I read online that DUCKY will be back next season since he negotiated a better contract to his liking. So at least he will be there ,even if Abby won't.
I read the same thing although at 85 I'm wondering just how long he can keep going.

Just to put some gas on the fire the article also says this:

"With Pauley Perrette leaving the crime procedural at the end of the current fifteenth season, McCallum and NCIS star Mark Harmon are now the only remaining original cast members." :)
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Remember this show is about one thing. The Gibbs character. So the man calling the shots is not the writers, nor the producers, nor CBS. It is Mark Harmon.
That's pretty much it.

The show will continue for how every long Harmon wants to keep doing it. The supporting cast can come and go, but the show is really him.
Remember this show is about one thing. The Gibbs character. So the man calling the shots is not the writers, nor the producers, nor CBS. It is Mark Harmon.

If he thinks the "all the women in my life get killed, oh woe is me" storyline is built up with yet another female death, that is what will happen. The fact that there are two more episodes after this with the cryptic titles of "Fallout" and "Date With Destiny" do not bode well for her.

I would put the %ages at this:

Abby dies. 50%.
Abby is reduced to some sort of reduced state and deeply conflicted Gibbs and others mention visiting her at the rest home once or twice a season. 20%
Abby is the target of the hitman and must go into witness protection. 10%
The whole health thing is just to gain ratings, is resolved early in the episode, and she accepts some Abby personality fitting job, freeing her to show up on LA and NO when the ratings sag. 20%
That this has anything to do with Bishop. 0% Dude, let it go.
I'll Never let it go. I want to see an end to Bishop one way or another. :devilish
Was the cost too high? We lost one piece of excess baggage but was the loss of Abby too high a price?
Was there a hint McGee will be taking a bigger piece of the pie?
Was the cost too high? We lost one piece of excess baggage but was the loss of Abby too high a price?
Was there a hint McGee will be taking a bigger piece of the pie?
Cost to high ...

Ever notice the other NCIS shows don't have a Forensic Scientist ...
N.O. had one but turned him into an agent.
So NCIS may move to that direction.

Also, keep in mind they left the door open as Abby several times said to Tim that its Goodbye for Now, not Forever.
Cost to high ...

Ever notice the other NCIS shows don't have a Forensic Scientist ...
N.O. had one but turned him into an agent.
So NCIS may move to that direction.

Also, keep in mind they left the door open as Abby several times said to Tim that its Goodbye for Now, not Forever.
Are you sure N.O. converted their Forensic Scientist into an AGENT? I could definitely do without that actor. N.O. has gone down faster than the other 2 NCIS series, NCIS L.A. is probably the best of the 3 but has way too much violence.

Abby is gone the writers just left the possibility open just for the ratings. NCIS has so many holes in the team that I just can't believe it can be salvaged. Even if Gibb stays active as the team leader he is still getting "OLD".
IMO they have not done a good job with the actors/characters they have added. Each week I keep hoping to start liking them but they are blah. Even Mcgee seems diminished. Tony and Ziva gone was too much of a loss.
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Sean Murray (McGee) first appeared in Season 1 Episode 7 "Sub Rosa". That to me makes him an original cast member.

I agree I think he was planned from the begining but that's how they brought him in, to better establish his "rookie" status.
Ever notice the other NCIS shows don't have a Forensic Scientist ...
N.O. had one but turned him into an agent.
So NCIS may move to that direction.

Also, keep in mind they left the door open as Abby several times said to Tim that its Goodbye for Now, not Forever.
Abby is gone for good, Pauley has made that clear.

As for a replacement, anybody remember the young black forensics expert Ducky brought in several weeks ago? The one that was in awe of Abbey? It wouldn't surprise me if she shows up to fill the slot.
Abby is gone for good, Pauley has made that clear.

As for a replacement, anybody remember the young black forensics expert Ducky brought in several weeks ago? The one that was in awe of Abbey? It wouldn't surprise me if she shows up to fill the slot.
Abby may be back from time to time for a spot here and there ... otherwise she wouldn't have said Gone for NOW.

I sure hope its not Ducky's editor, but you never know, they've brought in others that were just as bad.

Then again, I don't see the show going past next year.
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- The MI6 guy was excess bagage. The idea was that he was to take over the "international spy" portfolio from Ziva. But the show has not done much international spy plots, and in regular crime plots, he is just another guy.

- The Abby character will get a mention now and again, as does Tony, but she is gone. It is clear that, she has some sort of personal problem with MH and they had to spend the entire year with an artificial scenario where they never appeared together; and also she has enough money. You may see her as a guest on one of the other two shows in a few years. That is all.

- They have enough characters going forward. Do not look for any replacements. The "spy" part of the MI6 character will just be forgotten about as it appears that that element of the show has been abandoned. The stuff Abby did will be split between Palmer doing the science and McGee doing the computer geek stuff, with references to an unseen lab rat character sending up results from the basement but never a part of the "team".

- The show will continue as long as MH wants it to, it is all about him. When he decides to quit, CBS will be faced with the same choice it had with JAG or Fox had with the X-Files. They could have, but did not, continued the show with the new characters, which is how things go in real life, or ended it. Who knows.
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The Abby character will get a mention now and again, as does Tony, but she is gone. It is clear that, she has some sort of personal problem with MH and they had to spend the entire year with an artificial scenario where they never appeared together;
It amazes me how some supposedly intelligent people still think all pitbulls are dangerous and overreact when they see one. That's what happens when you function on emotion and leave intelligence out.

They should meet my son's little girl. The only danger she poses is she might schlick you to death. :rolleyes:
It amazes me how some supposedly intelligent people still think all pitbulls are dangerous and overreact when they see one. That's what happens when you function on emotion and leave intelligence out.

They should meet my son's little girl. The only danger she poses is she might schlick you to death. :rolleyes:
Speaking of Pit Bulls ....
I have a very good friend that has one, shes a great Dog, very protective, everything is fine as long as shes in the area ....
I would NOT go in the yard if neither Her or her Husband was not around.
I work in peoples yards everyday and I am NOT trusting ANY Pitt bull in anyones yard.

For that matter, if Any dog is in a yard and the sub isn't, I don't go in.

I have seen Pitt Bulls being abused by thier owners, with the intent to MAKE them vicious ..... DAILY
All depends on what neighborhoods your working.
Abby is gone for good, Pauley has made that clear.

As for a replacement, anybody remember the young black forensics expert Ducky brought in several weeks ago? The one that was in awe of Abbey? It wouldn't surprise me if she shows up to fill the slot.
As you guessed they brought Casey back, too bad she does nothing for the series. Abby needs to be replaced by a SMART scientist not by a quirky Goth. That character was OK at the beginning of the series but she changed into a smart scientist with some irritating quirks.
Yeah old kasie doesn't really fit in. She is quite spastic and generally weird. Why not bring in a hot looking lady lab tech to add some spice and make the crew forget all about Abby. Abby who?:smug
Think about it ....
Who wants to be the person to try and take over after ABBY left ?

Kelsey may be fine if people let the person develop ...
She will be here thru at least the end of the season (only a few episodes left, maybe 1).
Gibbs was talking with Vance already about getting someone in there and move on.

Also, I'm thinking that next year may be the last for NCIS.
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Think about it ....
Who wants to be the person to try and take over after ABBY left ?

Kelsey may be fine if people let the person develop ...
She will be here thru at least the end of the season (only a few episodes left, maybe 1).
Gibbs was talking with Vance already about getting someone in there and move on.

Also, I'm thinking that next year may be the last for NCIS.
Has it been renewed yet?