My front panel lights dont work?


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Nov 6, 2004
Stockton, Ca
Hey i am new here only had this 811 since 9-25-04 well about a week ago it crashed while i was at work my mom said it just went black on the screen. Possibly a BSOD? well i came home rebooted it it crashed 2 times that same night well the next day the front panel lights were flashing not on and off kinda more like Fluctuating from bright to dim. This was with both the blue satellite and yellow OTA indicators. Well now the front lights are dead i dont even know if the unit is on or off anymore only way to tell if i shut it off is turn the box off then the box off?? It seems to work decently still besides the occaisonal crashes. Should i call my installer for a new box or use it till it dies lol? I also noticed since the last software update my guide only stores info for 1 hour wich sucks. Sorry for the long post but im getting tired of this box my 311 crashed only 1 time since the installation 9-25-04 vs the 811 30+ crashes :confused: .....
Woah, sounds like the box is gone. Unplug it, let it sit for about 15 mintues, plug back in and try to power back up. If you can get it to start check switch and see if everything is reporting correctly, there's a rare chance a line is shorted or your power plug isn't seated all the way...but it sounds like it's passing, you may want to start planning the funeral arrangements.

Hope it works out,
Well the thing is it works like normal just the power lights on the unit dont light up anymore i think i am just gonna have my installer order me a replacement. I dont wanna have to go with no tv if it dies completely. Thanks i hope my new box wont be more buggy than this one lol.. :eek:
Ok today while watching hd my screen was fozen it was like playing frame by frame wtf??? :confused: I think i am gonna call for a new box but im affraid that my new box will be worse?? I like playing stuff in hdtv and 5.1 audio if i get a new box it might have the dobly bug, will it really be new or a pos refurbised box??
Robdoggz said:
Ok today while watching hd my screen was fozen it was like playing frame by frame wtf??? :confused: I think i am gonna call for a new box but im affraid that my new box will be worse?? I like playing stuff in hdtv and 5.1 audio if i get a new box it might have the dobly bug, will it really be new or a pos refurbised box??
Rob...not to worry, the DD5.1 issue is not as much as a bug as it is an incompatibility issue with certain AV receivers. If it works on your AV receiver now it will work on another 811. The frame by frame issue your describing is what I refer to as the "slo-mo issue". I used to get this a lot....But I found that in at least my situation I was having very large power fluctuations. I put my 811 and power inserter on a UPS and I haven't had the issue since. (YMMV)

If the receiver is screwed have it replaced while it is still under warranty. I will comment that the buggiest of 811's were the first and second revision long as you get a brand new receiver in exchange you shouldn't introduce any new issues into the mix...again YMMV.

Sweet i guess ill trade her in as far as warranty im on a lease i guess as i got it free when i activated my account i also ordered a $5 a month warranty on my account dont know if that was a mistake but supposedly it will replace any reciever no questions asked i call them tell them its broke they send me a new one i send the old one back after. Anyone have experience with the dish warranty they sell monthly ive only had dish 2 months on 11/25 so im new. Also what is a ups? and what does (YMMV) mean :yes sorry but i am not into the forum slingo here yet lol all i know is BSOD and lol etc... :eek:
UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply....An battery backup system commonly used with Computer Workstations to regulate power and to eliminate SAG/Swell (Dirty power) conditions. In my case my input voltage was dropping to 51VAC according to the Drantz disturbance meter I had hooked up to the line. Remember that, in most cases, the receiver is providing power to the Dish switch and LNBF's, and it doesn’t appear that the 811 has a watchdog circuit to monitor for brownout.

Again YMMV and if anyone would attempt to add a UPS to their setup I highly recommend that you size appropriately (For a receiver and power inserter I recommend a unit rated at a minimum of 1000VA 750watts continuous duty). I have posted link to two sizing tools here. If you are using a CRT based TV do not hook it up to the UPS. It would require a relatively large and expensive UPS to run all of you home theater gear...If your looking to do this buy multiple units, 1 for sat receivers, power inserters (if exist), and DVD players, 1 for CRT (appropriately sized), a 1 for AV Receiver (appropriately sized). However I think this is overkill...if you read the entire thread I linked, I was only looking to attach my TV to a UPS so that it would provide clean power to my LCD RP's lamp and keep the lamp's cooling fans going as well...(At several hundred dollars per lamp I want the lamp to last as long as possible). Also note that an LCD's power draw is much less than a CRT's. Again if your looking for a UPS solution so you can watch TV when the power goes out you should look into a generator instead.

Jason: while I don't argue that a 1000VA UPS is nice, IMO it's overkill for a DVR and power inserter. My Tripp-Lite BC450 runs my 921 just fine, with around 20 minutes of backup - and the battery is around 5 years old.
I "recommend" going at least 1000VA because the new generation of APC 600's don't appear to be rated at continuous duty. Yes in general I would agree 1000VA for 1 receiver is overkill, but I like having a little overcapacity. And again I feel continuous duty is important especially if your input voltages look as bad as mine. I previously posted charts...kinda scary looking. But none the less a few weeks ago I saw an APC 1500VA continuous duty unit for like $99 after rebate at CompUSA.

Well i just got my new "2nd" 811 installed today so far all seems good power lights are working hehe. It did throw a check switch thing while the installer was trying to set it up but he said that was cause it was taking a hit as the progamming ws starting to appear while he was changing channels we did the check switch test and now it works. He said if i get check switch errors even once a day to call him he will replace the check switch very cool installer im glad he is my installer... :D
I know what you mean but for reference he would just replace your "switch"..."check switch" is the software routine to setup the "switch".

Glad your back in business. :)

Well my guide is now only storing info for 30 minutes on most channels and some for an hour thats it!!!! Well on the other hand my PQ seems a hell of alot better especially the SD sattelite stations they seem much clearer same exact settings as the old box and the HD even looks better? I know im not going crazy but it does look much better :confused:
I believe you...Press the sysinfo button and tell me if you see P281 or P282 under software revision....If it is P281 does it say LAFD-N or LAFD-P or other?


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