My new Ku dish

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Follow the numbers on the left side of the dish, standing behind it. Declination is what you subtract from 40 (this is the motor bend for this motor, if it is indeed an SG-9120), and you use that value to set the dish elevation. But this value MAY be "flexible". In other words, you may start getting signal on an elevation that doesn't really match what your elevation should be in the book.

So, the motor is set for my latitude on the motor bracket (a straightforward adjustment) and then the dish is set to 40 minus the declination using the settings on the dish bracket (and the numbers on the dish bracket are multiplied by 10 - obviously a coarse adjustment)? Where can I place an inclinometer to verify settings?

I use the website to get my numbers. My elevation for my location is 42.2. I set my motor to that and leave it there. I also set the dish mount to the 42 also! Scan slow and give your box time to lock on a signal. I use a CNX-Nano. I get 83 West at S95/Q90 with the same items you have. If you are using the spitfire Lnbf, I tried that and had a very hard time locking on any signal. I swtiched to the Standard Lnbf and have had great luck in finding the signals. make sure you have the dish mount installled right side up! When I first intalled mine, it was up side down. and the numbers threw me off the whole track. Look at my photos and see if they help you. I would not use RG-59 cable. I use RG-6. You may have to send me a private email, can't get my photos to load here.LOOKS LIKE YOUR DISH MOUNT IS INSTALLED WRONG!

I didn't get any instructions for the dish - only a picture of how it assembles and it was assembled according to the picture.

Although there is only 1.5 db extra loss per 100 feet for RG-59 (at 950 MHz), I'll be using RG-6 eventually. For alignment purposes I don't expect this to be much of an issue since I'm using a meter at the dish (a maximum of 10 feet of RG59). I'll probably still get a picture with RG-59.
I didn't get any instructions for the dish - only a picture of how it assembles and it was assembled according to the picture.

Although there is only 1.5 db extra loss per 100 feet for RG-59 (at 950 MHz), I'll be using RG-6 eventually. For alignment purposes I don't expect this to be much of an issue since I'm using a meter at the dish (a maximum of 10 feet of RG59). I'll probably still get a picture with RG-59.

I didn't use any type of meter to get my satellites to work other than taking my TV and Box to the dish. I really don't know the Tech side of things. Send me a private email and I will send you photos of the way my mount is installed on rear side of the dish. Looking at your photos, you have the dish mount wrong.
I didn't use any type of meter to get my satellites to work other than taking my TV and Box to the dish. I really don't know the Tech side of things. Send me a private email and I will send you photos of the way my mount is installed on rear side of the dish. Looking at your photos, you have the dish mount wrong.

You could always send me a private e-mail thru satelliteguys. :)

I'm not going to take a 47 inch LCD out to the antenna. Besides, I have meters to help align the dish. I just found my Birdog today but I'll have to wait for better weather to align the dish. :mad:
Follow the numbers on the left side of the dish, standing behind it. Declination is what you subtract from 40 (this is the motor bend for this motor, if it is indeed an SG-9120), and you use that value to set the dish elevation. But this value MAY be "flexible". In other words, you may start getting signal on an elevation that doesn't really match what your elevation should be in the book.

Yes, it's an SG9120.
I just bought a new Satellite System (package 7) with SG-9120 Satellite Motor which includes the 36" Dish. I am having problems setting it up.
I read you message with Keystone7 who was going to send you photos. Would you please send me these photos and any other info you might have - since I am so new at this. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks so much,

This might be a stupid question, but how do you know that the dish is centered on the motor shaft?

My motor has a hole in the shaft that a bolt from the mounting bracket on back of the dish goes through that guarantees the dish is centered on the motor shaft.

So how do you know?
I didn't use any type of meter to get my satellites to work other than taking my TV and Box to the dish. I really don't know the Tech side of things. Send me a private email and I will send you photos of the way my mount is installed on rear side of the dish. Looking at your photos, you have the dish mount wrong.

The dish mount is OK because I'm tracking the arc OK. I just finished peaking on AMC1 and got the Pentagon Channel and then I moved the dish to AMC15 and got Macy's and then I moved the dish to Galaxy 16 and got the CBS Newspath test card. I'll program all the other sats in later but I'm satisfied that my alignment is OK. I'm impressed with the speed of the motor, also. :up

The Birdog got the dish lined up but it didn't give me the results that were mentioned in the users manual. I never got a signal quality graph and it never displayed "Found" even though I had a signal level of 87/100. Anyway, I could have accomplished this with my old $150 analog meter rather than use a $400 digital meter.

Thanks to all for the help. :)
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The Birdog got the dish lined up but it didn't give me the results that were mentioned in the users manual. I never got a signal quality graph and it never displayed "Found" even though I had a signal level of 87/100. Anyway, I could have accomplished this with my old $150 analog meter rather than use a $400 digital meter.

Thanks to all for the help. :)

Maybe that has to do with the funky skew on AMC1...

Your Ku motor won't adjust for that...
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