My new Ku dish

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SatelliteGuys Master
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Pub Member / Supporter
Aug 2, 2009
I'm not sure of how to set the declination on this dish. On one side of the dish, it shows 0.6 (fourth image) in the window but on the other side it shows 2.5 (first image). Moving the declination to 6 causes the top of the dish to come in contact with the tower that the dish is mounted to. The declination is suppose to be 6.5 for my latitude (42 degrees). The numbers showing in the window are upside down but that's the way the assembly instructions say to put it together. I have no idea of how to set the declination since all I got were assembly instructions. The other photos show elevation and latitude settings along with general images. So far, I can't get a signal. I tried playing with the settings (elevation and declination) and tried panning with both the dish motor as well as by hand. Can anyone see anything wrong? This is a WS International dish (WS9036). The motor is an SG2100.


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I'm not sure of how to set the declination on this dish. On one side of the dish, it shows 0.6 (fourth image) in the window but on the other side it shows 2.5 (first image). Moving the declination to 6 causes the top of the dish to come in contact with the tower that the dish is mounted to. The declination is suppose to be 6.5 for my latitude (42 degrees). The numbers showing in the window are upside down but that's the way the assembly instructions say to put it together. I have no idea of how to set the declination since all I got were assembly instructions. The other photos show elevation and latitude settings along with general images. So far, I can't get a signal. I tried playing with the settings (elevation and declination) and tried panning with both the dish motor as well as by hand. Can anyone see anything wrong? This is a WS International dish (WS9036). The motor is an SG2100.

try a dish elevation of 42 degrees - 6.5 declination ='s 35.5degrees. your motor may require you to use a different formula but the correct one is in the manual. use the declination from the table and the formula they give you.

crackt out,.
try a dish elevation of 42 degrees - 6.5 declination ='s 35.5degrees. your motor may require you to use a different formula but the correct one is in the manual. use the declination from the table and the formula they give you.

crackt out,.

This is confusing. Do I set the elevation on the motor for 48 degrees for latitude 42 degrees like it shows in the tables in the motor's instruction book or do I set it for 40-declination (40-6.5=33.5) like it shows in the motor's instructions? The instructions aren't clear to me. If I follow your instructions for setting the elevation angle, I'll have to remove the dish and remount the motor in the other bolt holes for the motor mount in order to get the 33.5 degree elevation since the lowest elevation angle I can get right now is 40 degrees (there are two elevation scales on the motors mounting plate - which one is used depends on how the motor is mounted in the bracket). But, what about the declination setting? As I mentioned, there's a triangular window on both sides of the dish that have a different set of numbers on each side and I believe that this is the declination setting. When I have one side showing 2.5, the other side shows 0.6. Which do I use? Am I explaining this well?
set motor at 42 degrees elevation for a lattitude of 42. then set dish at 40 - 6.5 if that is what the manual gives. it sounds about right tho. then aim and fine tune.

crackt out,.
set motor at 42 degrees elevation for a lattitude of 42. then set dish at 40 - 6.5 if that is what the manual gives. it sounds about right tho. then aim and fine tune.

crackt out,.

I'll have to use an inclinometer because there is no scale on the back of the dish that would give me 33.5 degrees. If there is, it's not obvious.
The Dish should be pointing a little higher than the Motor, opposite of a BUD.
This problem sounds familiar from another member here.
They had the Dish Elevation Bracket installed Backwards - even though they followed the directions :)
The Dish Elevation Numbers should increase as you raise the Dish.
The Dish should be pointing a little higher than the Motor, opposite of a BUD.
This problem sounds familiar from another member here.
They had the Dish Elevation Bracket installed Backwards - even though they followed the directions :)
The Dish Elevation Numbers should increase as you raise the Dish.

The numbers do increase as the dish elevation increases but I'm not sure of what the numbers mean. As I mentioned, the triangular "window" on one side shows a much different number on the other side (i.e. when 0.6 shows on one side, the other side shows 2.5). Nothing's marked as to what the numbers mean. I guess this is what happens when the stuff is made in China.
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It is a 9120, I have one just like it. In my case, the dish elevation settings are a reference, not really accurate. I have mine set about 10 degrees off of what the numbers should be for my latitude. The best is really trying to find your sat closest to your true south, and go from there.
Follow the numbers on the left side of the dish, standing behind it. Declination is what you subtract from 40 (this is the motor bend for this motor, if it is indeed an SG-9120), and you use that value to set the dish elevation. But this value MAY be "flexible". In other words, you may start getting signal on an elevation that doesn't really match what your elevation should be in the book.
Another thing I noticed from your pictures - make sure you push the LNB all the way in its bracket towards the dish, to decrease the distance from the LNB to the dish. In my case, that made the difference between great signal and no signal at all!
I don't think I'm explaining myself very well. Here are 2 more images that are close ups of the back of the dish. You'll see a triangular "window" with numbers. This window appears on both sides of the bracket that attaches to the back of the dish - this is NOT on the motor. The motor has elevation and latitude markings - those I understand. I do not know what these numbers in the triangular windows means. The numbers are different in each triangular window. What do these numbers mean? I thought that it was a declination setting but the numbers are different on each side. I tried to ask WSI tech support but I couldn't make them understand (or is it the other way around?).


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I don't think I'm explaining myself very well. Here are 2 more images that are close ups of the back of the dish. You'll see a triangular "window" with numbers. This window appears on both sides of the bracket that attaches to the back of the dish - this is NOT on the motor. The motor has elevation and latitude markings - those I understand. I do not know what these numbers in the triangular windows means. The numbers are different in each triangular window. What do these numbers mean? I thought that it was a declination setting but the numbers are different on each side. I tried to ask WSI tech support but I couldn't make them understand (or is it the other way around?).

use the right side (from behind the dish) and multiply by 10.

crackt out,.

hello, I have the same sytem you are trying to setup. I will take afew pics tomorrow evening. It's getting to late tonight. I use two of the same dishes you have. They work just fine. One is fixed and the other has the HH Motor. After I get the pics, I'll try and help you understand. I did'nt come upon the thread till late. Don't know what state you live in, but (Dishpointer) site is really great. I'll try and get back on here late evening. By the way, your pics of the cable look like RG59. Is that right? Is your LNBF an Spitfire?

set motor at 42 degrees elevation for a lattitude of 42.
Don't agree. If the motor mount has both Latitude and Elevation scales. Use what's in the instructions. Use 42º Latitude -OR- 48º Elevation. (90-42)

I bet that when you set 42º Latitude, the other side says 48º Elevation...

then set dish at 40 - 6.5 if that is what the manual gives. it sounds about right

Once you set the Latitude at 42º or Elevation at 48º, (see attachment) your declination is set. Unlike a BUD, there is no independent declination setting on a Ku motor. (the kind with a bent shaft)

So then, I don't bother using the dish elevation scale. I set the Latitude on the motor mount, steer the dish to the satellite nearest true north, and then point the dish until the Signal Strength is highest.

Then from that elevation on the dish, I do a search box with that highest signal strength in the middle. ( go up some and then search down for example)

At some point the Quality will jump and I start narrowing down from there.


My suggestion is to ignore the numbers stamped on the brackets. Those numbers stamped on the mounting brackets are pretty much "cartoon quality." There's enough there to pretend the dish manufacturer did something, but they're certainly not going to get you to the one tenth of a degree accuracy that you need to actually get a signal. Blow $29.99 (free shipping) on a [ame=""] Wixey WR300 Digital Angle Gauge: Home Improvement@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame], and go from there.

See my post #18 at

And hang in there with it. :) There actually are satellites up there blaring out TV signals, although there was a couple weeks when I didn't believe it at all!
how many ways can we word this thread. im a forum pullutionist believer. i started from scratch and i learnt how to aim a dish. if we tell someone 15 times how to aim a dish the next person will miss it on number 16. if you dont want to try to aim your dish i cant twist your arm. but repitition bleeds "been there done it". its all been done believe me.

crackt out,.
...I thought that it was a declination setting but the numbers are different on each side. I tried to ask WSI tech support but I couldn't make them understand (or is it the other way around?).

This issue was discussed in this thread. Good reference DrBoyd.

BJ hit it on the head. All of his posts in that thread rock...

Whatever sellers that are sending out products with this diagram in the instructions ought to fix that or clarify things. Looks like a recipe for confusion.

I use the website to get my numbers. My elevation for my location is 42.2. I set my motor to that and leave it there. I also set the dish mount to the 42 also! Scan slow and give your box time to lock on a signal. I use a CNX-Nano. I get 83 West at S95/Q90 with the same items you have. If you are using the spitfire Lnbf, I tried that and had a very hard time locking on any signal. I swtiched to the Standard Lnbf and have had great luck in finding the signals. make sure you have the dish mount installled right side up! When I first intalled mine, it was up side down. and the numbers threw me off the whole track. Look at my photos and see if they help you. I would not use RG-59 cable. I use RG-6. You may have to send me a private email, can't get my photos to load here.LOOKS LIKE YOUR DISH MOUNT IS INSTALLED WRONG!
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