My New Voom-First Impressions

Video Prob w/ Voom Answered

Well guys,the real problem w/ voom other than they do not know how to tune the c-band dishes to recieve the analog channels they rebroadcast is this.They are NOT delivering true hdtv broadcasting.They are NOT allowed by the FCC atm to use the mpeg4 module REQUIRED to broadcast True HD.They are using the mpg2 module instead of mpeg4 thus only delivering true hd programming converted to the LOWER DVD Quality broadcast.To achieve the True Outstanding jaw dropping HD quality myself and some of you guys w/ dish hd or dtv hd are used to.Calls to customer service are a joke as they have no eta of mpeg4 module availability.A recent call to them and talkin w/ a supervisor they suggested to cancell service and check back in a few month to see if mpeg4 is available yet.So now you all can stop pulling out your hair wondering why quality is inferior to dtv and dishnet & wait for mpeg4 module to be available.
P.s. one last tip o the day..if you have a 1st generation voom reciever voom CANNOT turn off yer service(reason why they do not offer 1st gen boxes anymore) ever.the only drawback if you cancel service on your 1st gen boxes is it will lockup every so often(maybe once a day)and u have to unplug and plug back in.But you will get the programming on yer box forever,for free :eek:
demon: can you expound on this i as others have a-b'd channels and have seen no HD quality..Explain if the others are using mpeg-2 why is Voom's not as good and will only work when it's mpeg-4 which D* and E* will not have??
DemonLourde said:
Well guys,the real problem w/ voom other than they do not know how to tune the c-band dishes to recieve the analog channels they rebroadcast is this.They are NOT delivering true hdtv broadcasting.They are NOT allowed by the FCC atm to use the mpeg4 module REQUIRED to broadcast True HD.They are using the mpg2 module instead of mpeg4 thus only delivering true hd programming converted to the LOWER DVD Quality broadcast.To achieve the True Outstanding jaw dropping HD quality myself and some of you guys w/ dish hd or dtv hd are used to.Calls to customer service are a joke as they have no eta of mpeg4 module availability.A recent call to them and talkin w/ a supervisor they suggested to cancell service and check back in a few month to see if mpeg4 is available yet.So now you all can stop pulling out your hair wondering why quality is inferior to dtv and dishnet & wait for mpeg4 module to be available.
P.s. one last tip o the day..if you have a 1st generation voom reciever voom CANNOT turn off yer service(reason why they do not offer 1st gen boxes anymore) ever.the only drawback if you cancel service on your 1st gen boxes is it will lockup every so often(maybe once a day)and u have to unplug and plug back in.But you will get the programming on yer box forever,for free :eek:


welcome. Two things: I have to disagree with you. The HD channels do not look like DVD quality at all. I have made several comparisons to DVDs and movies playing on HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, etc and the DVD is 10 times less inferior quality than the HD channel. I have made A/B comparison of E* and V* with HBO, Showtime, & Discover. If your claim was right, the evidence of the the two pictures comparison should have been quite clear; That was not the case. The HBO, Showtime & Discover comparison have been quite similar for both V* and E*. I am talking when V* first started in November and now.

If you have to substantiate your claim, we would like to hear about it. As it is not true tha V* is providing DVD quality programming as opposed to True HD. Give me some data not blank statements!

There are people with first generation boxes (those that we got in November) and never heard of such a claim either. Maybe you are right but every first generation box out there died after a while or there are still users who have them and do not claim what you have said. I haven't heard such a claim either publicly or privately.
I'd be willing to bet that Voom could "kill" any account at any time, based on box serial number. They would have to retain that capability in the event that people don't pay their bill. If Voom can update the software on boxes based on serial number, they certainly could turn you off just as easily.

I still have the original box that was installed at the end of December. Never got a call offering the box swap, so I'm not sure if it is 'first generation' or not, but it's the first and only box I've ever had from Voom. has worked flawlessly since day 1. I must be the luckiest guy in the forum.
DemonLourde said:
Well guys,the real problem w/ voom other than they do not know how to tune the c-band dishes to recieve the analog channels they rebroadcast is this.They are NOT delivering true hdtv broadcasting.They are NOT allowed by the FCC atm to use the mpeg4 module REQUIRED to broadcast True HD.They are using the mpg2 module instead of mpeg4 thus only delivering true hd programming converted to the LOWER DVD Quality broadcast.To achieve the True Outstanding jaw dropping HD quality myself and some of you guys w/ dish hd or dtv hd are used to.Calls to customer service are a joke as they have no eta of mpeg4 module availability.A recent call to them and talkin w/ a supervisor they suggested to cancell service and check back in a few month to see if mpeg4 is available yet.So now you all can stop pulling out your hair wondering why quality is inferior to dtv and dishnet & wait for mpeg4 module to be available.
P.s. one last tip o the day..if you have a 1st generation voom reciever voom CANNOT turn off yer service(reason why they do not offer 1st gen boxes anymore) ever.the only drawback if you cancel service on your 1st gen boxes is it will lockup every so often(maybe once a day)and u have to unplug and plug back in.But you will get the programming on yer box forever,for free :eek:

What compression technology do you think all the major providers are using for HD (Including Cable)? Get a clue!

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Let Me Explain Again For Hard of Hearing PPL

What i said is Voom uses mpg2 technology.Dtv and Dish use mpeg4 which is much better compression.mpg2 CANNOT do True HD qaulity.Mpeg4 makes the video look real and 3dish,mpeg2(which voom uses is not as good and can only do as good as DVD quality)is inferior and CANNOT produce HD qaulity.I know what i am saying as i OWN a sattelite company for over 7 years now specializing in big dish and higher end technologies.don't believe me?call customer support and if you need ask for a supervisor they will tell you the same "we broadcast atm mpg2 until we get the clearance from fcc to use mpeg4".Once again ONLY mpeg4 can produce TRUE hd content on your hdtv.before criticizing get your facts straight.
and the problem with the 12 sd channels is this.they recieve them analog and there is 1 of 3 posible reasons for the crap qaulity on them...1,either the polarity is wrong for the channel.2,ti(terrestrial interfierance filter)is either on or off and needs to be oposite or 3,the lnb bar(they use multiple lnb's on a large bar to recieve 3-5 satts on one 24-30" dish)is not tuned they had this prob for months and haven't fixed it and you question my teloin you the facts on hd you are foolish.sell your plasma or lcd and go buy yerself a 13" b/w set and enjoy... :) lol
i will now post the channels and you can see for yerself and yes mrs.jones the 3 solutions will fix it in less than 1 hour..
sd channels that are messed are as follows:
402 cnn g5-5
403 hdln g5-23
408 twc c3-13
509 comedy c3-21
510 a&e g5-23
511 biography
512 bet g5-20
513 e c3-23
520 spike g5-18
610 family g5-11
613 history c3-12
804 vh1 c4-23
you look at those and the engineer should be fired who is in charge.he nows nothing..
almost try to doubt me on 1st gen boxes not being able to be shutoff?why you think they made 2nd gen?huh?speak up fool.duh because they cannot turn them off and if someone does not return the unit poof...they get free tv for life of the access cards they use.get yer facts straight once again.thank you and i look forward to all replies :cool:
reply to sean mota

dvd quality is inferior to hd.go check out a hd dtv box on discovery hd theatre since that is only channel both have or hbo hd on dtv as compared to voom you will see what i mean.the prob is most of you do not have 600-700$ to spend on a voom box and another 700$ or so to spend on dtv hd box to compare side by side.most of you voom is your 1st taste of hd (well mpg2 that voom uses is not actually hd)and you think it looks superb.but if you see discovery hd theatre or hdnet on dtv hd box you will want your $$ back(hint..they will refund you because they know they are not providing true hd and it is ground for lawsuit so they refund no ?'s asked).i just trying to help everyone and all this can be backed up by calling customer service and if a specialist cannot help you ask for a supervisor who will back what i am saying up about voom not providing true hd content.they are providing hd content at the lowed dvd quality mpg2 and their movies are 95+% upconverted retail dvd's(you can do it yourself via a pc for about 500$ for equiptment)so some look better than retail some look worse(not all sources upconvert as good as others)but the end result is they donot provide mpeg4 video so you cannot get the true stunning captivating breathtaking video only real hd can do..i hope this helped you to enlighten you w/ knowledge since knowledge is truely king :D
If only your "knowledge" allowed you to use proper grammar and spelling :(.

You said MPEG2 doesn't allow HD. everyone on this board with half a brain knows this.

You said D* and E* are using MPEG4. They are all currently using MPEG2.

MPEG4 acheives compression in a different manner than MPEG2. The source material being compressed determines what the end product will be, not the compression technology.

Go blow your whistle some more. You probably feel you need it.

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replay to cameron

ok fool you go ahead and believe what you will.voom hd is not true hd and the quality speaks for itself.i guess you never seen true hd or you would agree that voom is not the same quality as what i get on my samsung hd dtv unit.if what i am saying is wrong then you all are being duped by purchasing the motorola unit voom provides since the picture looks great and crystal clear on vooms hd channels but DOES NOT look realistic and 3d.i know that the reason my dtv broadcast of discovery hd theatre side by side smokes vooms broadcast in that dtv's broadcast looks real like you arte looking into air.and the voom just looks like a great picture.i guess you just aint running the same level of equiptment i am using.maybe you need a job.if you or any of you think voom delivers a great hd content then you aint ever seen real hd.And thus all i can do is laugh at your incompetence
cammeronic you are a moron

you stupid pos if what you were saying was true then discovery hd theatre would look exact side by side using the same f%$king dvi stipid pos pissoff and watch yer lame ass inferior broadcast on yer battery operated b&w tv i know you are watching and read the help wanted pages for moron,i bet it will say help wanted cameron 119 jerkoff
follow the link read then reply
i will use my voom box that cannot be shutoff untill voom provides mpeg4 compression and will continue to pay dtv for the splendid true hd quality i spent over 7000$ to achieve.
plus i recieve all available digital channels i can pick up w/ my dtv unit not the ones voom decides i should recieve(they ommited 2 channels in my area).also my dtv unti will continue to deliver all hd ota broadcasts even if i cancel my service voom kills box my hd ota broadcasts look stunning not just some cystal clear broadcast like the voom unit delivers via long as voom continues to deliver less than true hd programming it's competitors have mastered and delivers truely shocking crappy sd broadcasts as i stated in earlier posts i would advise all to complain and recieve their free month/s of programming voom will give you or cancel and switch to dtv or dishnetwork.take my advice or call me a fool but i have years of experience in the satellite industry my company wouldn't be where it is today if i was wrong on my assessment of the current level of service voom back to your regular programming already in progress lol :shocked
DemonLourde said:
you stupid pos if what you were saying was true then discovery hd theatre would look exact side by side using the same f%$king dvi stipid pos pissoff and watch yer lame ass inferior broadcast on yer battery operated b&w tv i know you are watching and read the help wanted pages for moron,i bet it will say help wanted cameron 119 jerkoff

If you want to get technical, Rainbow 1 is better-equipped for HD right now. Voom's feeds are 8PSK rather than QPSK (D*). 8PSK is more sophistocated than QPSK (Kind of like 16 QAM vs. 64 QAM). 8PSK allows more channels per transponder.

As far as your subjective review, more Bullsh!t--just like your childish attitude. Either your 13 or you have penis envy.
If you want to get technical, Rainbow 1 is better-equipped for HD right now. Voom's feeds are 8PSK rather than QPSK (D*). 8PSK is more sophistocated than QPSK (Kind of like 16 QAM vs. 64 QAM). 8PSK allows more channels per transponder.

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reply to camoronic

dude you are a must work for voom.either you are plain stupid or have never compared side by side hd on dtv and hd on voom.what a jackass.i know all about the sh*t about more channels per transponder but that still doesn't explain why voom hasn't tuned the 12 analog sd channels they rebroadcast that look like crap either they are too stupid to do the simple fix or the engineers in charge are smoking crack.and if you think the channels i listed are fine you are on crack also.if it isn't there broadcasting of hd programming that is not up tp true hd qaulity then it is the dsr500 is inferior and i can't understand ones wisdom in supporting something that isn't as good or better than competitors.either fix voom to broadcast comparable to other companies or state you aint as good.otherwise all you are leading yourself to is a class-action lawsuit for fraud.the quality side by side is not comparable and voom is inferior picture qaulity to even be concidered hd.directv is true hd although they do not have the shreen numbers of quote unquote hd channels voom offers they are broadcast in much better quality.there's a big difference when you show someone voom hd or dtv hd for the 1st time.with voom hd they say wow! thats a nice picture.but with dtv hd programming their jaws get yer facts straight a$$hole.i would bet you work for voom since u are so wrong in what you speak and try to dispell what i know to be fact as to not lose customers that read my posts and also to not lose prospective customers that may read these forums bewfore deciding who to go with for hd programming.fix voom or start selling toasters dickhead and quit misleading ppl as to the qaulity of voom
DemonLourde, you stated.....

"almost try to doubt me on 1st gen boxes not being able to be shutoff?why you think they made 2nd gen?huh?speak up fool.duh because they cannot turn them off and if someone does not return the unit poof...they get free tv for life of the access cards they use.get yer facts straight once again.thank you and i look forward to all replies"

I find the name calling very immature, but would be interested to know how somebody could tell if they had a first generation STB.
It isn't the thread that is at fault. The thread was informative and useful until we were told MPEG2 doesn't work with HD sources.

Try to politely correct someone and you find out they act like some vagrant.

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