Video Prob w/ Voom Answered
Well guys,the real problem w/ voom other than they do not know how to tune the c-band dishes to recieve the analog channels they rebroadcast is this.They are NOT delivering true hdtv broadcasting.They are NOT allowed by the FCC atm to use the mpeg4 module REQUIRED to broadcast True HD.They are using the mpg2 module instead of mpeg4 thus only delivering true hd programming converted to the LOWER DVD Quality broadcast.To achieve the True Outstanding jaw dropping HD quality myself and some of you guys w/ dish hd or dtv hd are used to.Calls to customer service are a joke as they have no eta of mpeg4 module availability.A recent call to them and talkin w/ a supervisor they suggested to cancell service and check back in a few month to see if mpeg4 is available yet.So now you all can stop pulling out your hair wondering why quality is inferior to dtv and dishnet & wait for mpeg4 module to be available.
P.s. one last tip o the day..if you have a 1st generation voom reciever voom CANNOT turn off yer service(reason why they do not offer 1st gen boxes anymore) ever.the only drawback if you cancel service on your 1st gen boxes is it will lockup every so often(maybe once a day)and u have to unplug and plug back in.But you will get the programming on yer box forever,for free
Well guys,the real problem w/ voom other than they do not know how to tune the c-band dishes to recieve the analog channels they rebroadcast is this.They are NOT delivering true hdtv broadcasting.They are NOT allowed by the FCC atm to use the mpeg4 module REQUIRED to broadcast True HD.They are using the mpg2 module instead of mpeg4 thus only delivering true hd programming converted to the LOWER DVD Quality broadcast.To achieve the True Outstanding jaw dropping HD quality myself and some of you guys w/ dish hd or dtv hd are used to.Calls to customer service are a joke as they have no eta of mpeg4 module availability.A recent call to them and talkin w/ a supervisor they suggested to cancell service and check back in a few month to see if mpeg4 is available yet.So now you all can stop pulling out your hair wondering why quality is inferior to dtv and dishnet & wait for mpeg4 module to be available.
P.s. one last tip o the day..if you have a 1st generation voom reciever voom CANNOT turn off yer service(reason why they do not offer 1st gen boxes anymore) ever.the only drawback if you cancel service on your 1st gen boxes is it will lockup every so often(maybe once a day)and u have to unplug and plug back in.But you will get the programming on yer box forever,for free