MPEG2 Western Arc shutoff

Do you have PTAT enabled? I have hit that 60% issue before during a check status test. After a lot of troubleshooting, discovered it was because PTAT was recording. Even if you disable PTAT now it still will not work because PTAT is already doing its thing. Try performing a check status in the morning and see how goes it, unless you already have PTAT not enabled.

You are correct. I forgot that checking satellite strength does not work during PTAT. As I get older I forget things.

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I'm not yet in Prime Time. I just did a check switch and I see 119 and 110 with green check marks and Connected (where 129 was) with red Xs. I saw the same before the check.
Can you try a check switch again after you are in PTAT time and see if it works or gets hung up at 60%?


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It was definitely very difficult and pain for installers getting signal from 129 lol. Good news is aiming for 110 and 119 sats are a lot easier to manage.

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Yep, no more disappointing SD signals when the best I can get is a 110/119 shot through a small gap in the trees at a campsite.
When I turned on my Hopper 3 and TV today, it performed an auto-check switch (I didn't initiate it) and it paused briefly at about 60% and then resumed after about 30 seconds and then completed. Then it did a guide update (and programming was displaying during the guide update). I checked in the Dish diagnostics screen and 110/119 have green checkmarks while 129 has red X's.
Thanks - just got confirmation its a UI issue only...are all the channels working?
I can confirm that I also have the red X "Conn" column. But as other said, everything else works correctly.

It's a little odd because when I looked very early the morning of the 20th, when 129 went dark, I didn't have the red X "Conn" column, just the 119/110 columns.

But as I said, everything works, so no biggie.
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