BillD1984 said:Hope this is a done deal.
Besides everything that has happened ,I still feel there will be a season. Last time didn't it take until January to make a deal? There is still time.
rey_1178 said:I think more than anything else,missing that first paycheck moved things along.just as Kobe how much was the first pay check he missed.......
AntAltMike said:It is now time for the "capologists" to explain to us what is still doable and not doable by teams over the cap. Is Rasheed Wallace's $6 million contract of any value in a trade? Can the Celtics favorably sign and trade Big Baby Davis? The Celtics don't even have a starting lineup under contract even though their $72 million, 2011-2012 payroll is surely ten to twenty million dollars over the cap.
He was not hurting by any stretch of the imagination. He could have missed the entire season MORE SO than Wade or Lebron. He was making approx. $8 million more a year.
rey_1178 said:It was reported his first paycheck was one mil. I'd say that's a good reason. And of course he's just one example. That's why I said players, players missing their first pay check was a good enough reason to get back to discussions. Certainly I'm not going to call it a coincidence because it ain't.
rey_1178 said:The most players will get is 51% but most seem to report that's its closer to 50.seems like the players caved in to me.
rey_1178 said:The owners pushed for 50/50 right? Seems like the players gave in way more than the owners. The owners were ready to go through all the legal issues. But I'm not going to argue with you about this my friend. I know what I'm reading with my own two eyes.