Would be great except I no longer have the analog module. Will have to peak digitally.Yes, check analog channels to see if your system is working at all right now; C-SPAN and G6 (16? 19?) Shepards Channel has barker still (says they will go off air analogwise April 2nd/3rd? They are/will be digital already on same satellite G9? G6? DVB-S, i think.
An LNBF must be installed with the vertical and horizontal probes at the correct angle (skew). The vertical axis of the dish is the 6/12 o'clock angles when the dish is aimed at the top of the arc (true South). The "0" (zero) skew marker on the rear of the LNBF will be installed in this vertical axis. To state it another way, the zero skew marking on the rear of the LNBF will be aimed at either the 6 o'clock position (straight down) or the 12 o'clock position (straight up) when the dish is parked at the apex of the arc.
Since most of us do not work on the feedhorn when the dish is at the top of the arc and high up in the air, we have a trick to identify the correct angle to install our feedhorns even when we have the dish aimed much lower angle near the horizon on the ends of the arc. To do this, position the dish at the top of the arc (aimed directly towards true south) and mark the bottom rim of the dish for the 6 o'clock position. Now when you swing the dish East or West, you always know that the feedhorn's vertical axis will be aimed at this mark, no matter where you are parked on the arc.
Not tricky at all!
- In advance of the install, go to a web site like Sathint.com or www.global-cm.net and copy one or two transponder frequencies for active channels on each satellite that you wish to find. I would suggest transponders with many channels, a high symbol rate and DVBS (MPEG2) if possible. These wide signals are much easier to find!
- Place the DVBS S2 receiver in the installation menu and select one of the referenced active transponders for the satellite that you are attempting to locate.
- Now use the 4DTV to move to this satellite. Once the dish has moved to the position selected by the 4DTV, observe the DVBS/S2 signal meter reading at the bottom of the install screen. The Signal Quality meter reading will turn green and peak when the dish aiming is optimized.
- If the signal quality reading is not displaying a good reading, SLOWLY swing the dish across the section of the arc where the satellite is located until the Signal Quality meter reading displays a green signal reading and the level is peaked.
- Now save the dish position on the 4DTV like you always have done in the past.
- Perform a Blind Scan of the satellite for "FREE" channels.
Once the scan is complete, select the next satellite and repeat these steps for each satellite.
Often installers just set the arc with there meter and walk away without showing to the customer that each satellite that the customer wishes to receive is programmed into the IRD. While it is useful for the technician to verify that the dish is tracking the arc, you may want to pay him a few more dollars to program each of the satellites into the 4DTV IRD. This will save you considerable time. Even if your installer is going to use his Birdog meter, it would be a great time saver for you to have him locate and save each satellite position on the 4DTV that you wish to receive.
I am heading up to Oroville, CA in a week or so to pick-up a 65' crank-up tower and an amateur radio beam antenna that I bought off of Craigslist. Might have a few hours to help you in exchange for some help loading the trailer....![]()
The VCII module was only for descrambling the channel,not receiving it.There are no VCII channels anymore anyway.As I mentioned earlier,there is only 1 analog channel left,Cspan on "C3" channel 7,in the clear unscrambled analog.It's not that far from "G5",try moving the dish there and see if you can get it.Would be great except I no longer have the analog module. Will have to peak digitally.
Gotcha...I thought you had to have a VCII module for receiving any analog. Thanks for clarifying!The VCII module was only for descrambling the channel,not receiving it.There are no VCII channels anymore anyway.As I mentioned earlier,there is only 1 analog channel left,Cspan on "C3" channel 7,in the clear unscrambled analog.It's not that far from "G5",try moving the dish there and see if you can get it.
The VCII module was only for descrambling the channel,not receiving it.There are no VCII channels anymore anyway.As I mentioned earlier,there is only 1 analog channel left,Cspan on "C3" channel 7,in the clear unscrambled analog.It's not that far from "G5",try moving the dish there and see if you can get it.
I use the 2 analogs; both ends of arc progress towards the perfect arc; which is all satellite in the arc that can be received in the end. No cutting tree's; no interference. To start, I do use the existing system and check those two channels (now only one 24 hr. day channel CSPAN) with any analog receiver. The splitter is then installed onto the system for slaving a DVB-S/S2 typed receiver to these analog systems. The DVB-S2 receiver will then "show quality" or "not"; from the existing feedhorn typed older styles. If it does get the qualities from the c band dish as the arc is moved through; then the dish is arced; isn't it? And the "system" is working; and moving; and polarity is changed by the old 4dtv still, right? Then, any part on it can be replaced with "lnbf"; "motor controller"; and "receiver"; easily by the owner; only by changing out the feed system (with lnbf); and wiring the inside correctly for the equipment list (like a two way splitter; with control of lnbf assembly (signals) by the DVB-S2 receiver; and the 4dtv still receiving this loop out typical supplied by the single port passive dc splitter...The lnbf assembly is now controlled by DVB-S2; the 4DTV (slave) position's the dish and has cspan and AMC 15; the power and control of the feed is now done by the DVB-S2 (master). Easy!
The LNBf will work upside down (180 out also); may require perfect one way or the other; to get the sweet spot of the dish and its installation. An LNBf will work backwards (90 degree's out); but requires a blind scan; or "programming of the receiver" backwards; (h->v) to make it show quality correctly. And because quality is so very important; it is important for the channel/TP you know has a perfect set-lnbf quality (known signal) to identify an exact polarity is correct. And Titanium is the Equipment guy for sure (I like the Jellybean instructions; they work great Amiko A9)!
1) When the LNBf is set onto the dish; it will be 90 out; or 180 out; or 80 noto; by the time's or ways you skew it onto the dishes H/V of signal observance; and when you do; try to find the perfect H/V by using the clock of the face of the dish, at aim! Or it will be 10 dredgrees off; but it will only work when "perfectly" placed (adjust for max perfection of the H/V; and scalar use for prime focusing)...it will not get much better than it already is....more channels; add add...........What a problem is something that must be solved; I picked up an old c band dish the other day; AND IT HAD NO DECL. bolt to adjust; so i locked it into a cell of its own; static on one satellite; usd it for my HDTV today! However, if i sold it to somebody else, I would need to set that property; for their location only with a motor and controller and lnbf; but the dish to move across the arc correctly will still need fixing; for the next spot it can go...
The shopping channel is still there?It was supposed to be gone by now,that's why I didn't mention it,that is "C4".Thanks for the guidance here! I did find two analogs today, C-Span on C3 and I think a shopping channel on C4 or nearby, and also a DC II lock on G1 03 (the old Motorola stream, something is there), but can't find much else going eastward - maps are far too old.
Ran into a snag today that I started a separate thread on - I do not have W5 (AMC 18) in my system. Not sure if you've messed with a 4DTV in awhile or not, but any substitute tiles I could use in its place? 922 will be a dish mover only, polarity will be controlled by the FTA receiver & LNBF. The testing I'm doing now is the existing system, no new toys yet.
The shopping channel is still there?It was supposed to be gone by now,that's why I didn't mention it,that is "C4".
Do you have "W1"already programmed in your sat list?If so move the dish there and see if you can get a DCII lock on channel 300.If you get a lock there you're right next door to "W5".For the next step,if you have the ku coax connected to the 922,remove it,this will prevent accidentally downloading the Canadian maps,which could really screw up your receiver.
OK,with the dish on W1 with a lock on ch300,go to Program satellites,find "X4",highlight it and press enter,if X4 had been programmed in before choose "change settings"if not you should already be on the move dish screen.Don't pay any attention to the "move dish to"number,it will be for the old "X4" which was a different sat.Arrow down to Dish Position and move the dish west 2 degrees,count in your head,1,2,3 and you should be close.Press Go Back to Save and then exit out of all that.
Now go to channel 280 and see if you get a lock,if you do you're there,just need to peak for best quality,just use the arrow keys.If no lock use the arrow keys to home in on it,you shouldn't be to far off.
Once you do get a DCII lock just leave it there,it should download the new maps for X4,it may only take a minute or it may take quite awhile,but you should notice when the maps change.Once you have the new maps,go to channel 937 and you should be hearing the oldies.Music (FREE) channels are from 900 to 940.
You are now on W5 which is now called X4 but in either case is really AMC18.
One small problem: I don't have W1 300. The channels go to 400, then a random handful of channels up through the 900's and that's it.
Also, there is an X4, but no 280...a few in the 100's, some at higher numbers but not much else.
However I completely follow your technique here in finding W5 / AMC 18 and tried to do something similar today, using W1 as a guide, but then realized the maps were so old that it may end up taking a tech with a signal meter at the dish to bring in W5 + using either X4 as you suggested here or a generic placeholder for W5.
I think you've got a great solution here, but is there another channel other than 300 that will work? I probably stopped updating maps when I shut off all paid programming around 2008 or so...
Okay try this,goto W1 and use generic CE ch180 and you should get a DC lock,should even say "this channel not available"on screen.Now goto Program Sats and choose CF ch100 and move the dish west and you should get a DCII lock,you should now be on AMC18/W5/X4.If that all worked,now program X4 into that position,try every channel and see if you can find a lock.Aslo check in Parental Controls and make sure that none of the channels are locked out.One small problem: I don't have W1 300. The channels go to 400, then a random handful of channels up through the 900's and that's it.
Also, there is an X4, but no 280...a few in the 100's, some at higher numbers but not much else.
However I completely follow your technique here in finding W5 / AMC 18 and tried to do something similar today, using W1 as a guide, but then realized the maps were so old that it may end up taking a tech with a signal meter at the dish to bring in W5 + using either X4 as you suggested here or a generic placeholder for W5.
I think you've got a great solution here, but is there another channel other than 300 that will work? I probably stopped updating maps when I shut off all paid programming around 2008 or so...
Okay try this,goto W1 and use generic CE ch180 and you should get a DC lock,should even say "this channel not available"on screen.Now goto Program Sats and choose CF ch100 and move the dish west and you should get a DCII lock,you should now be on AMC18/W5/X4.If that all worked,now program X4 into that position,try every channel and see if you can find a lock.Aslo check in Parental Controls and make sure that none of the channels are locked out.
If you can't get any of the old X4 channels to lock,there is another way to do it but it involves manual tuning and I'd have to find the instructions.
Okay try this,goto W1 and use generic CE ch180 and you should get a DC lock,should even say "this channel not available"on screen.Now goto Program Sats and choose CF ch100 and move the dish west and you should get a DCII lock,you should now be on AMC18/W5/X4.If that all worked,now program X4 into that position,try every channel and see if you can find a lock.Aslo check in Parental Controls and make sure that none of the channels are locked out.
If you can't get any of the old X4 channels to lock,there is another way to do it but it involves manual tuning and I'd have to find the instructions.
That should be it.Now try putting X4 in the same spot and see if you can get any of the channels to lock.Don't forget to go into Parental Controls to make sure none of the X4 channels are locked out.
I was able to get a lock on 18 channels on X4 (edited my message above a bit late sorry), so this must be it. Now to figure out how to get locks on some of these others like W1, G4, T5 etc. For the moment I feel secure in knowing that the dish is indeed following the arc pretty well, but each of the satellites need a little tweaking. Thank you for helping me get AMC 18!
One thing that the maps cannot receive anymore are MPEG-IV (DC-3); which they remove manually by replacing their transmitter/receiver gear. But it should still lock; right? No, it is not "backwards" compatible (like a DVB-S/S2 meter; or lock does); it is digicipher and is really way to old to look for; almost today; but gone tomorrow. Do not get me wrong; the meter on a 4DTV is extremely good; it just isn't used by the cable companies; anymore; and fun is fun; right?