I couldn't vote either. I use a Stab HH 90 for my fortec ku dish, but if I voted on that alone, I would rather choose the Stab HH 120 motor, which you have not listed, only because it's heavier and supports a bigger dish (bigger is better). If I voted for my favorite, it would have to be the actuator for my Bud, although I like the Stab better, I use the Bud more, so it would be the one most used.
And, as for your north and south question. You can get a separate actuator and use it for the north and south possition of your dish, if you have a Bud, I don't think it would work with a Stab or the SG motor.
As far as someone building one. That would be nice, but for me, I would like someone to start building a H to H motor for the Bud again. If they would build a heavier Stab or SG to perform with a Bud, that would be great, almost a miracle.