MPEG2 Western Arc shutoff

Jul 20th, 129 will basically cease to exist. Software updates (not sure about VIPs) will remove the 129 from Check Switches
When 77 shutdown the software on my 211z (connected to a EA1000.4) was not updated. I don't remember the exact software version on it but I believe it was at least a year old at the time. If I were to guess there was/will be a killswitch baked into the current firmware version of the VIP's that fires the day the satellite is programed to go dark.
When 77 shutdown the software on my 211z (connected to a EA1000.4) was not updated. I don't remember the exact software version on it but I believe it was at least a year old at the time. If I were to guess there was/will be a killswitch baked into the current firmware version of the VIP's that fires the day the satellite is programed to go dark.

This is (for the most part) accurate
For those of you interested, here are the 208 changes I came across this morning:

72SDValue119, TP 16129, TP 32
73SDQVC3110, TP 05110, TP 10
81SDICTV110, TP 10119, TP 16
82SDFETV119, TP 19110, TP 10
84SDBuyTV110, TP 05129, TP 23
85SDEPIC119, TP 16110, TP 10
86SDMALL119, TP 16110, TP 10
87SDSmart119, TP 16110, TP 21
94SDRenew119, TP 16110, TP 10
95SDDeal119, TP 16110, TP 10
104SDValue (same as 72)119, TP 16129, TP 32
123SDMALL (same as 86)119, TP 16110, TP 10
161SDMTV2119, TP 16119, TP 19
163SDMTV Classic110, TP 10110, TP 21
177SDCartoon Network (West)110, TP 10110, TP 05
178SDNickToons119, TP 16119, TP 19
181SDTeen Nick119, TP 16119, TP 19
210SDCSPAN110, TP 05110, TP 16
211SDCSPAN2110, TP 10119, TP 16
217SDGrit119, TP 19110, TP 05
218SDBinge110, TP 16129, TP 26
220SDMALL (same as 86)119, TP 16110, TP 10
221SDExtra119, TP 16110, TP 10
223SDRenew119, TP 16110, TP 10
224SDEpic119, TP 16110, TP 10
225SDSale119, TP 16110, TP 05
228SDYouTV119, TP 16110, TP 10
230SDICTV110, TP 10119, TP 16
237SDLAFF110, TP 16110, TP 10
240SDJustice110, TP 10129, TP 27
243SDFM110, TP 10119, TP 16
245SDBuzzr119, TP 16110, TP 05
252SDLaw and Crime110, TP 16129, TP 26
253SDCozi110, TP 03110, TP 10
255SDQVC2110, TP 05110, TP 10
256SDBible110, TP 05110, TP 21
257SDSBN110, TP 03110, TP 21
258SDTBNI110, TP 03110, TP 05
260SDTBN110, TP 05110, TP 16
261SDEWTN110, TP 03110, TP 16
262SDCTN110, TP 10110, TP 16
263SDDaystar110, TP 05119, TP 16
264SDImpact110, TP 03129, TP 32
265SDVictory110, TP 03110, TP 21
275SDYouTV119, TP 16110, TP 10
276SDSmart119, TP 16110, TP 21
277SDRenew119, TP 16110, TP 10
278SDDeal119, TP 16110, TP 10
279SDCGTNN110, TP 03110, TP 16
282SDValue119, TP 16129, TP 32
283SDBuyTV110, TP 05129, TP 23
284SDRectv110, TP 10129, TP 27
286SDNASA110, TP 10110, TP 16
288SDExtra119, TP 16110, TP 10
291SDStart119, TP 16110, TP 05
292SDMGM+D110, TP 03119, TP 16
329SDTMC-W110, TP 10110, TP 21
330SDTMCXW110, TP 10110, TP 21
343SDEncore Action110, TP 03110, TP 05
345SDEncore Black110, TP 03129, TP 26
346SDEncore Classic110, TP 03129, TP 27
347SDEncore Family110, TP 03129, TP 26
360SDGrio110, TP 16119, TP 16
373SDGet TV110, TP 10110, TP 21
377SDMoviePlex110, TP 10110, TP 21
387SDFMC110, TP 16110, TP 10
390SDOutside Television110, TP 16129, TP 26
393SDPursuit TV110, TP 10110, TP 16
394SDWorld Fishing Network110, TP 03129, TP 23
398SDFanDuel Racing110, TP 05129, TP 23
399SDFanDuel Racing110, TP 10129, TP 23
407SDLonghorn Network110, TP 05110, TP 21
409SDPAC 12 Network119, TP 16129, TP 23
821SDCLAN110, TP 03129, TP 27
823SDBaby 1110, TP 10110, TP 16
824SDBaby110, TP 05129, TP 27
826SDWAPAA110, TP 10129, TP 27
828SDUnivision West110, TP 05110, TP 21
831SDMLMDS110, TP 16129, TP 26
832SDCentro110, TP 16110, TP 10
834SDPSNES110, TP 16110, TP 05
836SDTelemundo110, TP 16110, TP 05
837SDTLNOV110, TP 16110, TP 21
839SDAnt3110, TP 16129, TP 27
841SDNTEL110, TP 16129, TP 26
842SDCrcol110, TP 03129, TP 27
843SDHistory Channel Spanish110, TP 16110, TP 05
844SDNat Geo Mundo110, TP 03110, TP 05
846SDDS Fam110, TP 16129, TP 26
848SDMLNIO110, TP 16110, TP 05
851SDCuba Max TV110, TP 05110, TP 16
852SDEstrella TV110, TP 03110, TP 10
863SDMXCNL110, TP 16129, TP 26
864SDCsony119, TP 16129, TP 27
865SDCine Latino110, TP 16129, TP 27
880SDHITN110, TP 05110, TP 16
881SDV-ME110, TP 05119, TP 16
883SDValue119, TP 16129, TP 32
884SDCGTNE110, TP 05110, TP 16
890SDVDRLA110, TP 16110, TP 21
891SDTRS3110, TP 16129, TP 27
892MusicVmari119, TP 19119, TP 16
893MusicMojito119, TP 19119, TP 16
924MusicAud2119, TP 19119, TP 16
925MusicAud3119, TP 19119, TP 16
931MusicAud9119, TP 19119, TP 16
933MusicAud10119, TP 19119, TP 16
934MusicAud11119, TP 19119, TP 16
935MusicAud12119, TP 19119, TP 16
936MusicAud13119, TP 19119, TP 16
937MusicAud14119, TP 19119, TP 16
938MusicAud15119, TP 19119, TP 16
939MusicAud16119, TP 19119, TP 16
950MusicCD1119, TP 19119, TP 16
951MusicCD2119, TP 19119, TP 16
956MusicCD7119, TP 19119, TP 16
959MusicCD10119, TP 19119, TP 16
960MusicCD11119, TP 19119, TP 16
961MusicCD12119, TP 19119, TP 16
962MusicCD13119, TP 19119, TP 16
963MusicCD14119, TP 19119, TP 16
966MusicCD17119, TP 19119, TP 16
967MusicCD18119, TP 19119, TP 16
968MusicCD19119, TP 19119, TP 16
974MusicCD25119, TP 19119, TP 16
977MusicCD28119, TP 16119, TP 19
978MusicCD29119, TP 16119, TP 19
980MusicCD31110, TP 05110, TP 16
998SDDish Business Info119, TP 16129, TP 21
4385SDTBN - Inspire110, TP 03110, TP 05
6002MusicSXM02110, TP 21129, TP 29
6004MusicSXM04110, TP 21119, TP 16
6005MusicSXM05110, TP 21110, TP 03
6006MusicSXM06110, TP 21110, TP 03
6007MusicSXM07110, TP 21110, TP 03
6008MusicSXM08110, TP 03129, TP 29
6009MusicSXM09110, TP 21129, TP 23
6010MusicSXM10110, TP 21119, TP 16
6014MusicSXM14110, TP 03129, TP 23
6015MusicSXM15110, TP 03129, TP 20
6016MusicSXM16110, TP 21129, TP 20
6019MusicSXM19110, TP 03129, TP 23
6020MusicSXM20110, TP 03129, TP 32
6021MusicSXM21110, TP 03129, TP 23
6022MusicSXM22110, TP 03129, TP 17
6023MusicSXM23110, TP 03129, TP 23
6024MusicSXM24110, TP 03129, TP 32
6025MusicSXM25110, TP 03129, TP 32
6026MusicSXM26119, TP 16129, TP 29
6027MusicSXM27119, TP 16129, TP 17
6028MusicSXM28119, TP 16129, TP 17
6029MusicSXM29119, TP 16129, TP 23
6030MusicSXM30119, TP 16129, TP 23
6032MusicSXM32110, TP 03129, TP 23
6033MusicSXM33110, TP 03129, TP 23
6034MusicSXM34110, TP 03129, TP 23
6035MusicSXM35110, TP 03129, TP 29
6036MusicSXM36110, TP 03129, TP 29
6037MusicSXM37110, TP 03129, TP 17
6038MusicSXM38110, TP 03129, TP 17
6039MusicSXM39110, TP 03129, TP 23
6040MusicSXM40110, TP 03129, TP 29
6041MusicSXM41110, TP 03129, TP 29
6042MusicSXM42110, TP 21129, TP 29
6043MusicSXM43110, TP 03129, TP 32
6044MusicSXM44110, TP 03129, TP 29
6045MusicSXM45119, TP 16129, TP 23
6046MusicSXM46110, TP 21129, TP 23
6047MusicSXM47110, TP 21119, TP 16
6048MusicSXM48110, TP 21129, TP 23
6049MusicSXM49110, TP 21129, TP 23
6050MusicSXM50110, TP 21119, TP 16
6051MusicSXM51110, TP 03129, TP 23
6052MusicSXM52119, TP 16129, TP 23
6053MusicSXM53110, TP 03129, TP 29
6054MusicSXM54110, TP 03129, TP 32
6055MusicSXM55110, TP 21119, TP 16
6056MusicSXM56110, TP 21129, TP 29
6057MusicSXM57110, TP 21129, TP 29
6058MusicSXM58110, TP 21129, TP 17
6059MusicSXM59110, TP 21129, TP 23
6060MusicSXM60110, TP 21129, TP 23
6062MusicSXM62110, TP 21129, TP 23
6063MusicSXM63110, TP 03129, TP 32
6064MusicSXM64110, TP 21129, TP 23
6065MusicSXM65110, TP 03129, TP 23
6066MusicSXM66110, TP 21129, TP 23
6067MusicSXM67119, TP 16129, TP 23
6068MusicSXM68110, TP 21129, TP 29
6069MusicSXM69119, TP 16129, TP 23
6070MusicSXM70110, TP 21129, TP 23
6071MusicSXM71110, TP 03129, TP 23
6072MusicSXM72110, TP 03129, TP 29
6073MusicSXM73110, TP 03129, TP 23
6074MusicSXM74110, TP 21129, TP 29
6075MusicSXM75110, TP 21129, TP 23
6076MusicSXM76110, TP 03129, TP 29
6091MusicSXM91110, TP 21119, TP 16
6094MusicSXM94110, TP 21119, TP 16
6095MusicSXM95110, TP 21119, TP 16
6096MusicSXM96110, TP 21119, TP 16
9393SD3ABN110, TP 05129, TP 21
9403SDBYU TV110, TP 05110, TP 16
9410SDLink TV110, TP 10110, TP 16
9411SDEnlace TV110, TP 05110, TP 16
9415SDFree Speech TV110, TP 10110, TP 16
9458SDBuyTV110, TP 05129, TP 23
9532SDICTV110, TP 10119, TP 16

I have not been able to document the following channel changes as I don't subscribe to them, but I know almost all of them switched. If anyone is subscribed to them and can tell me where they are, I would appreciate it!

233SDSuperstation - KTLA129, TP 32
234SDSuperstation - WPIX129, TP 32
235SDSuperstation - KWGN129, TP 32
236SDSuperstation - WSBK129, TP 32
238SDSuperstation - WWOR110, TP 01
281SDBBC World News129, TP 26
285SDDOG TV110, TP 21
322SDShowtime Extreme119, TP 16
323SDShowtime Showcase110, TP 01
328SDTMCXE119, TP 18
333SDFLIX110, TP 05
353SDStarz Cinema119, TP 12
355SDStarz In Black119, TP 12
362SDBET Gospel110, TP 10
363SDBET Soul110, TP 10
364SDCMT Music129, TP 26
365SDBET Jams110, TP 10
366SDMTVU129, TP 26
368SDNick Music110, TP 10
391SDFox Soccer Plus129, TP 26

Are you manually checking all these channels? Impressive
For those of you interested, here are the 208 changes I came across this morning:

72SDValue119, TP 16129, TP 32
73SDQVC3110, TP 05110, TP 10
81SDICTV110, TP 10119, TP 16
82SDFETV119, TP 19110, TP 10
84SDBuyTV110, TP 05129, TP 23
85SDEPIC119, TP 16110, TP 10
86SDMALL119, TP 16110, TP 10
87SDSmart119, TP 16110, TP 21
94SDRenew119, TP 16110, TP 10
95SDDeal119, TP 16110, TP 10
104SDValue (same as 72)119, TP 16129, TP 32
123SDMALL (same as 86)119, TP 16110, TP 10
161SDMTV2119, TP 16119, TP 19
163SDMTV Classic110, TP 10110, TP 21
177SDCartoon Network (West)110, TP 10110, TP 05
178SDNickToons119, TP 16119, TP 19
181SDTeen Nick119, TP 16119, TP 19
210SDCSPAN110, TP 05110, TP 16
211SDCSPAN2110, TP 10119, TP 16
217SDGrit119, TP 19110, TP 05
218SDBinge110, TP 16129, TP 26
220SDMALL (same as 86)119, TP 16110, TP 10
221SDExtra119, TP 16110, TP 10
223SDRenew119, TP 16110, TP 10
224SDEpic119, TP 16110, TP 10
225SDSale119, TP 16110, TP 05
228SDYouTV119, TP 16110, TP 10
230SDICTV110, TP 10119, TP 16
237SDLAFF110, TP 16110, TP 10
240SDJustice110, TP 10129, TP 27
243SDFM110, TP 10119, TP 16
245SDBuzzr119, TP 16110, TP 05
252SDLaw and Crime110, TP 16129, TP 26
253SDCozi110, TP 03110, TP 10
255SDQVC2110, TP 05110, TP 10
256SDBible110, TP 05110, TP 21
257SDSBN110, TP 03110, TP 21
258SDTBNI110, TP 03110, TP 05
260SDTBN110, TP 05110, TP 16
261SDEWTN110, TP 03110, TP 16
262SDCTN110, TP 10110, TP 16
263SDDaystar110, TP 05119, TP 16
264SDImpact110, TP 03129, TP 32
265SDVictory110, TP 03110, TP 21
275SDYouTV119, TP 16110, TP 10
276SDSmart119, TP 16110, TP 21
277SDRenew119, TP 16110, TP 10
278SDDeal119, TP 16110, TP 10
279SDCGTNN110, TP 03110, TP 16
282SDValue119, TP 16129, TP 32
283SDBuyTV110, TP 05129, TP 23
284SDRectv110, TP 10129, TP 27
286SDNASA110, TP 10110, TP 16
288SDExtra119, TP 16110, TP 10
291SDStart119, TP 16110, TP 05
292SDMGM+D110, TP 03119, TP 16
329SDTMC-W110, TP 10110, TP 21
330SDTMCXW110, TP 10110, TP 21
343SDEncore Action110, TP 03110, TP 05
345SDEncore Black110, TP 03129, TP 26
346SDEncore Classic110, TP 03129, TP 27
347SDEncore Family110, TP 03129, TP 26
360SDGrio110, TP 16119, TP 16
373SDGet TV110, TP 10110, TP 21
377SDMoviePlex110, TP 10110, TP 21
387SDFMC110, TP 16110, TP 10
390SDOutside Television110, TP 16129, TP 26
393SDPursuit TV110, TP 10110, TP 16
394SDWorld Fishing Network110, TP 03129, TP 23
398SDFanDuel Racing110, TP 05129, TP 23
399SDFanDuel Racing110, TP 10129, TP 23
407SDLonghorn Network110, TP 05110, TP 21
409SDPAC 12 Network119, TP 16129, TP 23
821SDCLAN110, TP 03129, TP 27
823SDBaby 1110, TP 10110, TP 16
824SDBaby110, TP 05129, TP 27
826SDWAPAA110, TP 10129, TP 27
828SDUnivision West110, TP 05110, TP 21
831SDMLMDS110, TP 16129, TP 26
832SDCentro110, TP 16110, TP 10
834SDPSNES110, TP 16110, TP 05
836SDTelemundo110, TP 16110, TP 05
837SDTLNOV110, TP 16110, TP 21
839SDAnt3110, TP 16129, TP 27
841SDNTEL110, TP 16129, TP 26
842SDCrcol110, TP 03129, TP 27
843SDHistory Channel Spanish110, TP 16110, TP 05
844SDNat Geo Mundo110, TP 03110, TP 05
846SDDS Fam110, TP 16129, TP 26
848SDMLNIO110, TP 16110, TP 05
851SDCuba Max TV110, TP 05110, TP 16
852SDEstrella TV110, TP 03110, TP 10
863SDMXCNL110, TP 16129, TP 26
864SDCsony119, TP 16129, TP 27
865SDCine Latino110, TP 16129, TP 27
880SDHITN110, TP 05110, TP 16
881SDV-ME110, TP 05119, TP 16
883SDValue119, TP 16129, TP 32
884SDCGTNE110, TP 05110, TP 16
890SDVDRLA110, TP 16110, TP 21
891SDTRS3110, TP 16129, TP 27
892MusicVmari119, TP 19119, TP 16
893MusicMojito119, TP 19119, TP 16
924MusicAud2119, TP 19119, TP 16
925MusicAud3119, TP 19119, TP 16
931MusicAud9119, TP 19119, TP 16
933MusicAud10119, TP 19119, TP 16
934MusicAud11119, TP 19119, TP 16
935MusicAud12119, TP 19119, TP 16
936MusicAud13119, TP 19119, TP 16
937MusicAud14119, TP 19119, TP 16
938MusicAud15119, TP 19119, TP 16
939MusicAud16119, TP 19119, TP 16
950MusicCD1119, TP 19119, TP 16
951MusicCD2119, TP 19119, TP 16
956MusicCD7119, TP 19119, TP 16
959MusicCD10119, TP 19119, TP 16
960MusicCD11119, TP 19119, TP 16
961MusicCD12119, TP 19119, TP 16
962MusicCD13119, TP 19119, TP 16
963MusicCD14119, TP 19119, TP 16
966MusicCD17119, TP 19119, TP 16
967MusicCD18119, TP 19119, TP 16
968MusicCD19119, TP 19119, TP 16
974MusicCD25119, TP 19119, TP 16
977MusicCD28119, TP 16119, TP 19
978MusicCD29119, TP 16119, TP 19
980MusicCD31110, TP 05110, TP 16
998SDDish Business Info119, TP 16129, TP 21
4385SDTBN - Inspire110, TP 03110, TP 05
6002MusicSXM02110, TP 21129, TP 29
6004MusicSXM04110, TP 21119, TP 16
6005MusicSXM05110, TP 21110, TP 03
6006MusicSXM06110, TP 21110, TP 03
6007MusicSXM07110, TP 21110, TP 03
6008MusicSXM08110, TP 03129, TP 29
6009MusicSXM09110, TP 21129, TP 23
6010MusicSXM10110, TP 21119, TP 16
6014MusicSXM14110, TP 03129, TP 23
6015MusicSXM15110, TP 03129, TP 20
6016MusicSXM16110, TP 21129, TP 20
6019MusicSXM19110, TP 03129, TP 23
6020MusicSXM20110, TP 03129, TP 32
6021MusicSXM21110, TP 03129, TP 23
6022MusicSXM22110, TP 03129, TP 17
6023MusicSXM23110, TP 03129, TP 23
6024MusicSXM24110, TP 03129, TP 32
6025MusicSXM25110, TP 03129, TP 32
6026MusicSXM26119, TP 16129, TP 29
6027MusicSXM27119, TP 16129, TP 17
6028MusicSXM28119, TP 16129, TP 17
6029MusicSXM29119, TP 16129, TP 23
6030MusicSXM30119, TP 16129, TP 23
6032MusicSXM32110, TP 03129, TP 23
6033MusicSXM33110, TP 03129, TP 23
6034MusicSXM34110, TP 03129, TP 23
6035MusicSXM35110, TP 03129, TP 29
6036MusicSXM36110, TP 03129, TP 29
6037MusicSXM37110, TP 03129, TP 17
6038MusicSXM38110, TP 03129, TP 17
6039MusicSXM39110, TP 03129, TP 23
6040MusicSXM40110, TP 03129, TP 29
6041MusicSXM41110, TP 03129, TP 29
6042MusicSXM42110, TP 21129, TP 29
6043MusicSXM43110, TP 03129, TP 32
6044MusicSXM44110, TP 03129, TP 29
6045MusicSXM45119, TP 16129, TP 23
6046MusicSXM46110, TP 21129, TP 23
6047MusicSXM47110, TP 21119, TP 16
6048MusicSXM48110, TP 21129, TP 23
6049MusicSXM49110, TP 21129, TP 23
6050MusicSXM50110, TP 21119, TP 16
6051MusicSXM51110, TP 03129, TP 23
6052MusicSXM52119, TP 16129, TP 23
6053MusicSXM53110, TP 03129, TP 29
6054MusicSXM54110, TP 03129, TP 32
6055MusicSXM55110, TP 21119, TP 16
6056MusicSXM56110, TP 21129, TP 29
6057MusicSXM57110, TP 21129, TP 29
6058MusicSXM58110, TP 21129, TP 17
6059MusicSXM59110, TP 21129, TP 23
6060MusicSXM60110, TP 21129, TP 23
6062MusicSXM62110, TP 21129, TP 23
6063MusicSXM63110, TP 03129, TP 32
6064MusicSXM64110, TP 21129, TP 23
6065MusicSXM65110, TP 03129, TP 23
6066MusicSXM66110, TP 21129, TP 23
6067MusicSXM67119, TP 16129, TP 23
6068MusicSXM68110, TP 21129, TP 29
6069MusicSXM69119, TP 16129, TP 23
6070MusicSXM70110, TP 21129, TP 23
6071MusicSXM71110, TP 03129, TP 23
6072MusicSXM72110, TP 03129, TP 29
6073MusicSXM73110, TP 03129, TP 23
6074MusicSXM74110, TP 21129, TP 29
6075MusicSXM75110, TP 21129, TP 23
6076MusicSXM76110, TP 03129, TP 29
6091MusicSXM91110, TP 21119, TP 16
6094MusicSXM94110, TP 21119, TP 16
6095MusicSXM95110, TP 21119, TP 16
6096MusicSXM96110, TP 21119, TP 16
9393SD3ABN110, TP 05129, TP 21
9403SDBYU TV110, TP 05110, TP 16
9410SDLink TV110, TP 10110, TP 16
9411SDEnlace TV110, TP 05110, TP 16
9415SDFree Speech TV110, TP 10110, TP 16
9458SDBuyTV110, TP 05129, TP 23
9532SDICTV110, TP 10119, TP 16

I have not been able to document the following channel changes as I don't subscribe to them, but I know almost all of them switched. If anyone is subscribed to them and can tell me where they are, I would appreciate it!

233SDSuperstation - KTLA129, TP 32
234SDSuperstation - WPIX129, TP 32
235SDSuperstation - KWGN129, TP 32
236SDSuperstation - WSBK129, TP 32
238SDSuperstation - WWOR110, TP 01
281SDBBC World News129, TP 26
285SDDOG TV110, TP 21
322SDShowtime Extreme119, TP 16
323SDShowtime Showcase110, TP 01
328SDTMCXE119, TP 18
333SDFLIX110, TP 05
353SDStarz Cinema119, TP 12
355SDStarz In Black119, TP 12
362SDBET Gospel110, TP 10
363SDBET Soul110, TP 10
364SDCMT Music129, TP 26
365SDBET Jams110, TP 10
366SDMTVU129, TP 26
368SDNick Music110, TP 10
391SDFox Soccer Plus129, TP 26
281 - BBCNews 110/21
285 - Dog 119/16
322 - ShoEx 110/16
323 - ShoCs 110/10
328 - TNXE 110/3
333 - FLIX 110/10
353 - Starz Cinema 110/10
355 - StarzBlack 110/10

I don't see the rest.
Does anyone subscribe to any of the adult channels that could tell me what transponder they are currently on? Typically Dish keeps all the adult channels on their own transponder. Any of the channels 481-499 would do.
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They look pretty good for SD.
I don't have the superstations but looking at other SD only channels among my movie package's I think you're right, the quality does seem better from the conversion to MPEG4.

For those that were wondering about what going from MPEG 2 to 4 really means, it isn't something that directly affects video quality, but rather is a more efficient transmission method in terms of bandwidth. The efficiency ratio is somewhere around 4:1 or 5:1, meaning that for a MPEG4 video broadcasting at 1Mbps you would instead need 5Mbps of bandwidth using MPEG2, and both broadcasts would have a similar image quality to the naked eye.

With that all said, and I don't really have the equipment to measure or prove this, my guess is that Dish both migrated the broadcasts to MPEG4 and reduced the bitrate while staying above the 5:1 ratio. Using the example from earlier, if the MPEG2 @ 5Mbps stream is set to MPEG4 @ 2.5Mbps, you would have a potential image quality improvement of 2.5x, and would use up half of the bandwidth compared to before, MPEG4 @ 1.67Mbps would look 1.67x better while taking one third of the bandwidth, so on and so forth.
They look pretty good for SD.
I don't have the superstations but looking at other SD only channels among my movie package's I think you're right, the quality does seem better from the conversion to MPEG4.

I agree. The SD channel I have on almost everyday is LAFF (channel 237), and there was a noticeable improvement last night when I had it on. The other SD channel I watch consistently is TV Land (channel 106) and I flipped it on this morning just to see, and to me the picture quality is better as well. This is a very small sample size, but to my eyes, the picture quality looks better.
With that all said, and I don't really have the equipment to measure or prove this, my guess is that Dish both migrated the broadcasts to MPEG4 and reduced the bitrate while staying above the 5:1 ratio. Using the example from earlier, if the MPEG2 @ 5Mbps stream is set to MPEG4 @ 2.5Mbps, you would have a potential image quality improvement of 2.5x, and would use up half of the bandwidth compared to before, MPEG4 @ 1.67Mbps would look 1.67x better while taking one third of the bandwidth, so on and so forth.
This is the data that I am able to see with regards to the transponders that have SD channels. Once again, only the channels I subscribe to or others have provided me info on, but a general trend could be created. The first number is the number of SD channels on the transponder last week when SD channels were MPEG2; the second number is once the SD channels changed to MPEG4 yesterday:

110, TP 05: 14 --> 25
110, TP 10: 25 --> 26
110, TP 16: 19 --> 24
119, TP 16: 13 --> 23
119, TP 19: 12 --> 17
Totals: 83 --> 115

(The remainder of the SD channels that moved around are on transponders that didn't have SD channels before yesterday or were on transponders that no longer have SD - I am only including the 5 transponders that had SD both pre conversion and post conversion)
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Will sat locations (105, 121, and 148) be removed from receivers in a future software upgrade especially if those sat locations are obsolete?

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Also I would like to see Meridian, MS locals be available on Eastern Arc as well and western arc at same time in future if it's possible lol.

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blatimer1983 - Just to be funny but with the "I would like to see this and I would like to see that..." - first it makes it sound like you are the Chairman of the Board and/or and President and/or Chief Executive Officer and/or someone with lots of power, it would be better to say "I would like to suggest as feedback to the company", otherwise it will never happen and you won't see anything. LOL.
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Also I would like to see Meridian, MS locals be available on Eastern Arc as well and western arc at same time in future if it's possible lol.

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Will sat locations (105, 121, and 148) be removed from receivers in a future software upgrade especially if those sat locations are obsolete?

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121 was only being used for Fathom events and has been decommissioned - no residential equipment was trying to look at that location anyway. I don't think any of our current (MPEG4) equipment is looking for any of those sats, but I could be wrong.