Movies You Watch Over and Over...

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Yeah, add Used Cars and Hollywood Nights! I'll watch them start to finish.

"Now, you squirrels better have nuts in your mouth!"
I can not pass up Willy Wonka (original Gene Wilder version) when it is on. I've seen is a zillion times on TV plus I have the DVD. It's probably a politically incorrect movie by today's standards, but I just enjoy watching the selfish, mean kids get what they deserve.

Other favorites are To Have and Have Not, Logan's Run, Illustrated Man, and the Poseidon Adventure.
I always enjoy watching a movie called Defiance.. With Jan Michael Vincent.
So she really IS lesbian???? :mad:
A) How would I know?
B) Why is that a bad thing?

What I meant was that she did not look like herself. She didn't look like she did in Chasing Amy or The Lake House. She looked like a smoker, like she had lost weight---and she isn't that big to begin with--- 5'5".

At least she had the whole sexy voice thing going on. :D If she keeps smoking like that, though, she might end up sounding like kermit the frog. :eek:

Anyway, she directed a movie they were showing at the local film festival. However, it started the same night as Memphis Tiger Madness. I had been planning to go to that. I found out she was gonna be at the film festival for a Q&A after her movie, which was playing during the Tiger Madness. :eek: I found out her movies running time and the start time, so I would know about when to be there. Turns out it was at the exact time of the Dunk contest :( But, I left anyway. So, I'm sitting on a bench outside the theater waiting for her movie to turn out. I saw many, many people go in, yet nobody came out, until she did. So, I figure possibly few people went to see her movie, and she had to know that I didn't, so that's how I was "busted." Hell, if I had known there wouldn't hardly be anyone there, I would have went to see her movie. I'm not into chick flicks, but how many times do you get to watch a movie with the director? Well, I blew my shot. :mad:

Anyway, IMDB is wrong. Some moron put on there that she moved to Biloxi. She lives in Oxford.
Any Austin Powers Movie
The Origional Willy Wanka Movie
Any Beverly Hills Cop Move
Any Die Hard Movie
Eddie Murphy's "Trading Places"
A Charistmas Story
Smokey and the Bandit
Animal House
The Naked Gun
Any Die Hard
Any Star Wars
Any Star Trek
Fifth Element
Any Mel Brooks
Used Cars
Big Trouble in Little China
Smokey & The Bandit (original, not II or III) and it has to be the unedited....its "SomeBitch" not "Scum Bum"
The most reliable way to get cured of watching any movie with foul language over and over is to watch it on TBS. Especially, the Clint Eastwood movies, in which they have murdered all of his best lines.

When Callahan suspects that a bank robbery is in progress and says, "Oh sh*t" when the alarm goes off, they deleted it compeletely. They didn't even replace it with, "Oh, Darn!"

"Drop it", in the final scene, is not a wholely adequate substitute for, "Drop the f**kin' gun pig, or I'll blow his brains out!"

Ditto for, "When a naked man is chasing a woman through Central park with a butcher's knife... he's not out collecting for the Red Cross.

The movies I will watch again and again as I surf into them:

The Outlaw Josie Wales.
All the spagettti Westerns.

And while it is hardly ever on TV, Young Frankenstein.
The Sure Thing
Grosse Pointe Blank
So I Married an Axe Murderer
Pulp Fiction (watching right now on Encore)
Die Hard With A Vengenace (also watching right now on TMCXE on Dish, flipping between Pulp Fiction)
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