Movies You Watch Over and Over...

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Shawshank Redemption
Green Mile
All Star Trek NG
and one thats name escapes me,
Sean Conery when he goes back to Alcatraz and back..... Damn I can't remeber it's name.

hello to all... im new here but here goes... tombstone (quite possible the best western made {modern})... unforgiven (clint eastwood) 2nd best modern western... matrix (1stmovie)... cool hand luke... starwars (any)... blues brothers (best comedy made)... animal house.... & if it counts tv shows... battlestar galactica (both series) star trek(original, next gen, enterprise, DS9, & the fan made internet versions of the original {continuing missions}) naruto & dbz... best animae ever is robotek
ok I spent some time watching tv over the hollidays and I thought some more that I will watch over and over and over and over....

Star trek 2, 4 & 6
the good the bad and the ugly
strage brew
Dirty harry movies (any)
Galaxy quest
excape from alcatraz
blade runner (don't know why I really dont like it...but I always watch if its on)
fifth element
hang em high
Farenheight 451 (a bit slow but I always watch)
It's a Mad, Mad, MAd, Mad World.

Pulp Fiction.

Shawshank Redemption (I always watch it if I see it on while channel-surfing, then end up putting in the DVD to avoid the endless breaks for commercials).
Fifth Element
Star Wars Movies
Die Hard Movies
James Bond Movies
Blade: Trinity (It just ALWAYS seems to be on)
Any Even numbered Trek film
Either of the Coburn Flynt movies, Matt Helm, or Austin Powers....
Any 60's or 70's movie with Raquel Welch.
FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH. I love this movie , and know every line. I sure am glad that my remote had a PAUSE button on it. Phoebe Cates toppless... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
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