If your locals are on 61.5, you can solve everything by going all-in on Eastern Arc with a new 1000.2 Dish and Eastern Arc LNBF, if you don't care about anything on the 118. Otherwise, I'd get the 500+ Dish and instead of adding the 129, use the 500 Dish for the 61 OR add the 129 AND the 61 which would require a 44 Switch - which will help with the High Def channels in rainy weather that are on both the 129 and the 61.5. Or, you can use the 500+ with a 1000.2 Eastern Arc and a 44 Switch and maximize your HD channels and get the SD MPEG 4 Channels.I'm debating what to do next:
1) Purchase the DPP 500+ LNB for my Dish 500+ antenna and attach a DP single for getting 129 to see if it improves any. I will use my present post.
2) Put another pipe in the ground and get 61.5 to replace 129. My Detroit locals are on 61.5 and most all the HD we watch is there too.
3) Purchase an East LNB for my 1000.2 and just point it that way. Just not sure my signal levels on 72 are really great either, see my above post.
Good to have options....
Kinda crazy to do all that, but you could...