MPEG2 Western Arc shutoff

The Joey is getting its signal from the Hopper, I doubt you will see a difference. I have seen this kind of thing before. I think it is the file that DISH is getting that has the anomaly.
Ah, good point. So, no other source to check it from afterall... Either it'll play (when I try it again) or it'll lock-up and I'll note the point in the movie where it freezes for reporting purposes, reboot my H3 and delete the movie...
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Well that's good news about the 1920x1080/60i. My Sony Bravia doesn't give me that info.

I downloaded that movie from MGM's streaming library via my H3, so when I try watching Intersteller 4k UHD again, if it locks up again, do I let Dish know about it, or MGM?
Before you delete the copy of the movie, and if it doesn't cost more money, download another copy of the movie and see if it locks up in the same place. If it doesn't then it was likely a glitch in your reception of the video stream and a onetime unknown. If it does lock up in the same place, then it's likely and error in Dish's video stream and they will definitely want to know.

either way, Dish might want to look at the original recording.
That is what the Hopper is sending to the TV but it isn't necessarily what DISH is sending to the satellite so it's still possible that DISH could still be sending 1440 x1080 for the channels that are in 1080.
While I have no way verify that either way, I've never heard that Hopper's have any resolution interpellation capabilities. And I don't think it would make sense to try to upconvert the horizontal resolution where the prospects of resolution degradation is more likely (the same as dealing with computer frame buffers). It would take additional GPU hardware to do that effectively, and that cost money. Money Charlie is likely to spend in the receiver when it's much easier and more straightforward to just send the correct resolution in the first place.
Before you delete the copy of the movie, and if it doesn't cost more money, download another copy of the movie and see if it locks up in the same place. If it doesn't then it was likely a glitch in your reception of the video stream and a onetime unknown. If it does lock up in the same place, then it's likely and error in Dish's video stream and they will definitely want to know.

either way, Dish might want to look at the original recording.
It didn't cost anything the first or second time, as it's playing on the MGM+ premium channels and I wanted to see what it would look like on my new Sony Bravia in 4k UHD. The first time I tried to watch it, since I have 1gb internet, I thought I could watch while downloading. It froze at the Paramount logo and never continued (I waited about 5-7 minutes - downloading continued, but the image never moved and when I tried to get back to TV, nope, a no-go. Only thing I could get to was the system menu). So, I rebooted my H3 (it was locked-up), deleted the movie, selected it again and waited a few minutes before I started watching it, figuring enough would be downloaded that it wouldn't pause or buffer or lock-up as I figured my 1gb pipe would likely keep ahead of it, as I had waited a few minutes (probably 3-4), before I started it. Wrong! It froze up while they were chasing/following the Indian drone through the corn field. The third time around, I decided I'd just download it and wait until a couple days and try watching it again. Haven't had an opportunity to try it again. I'm hoping I'll have time on Saturday...

Man, has this thread gone off-topic...Sorry, my fault, but WA shutdown is pretty much overwith anyway...
It didn't cost anything the first or second time, as it's playing on the MGM+ premium channels and I wanted to see what it would look like on my new Sony Bravia in 4k UHD. The first time I tried to watch it, since I have 1gb internet, I thought I could watch while downloading. It froze at the Paramount logo and never continued (I waited about 5-7 minutes - downloading continued, but the image never moved and when I tried to get back to TV, nope, a no-go. Only thing I could get to was the system menu). So, I rebooted my H3 (it was locked-up), deleted the movie, selected it again and waited a few minutes before I started watching it, figuring enough would be downloaded that it wouldn't pause or buffer or lock-up as I figured my 1gb pipe would likely keep ahead of it, as I had waited a few minutes (probably 3-4), before I started it. Wrong! It froze up while they were chasing/following the Indian drone through the corn field. The third time around, I decided I'd just download it and wait until a couple days and try watching it again. Haven't had an opportunity to try it again. I'm hoping I'll have time on Saturday...

Man, has this thread gone off-topic...Sorry, my fault, but WA shutdown is pretty much over with anyway...
Yes, it would be nice to get this thread back on topic, if there is anything to discuss. :)

But I do eagerly await the results of your "third time a charm" test. I suspect that downloading 4k and watching 4k at the same time might be just too much for a Hopper. If this saga continues, we can start a new thread.
Yes, it would be nice to get this thread back on topic, if there is anything to discuss. :)

But I do eagerly await the results of your "third time a charm" test. I suspect that downloading 4k and watching 4k at the same time might be just too much for a Hopper. If this saga continues, we can start a new thread.
Results of my "third time's a charm" test. Not so charming...

This time it only got to the SYNCOPY logo and froze-up. I reset my H3 and then went in and deleted it. Really bummed, as it looked great on my second attempt when it got to the chasing the drone through a corn field scene before it froze up. :(
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Well that's good news about the 1920x1080/60i. My Sony Bravia doesn't give me that info.
If you press the "Info" button on the remote it will tell you if it's in 1080i, my Bravia does. I think some people might be misunderstanding what's going on as related to resolution. First, there's the resolution of the source file which may be different from the resolution the TV is displaying that file in via upconversion so when the TV says "1080i" it's telling you the screen resolution, not the resolution of the source file. If the file is being played via a player on an adjacent piece of equipment yet a third possible resolution may come into play. For instance some players do their own upconverting and some don't, and then there is the limitation of the native output resolution of the player itself which can be a fourth resolution. A DVR will have it's own limitations for instance, does the DVR have the capability of recording in 4K or only HD? You may be downloading a 4K movie but the DVR could be recording it in HD. Now you turn around and play it thru the TV, which upconverts it back to 4K resolution but it will never be a true 4K image after all that manipulation. The best chance of getting the best image is a direct stream to TV either thru a built-in app or via a 4K add on box or stick. Anything, and I mean anything, inserted into that process will have a degrading affect on the quality of the image.
Are new customers in the Western Arc still getting the 3 LNB dishes. If so, is there any indication when the two LNB versions will be available?
With everything else Dish has going on, I wouldn't expect one to show up in any hurry. And when it does, there will likely only be a DPH version. The existing three LNB unit works fine for most people on the WA. All I did to my triple WA LNB was stick an aluminum tape disk over the 129 LNB to make aiming a bit easier when I set up my portable 1000.4 dish.The 119-129 spread is nowhere near as easy to mis-aim as the EA 72.7-77 was, but it still can happen if I'm not paying attention. Now I use the 1000.2 two LNB EA unit on my 1000.4 dishes, well, because I can.
Now we know why 129W (Ciel 2) lease was not renewed

FCC filing yesterday::

Northern Americas Satellite Ventures, Inc. ("SES") has requested, on an urgent basis,DISH's assistance in end-of-life disposal of that satellite, starting on Friday, January 26, 2024, inorder to complete the disposal before the next eclipse season. Accordingly, DISH respectfullyrequests action on this request by no later than Friday, January 19, 2024.


Does Dish carry both home and away games on NBA League Pass?
