Motorized dish at an apartment?

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No they are an english team I support the famous Glasgow Celtic FC. 1888, the Scottish Champions, dont get me started on soccer : )

Your top link does not work but the other one with the tripod looks kind of light, I have one in stock right now but have never used it, but may just work with enough weight and a pole the correct diameter, maybe some sand bags would work, or as in the picture you could bolt it to a NON -pen roof mount and then use blocks of concrete for the weight.
ok. I will look at the grounding situation when i get home, and to say one thing about celtic... henrik larsson is one of my favourite players.
I goofed
Your magnetic deviation is -2 if your in central IL..0 if your in Chicago
G11 is at 183.1 Geographic (181.1 magnetic), so that would be the closest legit satellite..89 is real close too.
Same here but alas he just left Celtic, its going to be a lot tougher this season to lift the cup, the best Celtic player I ever seen with my own eyes was wee Jimmy Johnston and more recently Paulo Decanio, it was like watching a man playing soccer with boys! He still plays in england
GutBomb said:
don't feel like you're butting in. while this thread is mostly giving me a bunch of information I hope it can also help others who are interested in getting into this fascinating hobby.

without digressing this thread too much, PSB, please don't tell me you're a spurs fan.

not a problem. :)

I had Pete install my motor a month or so ago. Works real good :)
Our true south is T6 and we got it to hit right away, so there was no monkeying around :D
Finally found the program I use for your true south coordinates, but as Tony mentioned above you will have to use G11 your closest active satellite, but here is your true south settings again.....

LAT 40
Long -89
Satellite position 89w
Elev. 43.73
Distance to sat. 37540 (km)
PSB said:
No they are an english (spit) team I support the famous Glasgow Celtic FC. 1888, the Scottish Champions, dont get me started on soccer : )

PSB - How long have you been over here? I presume you're originally from the grim north back over the pond.

Edit: I think you're right, 1888 was the last time they won a championship ;)
No fair! We won the Championship, this year, and last : ) I have been here about 6 years, I could murder a bottle of Irn Bru about now! What about you? Are you a Brit?
Been here 5 years now (From England) and still can't get used to this humidity, the warm rain and the mosquitoes biting my arms.
Still, it sure beats getting screwed to death on petrol prices :)
Its nice to bump into a fellow Brit, I am sure there are a few more about or there soon will be! All the best!
PSB said:
No fair! We won the Championship, this year, and last : ) I have been here about 6 years, I could murder a bottle of Irn Bru about now! What about you? Are you a Brit?

all a championship really means in scottish football is that you can beat rangers :)
Very true, the sooner the english let us join the Premier League the better but they are in no hurry as they would have to drop one or two of their smaller clubs down a league, and thats never going to happen (IMO) I think the "Tic" will have to wait for a Euro league to get in with clubs the same size.
I have been having some fun working out the coordinates for your area heres what I have came up with so far, feel free anyone to show us if I am off anywhere thanks....

Lat. 37.14

Azim. 180
Pol./skew 0
Distance to satellite 37300 (km)
Southern Satellite would be 76w.
Elevation 47 deg.
Magnetic deviation +9
True South satellite is at 79w (AMC-5)
again the magnetic deviation is only an approximation call your local airport tower for an exact number, they need to know.
I've got the go-ahead from the Mrs. to build my system. In the next month or so I'll post my progress here, keep everyone updated. I did take a protractor out on the balcony and cut out a 30" piece of cardboard to make sure i have line of site to all the birds i am looking for and from what I can tell, I do :)

I'm ordering the dish off of ebay I think (unless I can find a better price) with a "Universal LNB". Will that cover me for all my FTA stuff, wether it's AMC4, T5, G10R, etc? If I can find a Dish Network LNB cheap enough (under $10) I'll zip tie it to the main LNB (pretty ghetto) so I can motor on over to one of the E* birds for GolTV (any idea why this is FTA and how long it will stay that way?)

I've also decided to go with a folding tripod, simply for space while moving reasons, but will be bolting it to a board and putting a large planter in front for the Mrs.

The reciever (people keep singing the praises of the Blind Search feature on the Pansat 2500a) will probaly also be ordered on ebay. I did call a local satellite company to see if anyone had a 30" dish with or without LNBs simple to save on the shipping. (a $49 dish ends up costing $70 after tax and shipping)
The cardboard dish is a great idea, remember you need line of sight at the top and the bottom of the 30" dish/board.
I have a Universal LNB and about all it brings in extra for me is Cubavision, lots of music and baseball on there, but don't pay any more than $100 for a good 30" dish/Universal Ku LNB including shipping. I have used the zip tie LNB method and it works fine, just gets to be a pain when you are swapping out LNB all the time. The tripod is a good idea but you will still need a pole the right size to mount the dish on, and may end up WAY too high, but at least with a tripod its easy enough to get the pole plumb! Who knows how long GOL TV or any other FTA channel will stay there, but long may that channel last!
Ok, I ordered the reciever off ebay yesterday, it should get here on thursday. I also ordered the 2 LNBs (the universal, and the directv lnb). I have not ordered the switch, motor, or dish yet. I am planning on ordering the switch and the motor today, but i need to find a place that can sell me a decently priced 30" dish. All thep laces have prices around $40-45 which is great, but with $30 shipping it comes out to $75! so the issue is... My wife will only let me spend so much money on my new hobby and I am anxious to get started. I might forego the motor for a month or 2 and manually move my dish, marking on the pole/dish mount with lines the different azimuth/elevation settings for all the birds I am interested in. Sounds pretty ghetto huh?
Thats the way I started, I used to have a SKY TV analog system back in the UK and I started messing about with it, I started picking up Russian channels, middle eastern channels............... then I found the FTA live soccer feeds and I was hooked, its a good way to learn, as long as you have your motor set up by winter, not so much fun then somehow : )
yeah I am actually hoping to get the motor set up before the start of the premiership season. just a side question... are you able to find any celtic matches? I know that the official Supporters Clubs have exclusive TV rights to all celtic league games, but they have to be on some bird to get here...
GutBomb said:
I might forego the motor for a month or 2 and manually move my dish, marking on the pole/dish mount with lines the different azimuth/elevation settings for all the birds I am interested in. Sounds pretty ghetto huh?

When Pete installed my motor, we had to take down the pole the dish was on and replace it with a higher one. The pole that got taken down had marker markings and had "AMC9", "G3" and numerous other lines on it :)

I originally got my setup for the audio channels on Dish & ExpressVu. Then added a dish for G10 (and North Dakota Hockey on G3), and now its expanded to what is below in my signature (minus the 508 & 3100):)
No way to get the Celtic games here unless you sign up with Setanta sports an Irish TV company who broadcast the games here in the US on T5 but its not in the clear. On the other hand Celtic and Rangers are starting their own TV channels this season and Setanta has the rights, I am SURE it is only a matter of time until we can watch the Old Firm on US TV.
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