More HD to move from 61.5 to 72.7?

Just out of curiosity, did you call the 1-888-701-8965 that was referenced in the first post of this thread or the standard CSR number?

I called the number referenced in this thread. I told him that i didnt really care about the existing channels just launched but quoted to him the comment that scott left from the retailer chat about Dish thinking moving some of the "core" hd content over to 72.7 which i cant hit. He not only told me that the comment wasnt true but there were no plans of adding any additional HD to 72.7. He then told me that it would be $95 flat. I asked him if the option for adding the DHPP plan and then paying only the $6 monthly and then $15 for the tech was possible and he said no. I then asked him why when 61.5 was being implemented they sent out a tech to install it for free and he said it was because they had definate plans to add more HD to it and that was not the case with this situation. Every CSR, including this one, that i have talked to is giving me the line of how they are not charging you additional for these channels. I just think that if a company plans their technology based on one setup and then changes their mind to move to different technology and this leaves a large percentage of the subscriber base out in the cold it is just bad business. Maybe good for their own pocketbooks but not good consumer relations.
I currently have (2) Dish500's (I think thats what they are) pointing at 110/119/61.5. I get the DC locals. I am located at zipcode 26711.

Today on a DishChat I was told by the rep that I could get a 1000.4 installed and it would point to 61.5/72.7/77 and that I would still get all of the channels that I currently get. I just want someone from here to confirm that this will work fine for me if I go to a single dish and that I wont be losing any channels that I pay for.

Thanks in advance,


All your locals are there on eastern arc dish 1000.4. Both the hd and sd channels. But any local channels in HD will not be broadcast in sd too, like on western arc.

You can check for yourself at the following site for your locals on the 61.5 sat. Remember the sd channels will be lower down on the sat. They don't list the hd with the sd on the sat chart.

The Echostar Knowledge Base
Ok so how do i find out what all sats I am on? Also what channels will I be missing?

Try the following site for your locals. Remember the sd channels in your locals pack will be in a different section than the hd ones. For example my hd locals are in the 6000s and my sd channels are in the 8000 range. It is the same on the site.

The Echostar Knowledge Base
OK my .02... Why is anyone surprised by this? The fact that Dish Network is moving content to another bird that no one has? How many satellite slots do they have? Heck, it is a wonder they've kept stuff on 61.5 this long. If they move it to another slot, then you have to spend more money to get what you are already paying for, which gives them more money to produce great programming like Charlie Chat and Tech Chat. LOL

With Dish you might as well get a satellite for all the slots they have if you want a chance to catch all new programming. I'm on 110, 119, and 129 and I am sure in a few years they'll be moving it around so I have to add another slot or two so I can get all channels offered in my programming package.

This is nothing new, they like doing this all the time. (moving programming around) It just sucks when they change to some obscure satellite slot that no one has a satellite pointed to.
Dish sent the following statement out to its retailers last night...

Over the next few months many of the HD programming services currently located at the 61.5 orbital location will be moving to 72.7. These services will begin to be available in the next few weeks and will be simulcast on 61.5 and 72.7 until the full transition, currently scheduled for fall, 2010. There are two options available to continue to receive these services and to assure that you are able to receive the new HD services that have recently launched.

1. Many systems may be able to re-point their 61.5 dish to the 129 orbital position. This may require the addition of (currently) two 8PSK transmodulators and there are plans for additional transponders in the near future.

2. Some systems may be able to transition to a full Eastern Arc configuration utilizing satellites at 72.7, 77 and 61.5 ' W. Please note that this will require that ALL receivers on the system must be MPEG4 (models 522, 625, 381 and 811 are not MPEG4 compatible). We are also planning several additional transponder launches at 72.7 in the near term; additional details to follow in the coming weeks.

Please note that it is not recommended to add 72.7 to existing Western Arc systems that utilize 110 & 119. Due to issues with service duplications on the two configurations, it is recommended that the operator choose either full EA or WA
I noticed that DISH has already added 4 new transponders that were not there on the 72.7 when they started.

Transponders : 6 , 16,22, & 32.

When they first started in the fall of 2008 , only the odd trasponders were available. So I am looking forward to more transponders being turned on. So once they move all national hd programming to 72.7 , what does that leave for 61.5 sat? Will it be used just for spotbeam locals? Will they be able to finish some of the split market locals where the hd big 4 is on 61.5 and the left over sd is on 110 or 119? Will they also use the 61.5 sat to duplicate the international channels at 118 ,to keep from having to add a dish 500+ to eastern arc setups? Will they also add the latino packs that are on western arc on the 61.5 sats? And what about the 77 sat? Will it be used for just locals are a mix of some of the other packs I already mentioned?

So two important things:

1) DISH has confirmed that full transition of all national hd programming from 61.5 to 72.7 will be complete by the fall of this year.

2) DISH has said officially, what I found out last year about mixing the two arc dishes together and you locals were duplicated. DON'T mix them or it will cause problems, because of service duplications.
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This still doesn't address the stupidity of having Buffalo, NY DMA on WA instead of EA. I could easily transition to EA, but have no line of sight to 129 so WA is out. The only reason for me to keep any WA birds at all is because our local SD programming is on them and therefore the guide info for locals. Our HD locals are on 61.5. So are they going to move THOSE to 72.7?

Really... I mean either sh** or get off the pot. EA or WA and WA makes no sense with 129 so low on the horizon.

I am assuming that the split locals and other areas with no line if sight issues will move to the 61.5 sat once they move all national hd channels off of 61.5 to 72.7. One of the sats up there at 61.5 can be used in full spot beam mode if DISH chooses to do so. IF they decide to turn it into just spot beams , they could add Buffalo on one of the spotbeams not being used today.

Why can't you go eastern arc and add a side sat for just 110 or 119? This set up works for those on eastern arc who want distants from AAD along with DISH. It would work for you in your situation too, cparker.
Why can't you go eastern arc and add a side sat for just 110 or 119? This set up works for those on eastern arc who want distants from AAD along with DISH. It would work for you in your situation too, cparker.

That's what I'm thinking I'd end up with. I already have a 2-dish setup. 110/119 and another for 61.5. Why not replace the 61.5 dish with an EA dish and leave the 110/119 (could probably leave that with just one LNB as I should only need whichever bird my SD locals are on)?

Not sure how hard I want to fight for this as teh channels recently added are not of great interest to us. There's only one or 2 that we'd watch.

HOWEVER.... they added HD. It's in my tier of programming. I don't think I should have to pay one red cent for equipment changes necessary in order to get it. I already have all mpeg4 receivers. A 622 and a 612.
Dish sent the following statement out to its retailers last night...
1. Many systems may be able to re-point their 61.5 dish to the 129 orbital position. This may require the addition of (currently) two 8PSK transmodulators and there are plans for additional transponders in the near future.
2. Some systems may be able to transition to a full Eastern Arc configuration utilizing satellites at 72.7, 77 and 61.5 ' W. Please note that this will require that ALL receivers on the system must be MPEG4 (models 522, 625, 381 and 811 are not MPEG4 compatible). We are also planning several additional transponder launches at 72.7 in the near term; additional details to follow in the coming weeks.
So what will they do for someone in an Eastern Arc market that has a mixture of receivers (522, 622, and 722)?
A buddy of mine has those, and is currently connected to 110, 119, 61.5 and 77 (Harrisburg HD Locals are on 77).

Will they swap out his 522 with a 622 (or 722)? And if so, will it be at no cost?

Or would they swap out the Dish 500 and replace it with a 1000.2 and give him 110, 119, 129 and 77? Again will it be at no cost?
All your locals are there on eastern arc dish 1000.4. Both the hd and sd channels. But any local channels in HD will not be broadcast in sd too, like on western arc.

You can check for yourself at the following site for your locals on the 61.5 sat. Remember the sd channels will be lower down on the sat. They don't list the hd with the sd on the sat chart.

The Echostar Knowledge Base

So, for clarification, are you saying that I will still receive all channels that I currently receive as well as the newly added HD channels that I am currently not getting. With the only exception being that LOCAL channels that I currently receive in both HD and SD, that with this new setup I will only receive them in HD...if I am reading this correctly then this is a no brainer right? why would I be concerned about getting SD versions of channels that I already receive in HD? My main concern is that I would lose channels by losing 110/119.
if I am reading this correctly then this is a no brainer right? why would I be concerned about getting SD versions of channels that I already receive in HD? My main concern is that I would lose channels by losing 110/119.
Exactly, I wouldn't be concerned about not getting SD version either.
If I could get around to doing it, I'd lock out and hide the SD version that I have now.
So what will they do for someone in an Eastern Arc market that has a mixture of receivers (522, 622, and 722)?
A buddy of mine has those, and is currently connected to 110, 119, 61.5 and 77 (Harrisburg HD Locals are on 77).

Will they swap out his 522 with a 622 (or 722)? And if so, will it be at no cost?

Or would they swap out the Dish 500 and replace it with a 1000.2 and give him 110, 119, 129 and 77? Again will it be at no cost?
I have asked this question several times over the last two weeks and no one has an answer. All I've heard so far is suck it up, bend over and pay to replace your dish and sd equipment.:mad:
I have asked this question several times over the last two weeks and no one has an answer. All I've heard so far is suck it up, bend over and pay to replace your dish and sd equipment.:mad:
I would expect Dish to work something out for existing subscribers, but it might still be early at this point.

Folks seem to be panicking over information sent to retailers, and that's really just the first step in the chain. First, get your retailers to stop installing systems in a configuration that will not be supported in the future. This also has the benefit of getting retailers to fix dish configurations during any regular dispatch activities that will be taking place starting immediately.

After you get new systems going the right way, then you put together a plan to address existing customers. I suspect the pricing will be significantly different once you receive a letter from Dish telling you that you need to swap equipment vs calling them up right now and asking for an equipment swap because of things you have read on the Internet.
All I've heard so far is suck it up, bend over and pay to replace your dish and sd equipment.:mad:

In the same boat and not happy about it! Why should I have to pay for new equipment to not loose programming. I have other options (Direct, Comcast, Uverse) but have been with Dish for close to 10 years and would NOT like to switch but don't want to put out money for equipment to get the programming that I am already paying for!

May have to make a call to retentions and see what they will do for me. Not asking for much, just give me the equipment that I need to get the programming I am paying for and I will stay. Been with them 10 years and not expecting to go anywhere.

the problem is that people are not getting the channels they are paying for NOW.

It should not cost them anything for the hardware changes as it is DISH who is moving things around. If I had cable, the cable company would not charge me to swap out my box.

DISH hasn't instructed retailers to anything yet, many retailers still think that all the HD for the East Coast is on 61.5. Dish is doing a VERY POOR job letting retailers know whats going on.

the problem is that people are not getting the channels they are paying for NOW.

It should not cost them anything for the hardware changes as it is DISH who is moving things around. If I had cable, the cable company would not charge me to swap out my box.

DISH hasn't instructed retailers to anything yet, many retailers still think that all the HD for the East Coast is on 61.5. Dish is doing a VERY POOR job letting retailers know whats going on.
Well I paid $15 for a 1000.4 upgrade and I don't think its peaked right. So Now what Pay dish another $15 for a service call?
the problem is that people are not getting the channels they are paying for NOW.
New channels. I didn't start getting charged more for programming when they added the last batch of HD channels, did you?

This is the same thing as when Dish started rolling out the MPEG4 HD -- if you had a 6000, or (worse) a 921/942 you didn't get the new channels that were being put up. Transition periods suck, but logistically it's almost impossible to avoid them. Dish eventually started offering deeply discounted gear to those who had MPEG2 only hardware once they started transitioning existing channels over.

It should not cost them anything for the hardware changes as it is DISH who is moving things around. If I had cable, the cable company would not charge me to swap out my box.
They haven't moved anything yet, but in principle I agree, before the service is shutoff on 61.5 they should have free options in place for people to upgrade. It's just a little early to be hitting the panic switch at this point in time.

DISH hasn't instructed retailers to anything yet, many retailers still think that all the HD for the East Coast is on 61.5. Dish is doing a VERY POOR job letting retailers know whats going on.
Are they not reading the emails to retailers that you're posting into this thread?
No call them up, there is a warranty for work done so it shouldn't cost you anything.
A light dusting of snow and signal loss????? I know whats normal for signal and snow in my area, but I'm sure Dish is just going to tell me its normal. But signal levels in the 30's and 40's accross the board, Maybe a 50 here or there, I can't see that being normal.
If it is Then I want my 110,119 set up back
A dish that twice the size of my old Dish 500 should improve my signal on the 61.5 Right?

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