Need Advice: Installers coming BACK!

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Original poster
Dec 18, 2006
Well, I had the installers come by and they did a poor job; showed up late, leaving the empty boxes scattered around the yard, and as I discovered later, Time Warner cable was used! (common?)

But here is why they are coming back.

The transponders' strenght are not even 40% ( the service rep said it shouldn't be less than 70%).

Because of this ( rep said) I couldn't see any of the cricket games that were on yesterday ( bought the cricketicket 2007 package).
I am getting getting 721 error code.

Should I ask the installer to change the cable?

What transponder signal strength should I be looking for?


Jiv (NYC)
If you are...

In NYC as it appears, you should have a single LNB dish outside (1 "eye"). You should be running high 80's, Low 90's if it is pointed correctly (you may actually end up high 90's depending on).

That being said, the TWC cable is not likely your problem (at least the cable itself, assuming it is run correctly, should be a line from the dish to the receiver, no splitters or the like, barrels/groundblocks are fine), Ends go bad, barrels go bad, grounds blocks go bad, cable itself i've had 2 go bad on me over the last 4 years (out of 10,000+ lines, 1 bad out of the box, the other over time). The most likely problem is that the dish isn't mounted on something solid (And it moved), the next would be that he didn't tighten the bolts down (And it moved), Next would be one of the ends is screwed up, etc. This is assuming that (a) he has clear sight to the satellites needed and (b) it was working when it was first installed, if these are not accurate than it could be anything.

Anyway, if you can get to the dish (and you may void your "warranty"), try pulling on each side of the dish and see if (a) the dish moves (it should have a little flex but shouldn't move, also, don't pull too hard, a slight bit of pressure is all we are looking for) and if you have a second person, see if your signal goes up as you are pulling on it, if it does, loosen up the screws involved (2 for up and down, 2 to 3 on the back for side to side) and move it slightly until the signal is the best possible, if it doesn't, let the installer figure it out.

Any ???s, LMK,

This type of install is exactly what Direct Tv is headed for on their own doing. They have and continue to drive off any of the top installation companys due to consistantly dropping install prices and demanding more be "included" while supplys including copper wiring are almost double what they were just over a year ago.

I see more junk cars and minivans with a ladder strapped to them and a spool of wire with the DIRECT TV INSTALLATIONS magnet stuck to the door.

So who do you have to blame for the sh*t installations? Direct TV, as they are getting what they pay for. Crap

Sorry Jiv as this doesnt really help you or your fault.
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In NYC as it appears, you should have a single LNB dish outside (1 "eye"). You should be running high 80's, Low 90's if it is pointed correctly (you may actually end up high 90's depending on).

That being said, the TWC cable is not likely your problem (at least the cable itself, assuming it is run correctly, should be a line from the dish to the receiver, no splitters or the like, barrels/groundblocks are fine), Ends go bad, barrels go bad, grounds blocks go bad, cable itself i've had 2 go bad on me over the last 4 years (out of 10,000+ lines, 1 bad out of the box, the other over time). The most likely problem is that the dish isn't mounted on something solid (And it moved), the next would be that he didn't tighten the bolts down (And it moved), Next would be one of the ends is screwed up, etc. This is assuming that (a) he has clear sight to the satellites needed and (b) it was working when it was first installed, if these are not accurate than it could be anything.

Anyway, if you can get to the dish (and you may void your "warranty"), try pulling on each side of the dish and see if (a) the dish moves (it should have a little flex but shouldn't move, also, don't pull too hard, a slight bit of pressure is all we are looking for) and if you have a second person, see if your signal goes up as you are pulling on it, if it does, loosen up the screws involved (2 for up and down, 2 to 3 on the back for side to side) and move it slightly until the signal is the best possible, if it doesn't, let the installer figure it out.

Any ???s, LMK,


Moving the dish like mentioned above should in no way void your warrenty .
Doing this is a good way to figure out if it is a mis aligned dish, this way you will know if the dish worked it's way loose or if it was just not alighned properly.

Thanks all for your inputs.

I guess, my main concern right now is for the installers to get those transponders' numbers up.

They coming today.

I will let you how it goes

Thanks again

Well, I had the installers come by and they did a poor job; showed up late, leaving the empty boxes scattered around the yard, and as I discovered later, Time Warner cable was used! (common?)

But here is why they are coming back.

The transponders' strenght are not even 40% ( the service rep said it shouldn't be less than 70%).

Because of this ( rep said) I couldn't see any of the cricket games that were on yesterday ( bought the cricketicket 2007 package).
I am getting getting 721 error code.

Should I ask the installer to change the cable?

What transponder signal strength should I be looking for?


Jiv (NYC)

Where did u get the cricketicket 2007 package details. I dont see 2007 in DTV website?

I ordered it with cust rep. (WC2007 included)

I know, its not on the website.

BTW, I still cannot see the games on 2027 - 2029 (error 721) even though the top tech reps told me I should be seeing those channels ( my account says so; I paid for it already).

The installer is coming again!

This time, though, I am requesting that the guy comes after 630 pm since thats the time when the game starts so he see why I am not getting the channel and also HE can be on the phone with the cust rep :)

The saga continues...
You should get those channels today.

1)whats the cost for Cricket ticket 2007?
2)what series are included besides WC?


I ordered it with cust rep. (WC2007 included)

I know, its not on the website.

BTW, I still cannot see the games on 2027 - 2029 (error 721) even though the top tech reps told me I should be seeing those channels ( my account says so; I paid for it already).

The installer is coming again!

This time, though, I am requesting that the guy comes after 630 pm since thats the time when the game starts so he see why I am not getting the channel and also HE can be on the phone with the cust rep :)

The saga continues...
721 is a D* system problem

After 6p.m. yeah good luck with that one.
721 means no programming for that channel. What I would do is go to that chan then go into the menu and see what transponder its on and chack signal. If the signal is low then the dish isnt pointed right. I would check the odds and evens to be sure you are getting both.

If it was 40% during the time of activation I'm suprised you are getting any channels at all. You shouldnt be getting a picture unless its pulling in 70% or better. I personaly wouldnt leave any job that isnt 90 or better but thats just me.

Just the fact you said the installer left empty boxes through out the yard tells me that this guy shouldnt have a job doing any installs. While I do understand not taking the empties away is in no way any reason to leave them scattered through out the yard. It doesnt take but a minute to pick them up and stack them neatly so they can be taken away with the other trash.
This type of install is exactly what Direct Tv is headed for on their own doing. They have and continue to drive off any of the top installation companys due to consistantly dropping install prices and demanding more be "included" while supplys including copper wiring are almost double what they were just over a year ago.

I see more junk cars and minivans with a ladder strapped to them and a spool of wire with the DIRECT TV INSTALLATIONS magnet stuck to the door.

So who do you have to blame for the sh*t installations? Direct TV, as they are getting what they pay for. Crap

Sorry Jiv as this doesnt really help you or your fault.

I hear that.

I got off the Satellite Subcontractor train a couple years ago when they started breaking balls with the phone lines. I hear it's even worse now.

Now when I activate a system that I've installed for one of my own customers, and the customer service zombie asks me about the phone lines and then (inevitably) for my Tech ID, I laugh my ass off.
Now when I activate a system that I've installed for one of my own customers, and the customer service zombie asks me about the phone lines and then (inevitably) for my Tech ID, I laugh my ass off.

I agree about the phone lines, half of my installs are not connected to a line, not because I don't run it, but because the customer does not have a land based phone system. Everything is going Cell Phone.
721 means no programming for that channel. What I would do is go to that chan then go into the menu and see what transponder its on and chack signal. If the signal is low then the dish isnt pointed right. I would check the odds and evens to be sure you are getting both.

If it was 40% during the time of activation I'm suprised you are getting any channels at all. You shouldnt be getting a picture unless its pulling in 70% or better. I personaly wouldnt leave any job that isnt 90 or better but thats just me.

Just the fact you said the installer left empty boxes through out the yard tells me that this guy shouldnt have a job doing any installs. While I do understand not taking the empties away is in no way any reason to leave them scattered through out the yard. It doesnt take but a minute to pick them up and stack them neatly so they can be taken away with the other trash.

I second this..

jiv..let us know were u succesful in getting/watching the cricket channels.
This type of install is exactly what Direct Tv is headed for on their own doing. They have and continue to drive off any of the top installation companys due to consistantly dropping install prices and demanding more be "included" while supplys including copper wiring are almost double what they were just over a year ago.

I see more junk cars and minivans with a ladder strapped to them and a spool of wire with the DIRECT TV INSTALLATIONS magnet stuck to the door.

So who do you have to blame for the sh*t installations? Direct TV, as they are getting what they pay for. Crap

Sorry Jiv as this doesnt really help you or your fault.
Finally somebody with the stones to tel it like it is...I agree 100% D* has slashed install pay rates while costs of merteials has gone in the opposite direction...E* is doing the same but at least E* rates are about twice (based on what a local MASTEC installer told me) what D* is..Anyway, the satco's are sh*tting down their own necks..In the nor too distant future the best techs will leave the business and both E* and D* will be left with exactly what you described. Junk cars and minvans with ladders strapped up top....This guy got a sh*t insytall becuase that's what the contratcor was forrced to hire based on the available money to the tech....We are short on techs at our office (E* contratcor) but we will not hire anyone who cannot live by our standards and do the work correctly on every job...

I ordered it with cust rep. (WC2007 included)

I know, its not on the website.

BTW, I still cannot see the games on 2027 - 2029 (error 721) even though the top tech reps told me I should be seeing those channels ( my account says so; I paid for it already).

The installer is coming again!

This time, though, I am requesting that the guy comes after 630 pm since thats the time when the game starts so he see why I am not getting the channel and also HE can be on the phone with the cust rep :)

The saga continues...
I hope you don't think that after 6:30pm is a promise..Because if the guy gets his other stuff done say by 3pm he is going to your job right away..Nobody in their right mind would wait around for 3 hrs...Your under an obligation to be at your home during the timeframe of your job (am or pm)
We have lives too
I hear that.

I got off the Satellite Subcontractor train a couple years ago when they started breaking balls with the phone lines. I hear it's even worse now.

Now when I activate a system that I've installed for one of my own customers, and the customer service zombie asks me about the phone lines and then (inevitably) for my Tech ID, I laugh my ass off.
me too, That installer ID thing..I just give them a random number...We only do retail D* deals and even on those we don't run phone lines for free. The customer can pay if they want one..But why bother..D* does not require them for activation as they used to...but I understand that the fulfillment techs(Mastec) must run the phone lines..Screw that ..Too much time..On many homes there are few wiring pathway opitions..Especially with the majority of homes here built on concrete slabs
Running those phone lines is not very practical for the $3 or so it pays when the receiver calls home; have never done it or plan to. And then there are those BellSouth $99 deal customers for which I don’t have DSL filters because my company is too cheap to get some (and my 8’ ladder that I’m waiting for 2 months now).
BTW, the cricket package requires the world direct dish with the 95 orbital.

Also, Time Warner wire is VERY common in the satellite buz. they get it, tw installers, free and sell it to dtv customers for 20 bucks. saves the installer 30-40 bucks.

However you will continue to have problems because the TW comscope cable may have problems passing the frequencies required for the 95 band. (this is very true in KAKU)

Give them the second shot, then call Directv and insist upon an HSP installer. The original installers will get charged back 100 bucks for this.
thanks all for your take on this:hatsoff: but...

my SAGA continues!

Yes, the installer came after 6:30 pm (thats when the game is on; see my earlier reason above). The tech guy was on the phone with cs and boy, did He got the run around.

He first spoke with the cs then he was put on to the tech dept then to level 2? tech then to international dept THEN to another dept which had a recording only!

He left after that; wasted his time and mine.

I played around with the setup and I noticed that the zip code was wrong!

I was getting 101 and 95 though.

Well I called cs again and they walked me through to change it.

that didn't solved the problem.

So I was told they will replace my dvr and std rcvrs.

Today I got only the std rcvr (reconditioned!) no card.

what should I do now?

How this works with billing? discount?, free month? etc:mad:

I am going to call them now.

I will keep you posted

( I will them about that TW cable AGAIN)

btw, anyone know what transponder(s) on 95 carries ch 2027 2028 and 2029?

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