's what makes America great. My Voom box can go between my 8 track player and video disk player in the closet. Maybe at XMas time I can get the orange sequence bars on rebooting to add color around the tree. Good luck guys. May the High Def fairy springle HD programming to all of us wherever we end up. I went Comcast.
Patience and self-reliance are important qualities for pioneers to posess. End users who have been at the forefront of the HD revolution are accustomed to meager offerings, and imperfect, immature technology. One of Voom's core challenges was bridging the gap between the still not ready for prime time HD products, and the average consumer who expects a smooth ride for their money. It's coming, but right now, it's still a jungle out there. I am not upset, or surprised about any of the recent developments. I have had to exercise patience, time, and effort to find HD signal in the past, and expect to in the near future. Voom told us to find a new provider. I can't say that I am in the habit of following orders from television service providers. I am curious and eager for the developments coming from all providers in the next year. At this point, I'm still not sure what direction that I will choose for HD signal. But, the good news is that Summer is almost here, and maybe I'll just concentrate on spending more time outside, and see what has developed by Fall. Maybe I'll just go retro with a C/Ku band Big Ugly Dish. Talk about a challenge. That would be a project that would test my patience. But, maybe for 500 channels and the opportunity to grab signal from any satellite out there it would be worth it. Best of luck y'all.
parrothd said:
It's a great way to piss off 46,000+ potienal subscribers, what else can you ask for?? :rolleyes:
Let 'em be pissed off... It won't hurt VOOM's feelings 'cause they'll be gone. Dish Network won't worry too much about a measly 46000 customers considering their current subscriber base is what, close to 10 million ?? This deal is good for current or new Dish customers, not former VOOM customers.
I am a little ticked off too because I have Comcast coming out tomorrow for my install. Dish Network waited too long to offer this deal. You are right. Dish Network probably does not care at all about 46,000 potential subscribers. There needs to be definitive info given on what the actual deal is for Voomers. I have not been able to get through to the 1-800-909-4388 special number they gave me to Voomers to call Dish. I am a former Dish customer also so I don't know if I will be given any kind of deal anyway. :mad:
I don't understand the complaint. Nobody forced you guys to jump ship so early before the Voom shut down. What was the big rush? D* and E* weren't going anywhere.

I am still waiting, and plan to wait at least another week or two. The dust has not settled yet. I want to know about the PQ of the Voom10 on Dish before I even consider that option. And pricing offers are always a wild card.

And by the way, Voom is still transmitting today! :D
Knowing Dish network they were probably holding out on the price until just a few days ago. Dish had all the card, they could just hold out on price until CVC agreed, after all we are not seeing a bunch of other DBS/Cable announcement of VOOM channel carriage. Even CVC has not announce that CVC customers will be able to sub to VOOM right away. Cable companies could take months to buy and install the equipment to provide VOOM, it is not 1 channel but 21 channels of HD that is a lot of head end equipment (not to mention the use of valuable cable spectrum).

Charlie is known for his tough negotiation tactics. E* probably has a nice 50% markup on the channels, $2.50 now for 10 channels and $5 for 21. Maybe even more. But, Echostar has been stockpiling spectrum for quite a while and is probably the only provider in the country that has the capacity to offer VOOM in the near term. Even if CVC were not to "loan" the R-1 TPs right now Dish has the capacity in less desireable locations that they could light up in 2 weeks (they could move AMC-15 or 16 into the proper orbital slot). No one else could support VOOM so fast.

Echostar had the leverage. VOOM could have gone dark for 6 months, and this deal probably was not finalized until last week, so the announcement could not have really been made earlier. Scott had the rumor posted a week in advance in the pub section but it could have been before the contract was signed, just in final negotiation. Who is going to announce that they are about to sign a contract and get subs all excited, this would only put CVC in a stronger position.
1080iBeVuMin said:
I want to know about the PQ of the Voom10 on Dish before I even consider that option. And pricing offers are always a wild card.

And by the way, Voom is still transmitting today! :D
Exactly if the PQ isnt the same then to me it isnt voom. Now Im seeing reports that Voom21 wont cost extra from the HD pack, LATER ON they promise, however in the transition phase till they have all 21 they say there will be a slight extra charge for access of the voom channels on top of the current HD fee.

Way too many unanswered/fishy variables out there for me to consider a 1yr commitment without more Facts and less conflicting info. Im actually hopeing the latest rumors about DTV expanding its HD in June/July are true as for almost 8yrs prior to getting an HDTV & thus subscribing to Voom, to be honest about it, DTV did a good job for me & Their who I'd go to if if they get stuff together now that Voom service will be gone. I think I only ever even lost sat once and that was when we had a 4 day blizzard type deal many yrs back.
lostcause said:
Isn't there usually a penalty though? When I had directv I seem to recall that I could have canceled and returned the equipment, but I would still have been charged an early termination fee.
With Directv you either return the equipment OR you have an early termination of 150, not both also the 150 termination fee is prorated by the number of months left on the commmitment
stevesmall said:
With Directv you either return the equipment OR you have an early termination of 150, not both also the 150 termination fee is prorated by the number of months left on the commmitment

Do you get your money back to some degree for the purchased equipment that you send back :confused:
I agree THAT IT WAS WRONG Of voOm and the A Holes of "E" Knowing all this time and not telling us voOmers!! I have TWC cable (As I am watching voOm) right now I do Not like it at all.. BUT I am waiting for the dust to settle... Dish seems to have the lead at this time BUT direct has big news in June I will wait.. PLUS what about verzion.... I am under no contract under CABLE and I am sitting back to see wHAT HAPPENS .. P L E A S E DO NOT JUMP ON TO A BAND WAGON WAIT TO SEE WHAT EVERY ONE ELSE HAS TO OFFER!!!!!!!!!!! Hey why listen to me I am only a Coonass for N'awlins
Stargazer said:
I am happy that Dish Network is going to be able to offer those VoOm customers something. Its better than just leaving them in the dark without willing to help. Dish Network is rescuing the VoOm customers.
The deal is the same deal they've been selling on their website for months.. It's no *Special* deal.
the "possibility" was obvious when E* bought Rainbow1 and some of the ground assets......why are people so surprised that E* kept the adition of these 10 channels quiet so they could piss off Directv?????

E* will now have more HD channels than anyone the moment....great marketing move for them.......

and shame on anyone that cancelled Voom before they "turn off the lights"
Although, I did have a pending DishNetwork installation that got put off until Monday....
am glad it got put off so I could take advantage of the offer for Voomers.....
alb199 said:
the "possibility" was obvious when E* bought Rainbow1 and some of the ground assets...
The possibility was shot down quickly by reputable sources including the CEO of E* on live TV for the past three months.

It wasn't until last Monday that the rumor mill even had 10 channels on E* as a possibility (more than best hopes).

Am I pissed off, not sure yet.

With a 61.5 satellite, I'm fine. But at 110 and 140, they're trees blocking reception. The HD DVR is nice, but what am I going to record, the "no signal" message?

Although Dish will start off with the 10 Voom channels on 61.5, I have to ask what are they going to do with the rest of the satellite's capacity? Will I not be able to get the rest of the programming??