Movie Requests: Voom brings these to HD!!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 5, 2004
Requiem for a Dream and Pi, these movies rock and no one is showing them, give them an HD treatment and bring Aronofsky's work to the exclusives.

David Lynch's Mullholand Drive and Wild at Heart (i think I saw Cinemax or Sho gives this, but it was only in standard).

Dark City.

Also, does anyone know if Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind if coming in HD to one of the premium channels? (Probably the best movie of 2004).
First who owns the right to these movies? I believe Voom has shown movies from MGM, Miramax, Warner Brothers, & they own rights to the IFC library.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is from Universal/Dreamworks, so it will be on Starz.
I think Requiem and Pi are Artisan movies, I'm not sure who has distribution rights over Mulholland and Wild at Heart.
The Warriors - Come out to play...

Does anyone remember this 1979 gem? "Warriors - come out to plaay-eeaaay" I haven't seen this in quite sometime but it was a riot. I remember how tough the gangs looked when it first came out. Now they wouldn't pass for village people stand ins. Still, this would be a great one for VOOM to get if they could.

From IMDB: "The major New York gangs declare a truce so they can meet in the Bronx. When a gang leader is killed at the meeting The Warriors from Coney Island are wrongly fingered for it. The truce is off and home is a long train ride away..."
Yeah, it was the Baseball players in central park that were the bad asses. Aahh the good ol' days of "queens rules" of gang warfare when guns weren't allowed. If you think about it, this movie could almost be played on the kung fu channel.

I think I remember roller blade girls. They were pretty hot but got beat up pretty early if I remember the story, I hear New York girls like it rough anyway...I wish they all could be California girls...
Hahah, Warriors would be are some other ideas for World Cinema:

Run, Lola, Run
THe Princess and the Warrior (Franka Potente rocks)
The Audition (Miike)
Das Experiment
Das Boot

Some of these foreign gems have to be available for and HD transfer cheaply.
TheTimm said:
Yes, please. :yes Great movie.

Have you seen Das Experiment with "Manni" (Bliebtreu) from Run, Lola, Run? That movie kicks anus, and it's based on a true story about an experiment carried out here in the U.S. called the "Stanford Prison Experiment".
Movie request list: Would like to see these films. I can not find them in DVD format.

Sister Mary Explains It All
Rustlers Rhapsody
Orson Welles "Macbeth"
Greaser's Palace
Dvlos said:
Have you seen Das Experiment with "Manni" (Bliebtreu) from Run, Lola, Run? That movie kicks anus, and it's based on a true story about an experiment carried out here in the U.S. called the "Stanford Prison Experiment".
No, I haven't -- but now you've got me wanting to. Wouldn't mind seeing that other Franka Potente movie you named either. Maybe I'll see if I can't find them on DVD to hold me over till Voom gets 'em.

Good call on Das Boot, too.
What about Asian horrors? The Audition, Battle Royale, and Ichi the Killer? Great flicks, lots of people would enjoy, and I'm sure available for HD transfer at a low low low price like .88 cents a reel! (or something?!)
WOW. A friend of mine brought over a copy of "A Tale of Two Sisters" a 2002/3 Korean Horror/Thriller.. blew me the heck away... MonstersHD definately needs to go after that BAD BOY.
Dvlos said:
David Lynch's Mullholand Drive.....

MMMM....Laura Elena Harring and Naomi Watts in HD :shocked Would definitely need the DVR for THIS one!!!

DVD movies

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