My New Voom-First Impressions

cammeron clean your ears

i didn't say mpg2 will not work with hd i said that mpeg4 is better and that voom does not put out a true hd quality picture you dumb f**king a$$hole.i hate stupid ppl and maddam you are a stupid f**k!voom picture quality is inferior to dtv and dishnets hd pictures comparing side by side using the exact same dvi cable and optical audio inputs so do the f**king math you cumsucker lower quality=inferior service no matter how many channels they tout as hd they are a lower quality that is on the lines of dvd quality not hd hopefully you have read this multiple time as from your posts i see you have a very low intelligence when it comes to facts.i tell you one thing you wouldn't run your mouth to me in person so why you do it here?answer=because you feel big here hiding behind a monitor and in real world you would require dentures.
let me reinterate,you seem like a voom employee so go do your job and fix voom instead of criticizing the facts that voom is NOT what they claim it to be.And at this rate the company is doomed to failure 99% of the reason being that they provide and inferior quality picture due to their incompetence when it comes to properly setting up their main dish used for recieving the original broadcasts then rebroadcasting them.they seem to only be able to tune in digital signals and have no clue when it comes to tuning in analog sources which the sd channels they have probs with are & either voom or their equiptment is not producing on hdtv monitors the end quality required for true hd resolutions.side by side comparison proves it on hd channels and also side by side comparisons of ota digital & hd broadcasts.
Do you truely believe voom's quality is actually comparable to other satellite providers hd quality?if so you also should see an eye doctor.Didn't your overweight mother tell you that masterbating will make you go blind?well from your posts i guess she was to busy eating to tell you or you just don't listen to your momma.your problem may also be a result of suckling your mother's tit till you were 10 y/o.Your stupidity has really given me and my staff a bunch of laughs and i must thank you for that ;)
Same here DemonLourde. Your posts are so disgusting that they are actually funny.

Post edited by moderator...
By all the syntax errors in his post (not to mention his choice of user-name), DemonLourde is clearly a petulant 12 year old who has finally become bored with Dungeons and Dragons.

Spouting random tidbits of technology jargon impresses no one ...
I am going to fix the thread. DemonLourde has been put in the ban list. His arrogance and offensive language has put him in this category. It is not nice when someone like this can't communicate in a polite fashion his ideas and knowledge. Everytime he posted he just offended someone.

Once piece of advice, you may register with another user name but next time try to be polite when you post.
DemonLourde said:
ok fool you go ahead and believe what you will.voom hd is not true hd and the quality speaks for itself.i guess you never seen true hd or you would agree that voom is not the same quality as what i get on my samsung hd dtv unit.if what i am saying is wrong then you all are being duped by purchasing the motorola unit voom provides since the picture looks great and crystal clear on vooms hd channels but DOES NOT look realistic and 3d.i know that the reason my dtv broadcast of discovery hd theatre side by side smokes vooms broadcast in that dtv's broadcast looks real like you arte looking into air.and the voom just looks like a great picture.i guess you just aint running the same level of equiptment i am using.maybe you need a job.if you or any of you think voom delivers a great hd content then you aint ever seen real hd.And thus all i can do is laugh at your incompetence
D* is mpeg2. Im positive that Sean knows that DVD quality is inferior to HD. Scotty called and he wants to beam you back now
madpoet said:
"The fashion channel thing - I'll never watch it. Good PQ but.... zero interesst"

I don't know... until they added PBHD, those see-through outfits were the closest thing we had to HD porn :)
We definately need an HD babes in bikinis channel
Thread has been cleaned.

Whenever someones claims that Dish and DirecTv are using MPEG-4, it kinds of make you laugh. :)
rang1995 said:
maybe it was SWANN with another name for this thread???or mel re-incarnated
Another classic moment in the history of A/V forum zaniness.

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