Apparently Charlie has an in with Mother Nature; constant snow is a clever way to slow down the pace of those dish upgrades. 
Man, this is unbelievable.

Man, this is unbelievable.
Installer coming tomorrow 8am-12pm to look at my set up, have 110/119/61.5. I can not receive 129 because of LOS so hoping to get EA on the 61.5 and keep the 110/119 for SD locals as the HD locals are only on 129. Johnstown/Altoona DMA.
I only have a VIP 722 so I think this is the right solution from what I have been reading.
Thanks for any replies.
Well Tech came out and basically said they could most likely do the EA but I could not keep my 119 for my locals. So I would have no SD or HD locals. 129 is def. out of the picture from LOS.
Of course there is at least 3 feet of snow still out there so have to wait for the weather to break.
He also said maybe I should just switch to Direct, but I still like the DIsh receivers better. Now to wait..and wait...
It could be done.... 1000.4 for 61/72/77 and 119 fed in via the LNB port on the dish. But I bet dish is telling them not to do this since they want pure EA or WA installs.
Would you lose some locals that are SD only? I know some DMAs have the SD locals on EA, but if they offer them in HD they get rid of the SD feed since the receivers can down rez the HD with no issues.
I'd say go for it... I could care less about SD locals...and to be honest SD channels period.
People who have tried it here in the part of the Scranton market where the spotbeam on 61.5 doesn't reach have reported that their receivers will not switch over to 119 when they fail to get a signal on 61.5. So they can get ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox in SD since they're in SD on 119 only, but they can't get PBS, CW, or MyTV since they're in SD on 61.5 also.
I haven't heard back from any of them as to whether Dish has invented an authorized solution to get them all their locals plus the new HD channels. The only thing that comes to my mind is switching from 119/110/61.5 to 119/110/129. That still wouldn't get the locals in HD, but they're not getting them in HD now unless they have an oversized dish for 61.5. The fly in the ointment is that your chances of getting LOS to 129 are pretty poor if you live on the wrong terrain.
They could just add a 72.7 setup to there current setup. You just need to change the LNB out on the 61.5 Dish, so it could get 72.7 also. That's what they did for me in Maine since I am in a similar problem.
They could just add a 72.7 setup to there current setup. You just need to change the LNB out on the 61.5 Dish, so it could get 72.7 also. That's what they did for me in Maine since I am in a similar problem.
So you have 110/119 and 61.5/72.7? How does that work switch-wise? Is the 61.5/72.7 LNB just plugged into the input on the 110/119 LNB, or do you have an external switch? I only have one receiver, so I have no external switches.
So you have 110/119 and 61.5/72.7? How does that work switch-wise? Is the 61.5/72.7 LNB just plugged into the input on the 110/119 LNB, or do you have an external switch? I only have one receiver, so I have no external switches.
That is not true. Nimiq5 at 72.7 was designed to cover the entire 48 CONUS states. And actually comparing the maps, Buffalo, NY has excellent coverage from 72.7, more power than half of the US. The only place hotter for 72.7 is the Southeast US.
Please explain about the 500+ reflector. Dish installed the 1000.4 dish last Saturday and all my signals are weak, 45 from 61.5, 36 from 72.7 and 19 from 77.
Dish is coming to adjust the 1000.4 on Saturday. How does that reflector work and is the 500+ dish about the same size as the 1000.4 dish? I might need the same solution.
Yea, I agree; chances are the people who have the 110/119/61.5 setup are older, therefore less likely to visit the Internet or know this site even exists. As well, more people know what HD is than are likely to visit this site. So 40% might be a light estimate, but no one except, perhaps, Dish knows for sure.
Regardless, Dish finally seems to be implementing a plan to notify people; they probably planned to do it all along but got blindsided by the 61.5 TP failures (a guess, but an educated one). Now it's a matter of getting the fat new dish up there.![]()
That's OK, you mean the fact you lived in Buffalo prompted you to explore the Internet and find this site?
I think the statement that "younger people are, on average, likely to be more intensive Internet users than are older ones" is closer to the truth than "older people are, on average, likely to be more intensive Internet users than younger ones", although both statements are of course mere speculation.
Speculation indeed! I'll be 66 in just a few days. I know countless people in their 60s and 70s who are just as internet savvy as I am, and I can play with the best of them, maybe even yourself.
Take your averages back to school, whippersnapper!![]()
Any idea when they will start moving the HD that on 61.5 onto 72.7 also? When they do this, will they do it all at once or will it take some time to complete.
I hope they get this done soon, because I am get very poor signal to 61.5, but I am getting a pretty decent one to 72.7.