My antenna's stock.

My another 1,8m dish is also PFA, but aluminum this time I20130501_181311 (Medium).jpg . Got it really cheap but, as usually all metal parts were rusty and needed some radical methods to be applyed, for example- using angle-grinder to cut-off old bolts P1270296 (Large).JPG . There was bad painting on the face of the dish, so I decided to remove all paint and repaint everything P1270334 (Large).JPG P1270335 (Large).JPG P1270305 (Large).JPG . It took some time :coco Then I brought dish to paint-shop and they powder-coated and dried in big oven P1270743 (Large).JPG . For feedarms I decided to use 3 INOX pipes and lead through them coaxial P1270783 (Large).JPG P1270805 (Large).JPG P1270867 (Large).JPG . Polar-mount seems fine, but also needs to be painted P1270309 (Large) (Large).JPG
After I did what I just said, have put antenna and parts in the garage and looking forward to the times when I can continue this project.
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Couple of years ago I got this 1,8m aluminum offset dish. Till then did nothing to it, just brought home and hanged in the garage.
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Once I've got really good bargain on 2 sets of 1,8m plastic Prodelin dishes P1270873 (Large).JPG P1270888 (Large).JPG . I mean mounts, dishes, feedarms, ground-stand, wall-stand, heating elements with show sensor and feedhorn heater P1270877 (Large).JPG P1270884 (Large).JPG P1270885 (Large).JPG P1270955 (Large).JPG . One of the dishes installed on fround-stand in the garden P1270944 (Large).JPG P1270953 (Large).JPG P1280026 (Large).JPG P1280028 (Large).JPG P1270980 (Large).JPG , changed as much as possible nuts&bolts P1270959 (Large).JPG , and this time not because they were rusty but cuz just to change US standard bolts to Metric ones. So, did installation by myselve without any external help. Soon after installing original feedarms decided to make new ones, from INOX of course ;) IMG_20140730_210043 (Large).jpg , and made those feedarms fully adjustable to be able to install any LNB or even subreflector IMG_20140730_175604 (Large).jpg IMG_20140724_113502 (Large).jpg (but that is for another topic).
Parameters of Prodelin 1,8m: size of working area 1786 x 1930 mm, Offset angle = 22,3* (F/D=0.61), shape-perfect :) Reception performance- just great :bday


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I got this 1,8m plastic dish from local add ScreenHunter_33 Oct. 12 10.42.jpg last year. No labels on it, but from different sources I made a conclusion that this is NSC-18-1 (Northern Satellite Corporation). Old and good quality dish. So, brought it home IMG_20141017_124553 (Large).jpg and put in the garage till the better times IMG_20150204_162146 (Large).jpg . Parameters of this dish: working area 1800 x 2015mm, Offset angle = 26,7*, F/D ratio = 0.51, Weight 36,5kg. It has polar-mount and piece of pipe it was installed on.
If everything goes according to my plans than this summer NSC-18-1 will be installed, if not this summer than next one and so on and so on :shh But, TBH, I have already made one small but very important step towards installation- acquired now INOX mounting bolts, the old ones were looking ugly ;) IMG_20150226_171813a (Large).jpg
This was my last plastic dish in the thread, still have couple of metal dishes in the list to show to you all.
Hi folks! This 2m aluminum and very heavy dish stays in my garden already several years. It really bothers me, first of all to mold grass and secondly, wife is not happy to see it there. Have no ideal what to do with it..... Of course, when I brought home this dish I had plan to catch some SAT-signals, but as always had not enough time and also motivation. I also had an idea to make small pond from it with fountain in the middle :biggrin
Once I put some wooden board across the dish and we had some X-mas party near Christmas tree.
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Hi folks! This 2m aluminum and very heavy dish stays in my garden already several years. It really bothers me, first of all to mold grass and secondly, wife is not happy to see it there. Have no ideal what to do with it..... Of course, when I brought home this dish I had plan to catch some SAT-signals, but as always had not enough time and also motivation. I also had an idea to make small pond from it with fountain in the middle :biggrin
Once I put some wooden board across the dish and we had some X-mas party near Christmas tree.
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This looks like a telephone microwave relay dish. Not easily adapted to FTA.
Finally this thread is coming to its logical end..... as here is my last but not least dish. 4,6m Andrew PFA. 05022013421 (Large).jpg
I have already posted some pictures in the forum, so will not repeat. Unfortunately I still had no possibility to install it. It still in the garage.
If I count every antenna the final number is 41, some smaller, some bigger, some just rubbish and some are nice, I like them all. But, certainly need to get rid if some of them.
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I've started to put antenna's data in the spreadsheet, just to have these data available quick.
And data is (columns):
- A, B, C, D, E, K, P-- all self-explanatory;
- F- Offset angle
- G- opening angle
- I, J distance from top and bottom of the dish to it's focal point
- L- maybe useless, but meant to be surface area of the aperture
- M,N,O- different angles, I think I will need them
- Q- distance of the bottom of the dish to the center of initial paraboloid
- R- distance between mounting holes.

Of course I will continue filling data in this spreadsheet
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Small continuation: Got 0.98M Ku-Band Rx/Tx series 1981 antenna system. It has never been installed, just been in the garage of previous owner for 17 years :shh
Now it is my turn to store it :bday
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That is very good I got this 1981 series Prodelin. Good because I've learned something today! Learned that antenna's "face" is not nesessary flat even if it looks flat. After seeing back of this Prodelin it reminded me another antenna I have (post #13) which has exactly the same strengths ribs pattern, it only has Schosrtar written on it. But, when I measured dimensions it looked completely round to me 978 x978mm. Yes, it's face is round, but not flat! If I put this antenna face-down on the floor it swivels little bit, means it is not PFA but offset. And my last Prodelin has all the documentation in the set, where I can read that offset angle is 16,14*. Great!
But funniest thing is - some time ago I made new feedarms for antenna from post #13, installed LNB as for PFA and even cached some satellites! :coco
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Can somebody help me to recognize dish? They are available in 1,2m and 1,8m sizes and have labels from Canada. Made of plastic, similar Channel masters dishes are made of. IMG_20150927_114157.jpg IMG_20150927_114755.jpg
Yes, it's face is round, but not flat!
One can not have both...
If paraboloid of rotation is cut by flat geometrical plane at an angle different from 90 degree, the result should be an ellipse.
The dish maker can choose different shape: a circle, a horizontal ellipse, Maple Leaf or any other, but, then, the shape's edges can not belong to flat plane.
The shape also can contain the vertex within, a few inches from the bottom, not necessarily outside of the shape.
Solar outage coming soon, so it could be seen, if the LNBF shadow is within your dish's shape.
Cheers, polgyver
Too late... have already installed another antenna on that pole. Yes, Sun-outage is nice time to experiment with antennas. IMG_20150913_105915 (Custom).jpg
installed LNB as for PFA and even catched some satellites!
Probably with significant loss of "Q", as it is similar to placing LNBF as a sidecar position, 10 to 15 degree off-axis.
Radiation from satellites does not discriminate regarding our Earthly ideas as horizontal off-axis vs. vertical off-axis.
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I still need some hints to recognize these antennas. I think I've seen picture of such a back, and it was in this forum. I've got 3 x 1,8m antennas. Washed them today and made some pictures. They are new, however stared in the shed for long time (perhaps some 15 years). IMG_20151011_110636 (Custom).jpg IMG_20151011_111516 (Custom).jpg IMG_20151011_111938 (Custom).jpg IMG_20151011_113810 (Custom).jpg IMG_20151011_114310 (Custom).jpg
Have made another LNB-bracket for PFA, this time for universal (40mm) LNB. I am pretty sure it will work not worse than any other out-of-shelve holder, but will probably last for longer time, as it is made of Stainless Steel. And/ IMHO, it looks nicer :angel2
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possibly getting a 6footer soon, whats to be expected?

Signal Quality vs. C/N

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