More HD to move from 61.5 to 72.7?

So, for clarification, are you saying that I will still receive all channels that I currently receive as well as the newly added HD channels that I am currently not getting. With the only exception being that LOCAL channels that I currently receive in both HD and SD, that with this new setup I will only receive them in HD...if I am reading this correctly then this is a no brainer right? why would I be concerned about getting SD versions of channels that I already receive in HD? My main concern is that I would lose channels by losing 110/119.

You will get all channels on eastern arc including your locals in both hd and sd , except for those that are in hd already. Eastern arc is just like Western arc for national content . Eastern arc does not have the latino pack channels as of yet , but if you had them , they wouldn't install eastern arc dish.

Now if you have hd or sd distants from AAD ,they are only available on 110 for hd & 119 for sd distants. So if you don't sub to distant networks or Latino pack channels, you should be just fine with Eastern arc dish.
I have asked this question several times over the last two weeks and no one has an answer. All I've heard so far is suck it up, bend over and pay to replace your dish and sd equipment.:mad:

DISH will not install a dish for eastern arc to an existing sub unless all your receivers are mpeg 4 compatible. So you will have to upgrade to new receivers at the same time if you want to go eastern arc.
I'm going to invest in this I think, But right now I think much of it has to to with improper alinement, I hope.:confused: I don't mind cleaning it off every 4 or 5 hours if needed, But not every hour. It is a heavy wet snow, but the same snow is falling on my Phase III Directv 18x20 dish , as my 1000.4 dish thats bigger at 22x28.
And Guess which one only got cleaned off once all day? I'll give you a Hint, It starts with D and ends with TV
Guess which one had too be cleaned off about 4 times since Noon?
By the way we only have 3 inches of snow on the ground.

I took a bunch of pictures of my signal strength and dishes. I'll post them later.

I would suspect an alignment problem. Last year I upgraded to HD and had a D500 wing installed for 61.5 and right from the start had problems with snow fade, even in light snow and sometimes when it was just cloudy. It was very frustrating and I was up on the roof often brushing snow off of dish. This went on for a few months then Dish called me and said my reciever was reporting signal drops. They sent a tech out who advised me the dish was not receiving good signal and had to be moved and repeaked, which he did and I have had no problems since, other than the usual occasional thunderstorm outage. Got 14 inches of snow today in 7 hours and not one signal drop from 61.5 and dish is covered.
IF and this is a big do not get any locals from sat located at 77 you may be able to change your skew on the 61.5 sat (providing it is a dish 500) then move it slighty to the west and get both sats 61.5 and 72. You will also need a DPP lnbf. Run cable from 110/119 sat and connect to input port on 61.5 / 72 sat. I am thinking this will work You will get a good signal when tweaked properly. Signal strength from 40s to 70s from both birds on the E. arc. You will need mpeg4 receiver to get HD programing. Other receivers will pull signals from 110/119 sats. I can verify the 61.5 / 72 setup will work. That is how I have my set up now. I do not have the 110/119 sat connected to the EA dish. I have cables from it (western arc dish) running directly to my mpeg 2 receivers. Has anyone else tried this? When the Dish Net installer came out to install the vip222 and a 1000.2 dish I told him not to install the 1000.2, just take the receiver inside and connect it. he did not undertand what I had done but saw that it worked...DUH !!!

To do this you will need a different LNB on your Dish, the same one you have on your 110/119 Dish will work. But you will need a DPP44 Switch also. This is what the Dish Tech set up at my house because I couldn't pick up 129, and if I didn't have 110 then I would loose my locals.


I imagine that they could use one of the satellites up there, like the ex Voom satellite, in full spot beam mode for just locals. I remember something about them saying that they can run it in half power mode and some spotbeams , like they are doing today, or full spot beam mode and no conus beams at all. I suspect they will do that and finish off some of the local dmas that have split locals : hd on 61.5 & sd on 110 or 119. At least until the new satellite for 61.5 is launched to replace the failing one up there .

There is also the 77 satellite . Once they move all the national hd to 72.7 , that will leave nothing on 77 but radio channels, some Public service channels and some random sd channels and of course the dmas that are on conus beam. They could move those dmas to the 61.5 satellite in spot beam mode and eliminate the national conus beam usage for locals. Then they could duplicate the Latino pack channels, like on western arc, and they would be able to install eastern arc for those who want the Latino pack . Right now if they want Latino packs they have to be installed with western arc dishes and a side sat for their locals even if they are new subs in eastern arc territory. So this would eliminate the two dish install . I suspect that they will do this on the 77 sat ,once they move the locals around and the national hd to the 72.7 sat.
He will do good to get them out to replace his dish or dishes for an eastern arc dish then he will get 61.5, 72, 77 satellites. This is what I have and I live in York,PA and I am getting all the channels. He would not be able to see the 129 sat in Harrisburg, PA. I have the 1000.4 dish.:)
He already has a Dish 1000.4 along with a Dish 500. Currently the 72 feed is disconnected with 110/119/72/77 going into a DPP44. This was how Dish installed it in order to support a 522, 622, & 722.

The problem is the 522 receiver which is not Eastern Arc compatible.
If they would upgrade the 522 to a 622 (or 722) at no cost, then there is no problem.
But why should he pay money to keep programming that he's already paying for (the HD channels that will be moving from 61.5 to 72), especially since the 522 was forced on him when they killed off the 721.

btw, 129 is very doable in Southern York, County. I was able to lock in on it even before Ceil 2 replaced the earlier garbage that was there.
OK, now I'm confused (it doesn't take much).

After three failed attempts (2 different installers never had the equipment he supposedly needed in the van, the third one simply never showed up), I'm going for Take 4 this weekend.

At first I was trying to get the dish added so I could go from 110/119/61.5 with two dishes to 110/119/129/61.5 with a bigger dish for the three main birds. Uh uh. Both installers said no dice (my fave.. the second one who said 129 "wasn't used anymore"). Whatever. Meanwhile I have resisted the Eastern Arc as I have a 722, a 622, a 211, and a 510 in use. Since the 510 is hooked up to an analog TV, I'm in no rush to add another $200 receiver (probably another 211 with an EDD), nor do I want them to re-up me for 2 years on my commitment (I'm saving that for my 922 upgrade when it becomes available). No prob says installer #2 (or #3 if you count the one who never showed up), ... he'll just leave the 110/119 in place for that receiver and run a 1000.2 which will feed the other three receivers. Seems shortsighted since I will eventually have to upgrade that one I'm sure, but whatever... Will this setup work? Can I have my cake and eat it too? Eastern Arc, while saving a few bucks with my daughter's old legacy DVR (and cheaper receiver fees)

Bob, This sounds almost identical to my attemps at upgrading.... I was trying to get an EA dish ugrade from my 110/119/61.5 setup and also keep 119 as a wing dish for my AAD locals. The first 2 installers did not have the right equipment. All 3 of them stated that they no longer used the 129 satellite (I had inquired about a 1000.2 setup since it would have given me everything i needed with 1 dish). The only reason i finally got it installed by the 4th installer was because he called before he left and i told him what i needed.

I also had a $95 dollar charge show up on my account after being told it would only be $15...I attempted numerous times to get dish to get rid of it (which they didnt). A simple complaint filed with the BBB quickly resolved this issue and the charge was removed.....
Jacksonville locals are 110 for SD only and all of them including HD locals are on 77. Presently I can't get HD locals off Dish.

Personally, I don't need EA with 110/119/61.5 for locals as I get HD locals on OTA anrtenna but I'm switching to EA because of the exodus of other 61.5 channels moving to 72 plus the advantage of getting everything in MP4 which will add capacity to my hard drives.

MY only concern is the rain fade. I've had excellent luck with rain and my 30" 61.5 dish. With the 1k.4 I'll lose my dedicated 61.5 big dish. I see this summer will be experiment time. I could end up with EA using three large dishes and a switch.

The one thing I love about Dish Network is I have lots of options. Far more robust in this respect than what I had with DirecTV or Comcast. But probably D* is better for simple setup.
That's what I'm thinking I'd end up with. I already have a 2-dish setup. 110/119 and another for 61.5. Why not replace the 61.5 dish with an EA dish and leave the 110/119 (could probably leave that with just one LNB as I should only need whichever bird my SD locals are on)?

Not sure how hard I want to fight for this as teh channels recently added are not of great interest to us. There's only one or 2 that we'd watch.

HOWEVER.... they added HD. It's in my tier of programming. I don't think I should have to pay one red cent for equipment changes necessary in order to get it. I already have all mpeg4 receivers. A 622 and a 612.
I live in western NY 50 miles south of Rochester NY my set up was 110/119 & HD 61.5 Rochester DMA where my locals (no HD on locals yet) are on the 110. I had to fight with several CSR clerks to get it done but I ended up with Eastern Arc setup to get the new channels. An excellent tech came to my house and figured out what I needed, which was what I thought had to be done, leaving my one dish for the 110 locals and switching out the 61.5 to the EA. So we set up an appointment for the following week for this conversion since the tech didn't have the equipment needed with him. So in the mean time I ordered a replacement 612vip for my 510 which would no longer work on the EA. A new tech arrived for the follow up appointment with the new receiver which cost me $100 and at that point wanted to set me up with an additional dish pointed to 129 instead of the EA setup. My line of sight for 129 is marginal in the winter and for sure would not work once a few leave came out in the spring. I called dish and talked to a CSR who assured me EA would not work in my area and 129 was my only option. I explained I just wasted $100 on a VIP upgrade because I was told I needed to go to EA and this very annoying CSR clerk said I was given the wrong info from the first tech who came to the house originally. Somehow this CSR clerk setting at a desk located, who know where, knew more than the original hands on tech did. I sent the second tech, (who hooked up the 612vip), packing since he did not have the right equipment for a EA hookup and made another appointment for somebody else to look at my upgrade problem. I should say I had no problem with the second tech he was only doing what the work order said and was trying his best to help me work through this problem and was arguing with the CSR clerk also. At the next appointment the original tech arrived at my house and set me up with the EA dish and 110 left up for SD locals and it works great. So it only took three service calls, but they only charged me for one ($15) service call, charged and credited back another, I got the job done the way it should. Hopefully I will be set for a while and won't need any further upgrades since it is a royal pain trying to deal with CSR clerks.
Any idea why E* is saying that Buffalo, N.Y. isn't in the footprint of the 72.7 satellite? I've been trying to get my folks upgraded and we are told they cannot receive 72 up there. Has anyone else had this happen? As near as I can tell from looking at the maps they should be fine. We have been told that they are working on a solution and we should 'check back at another time'. Pretty lousy way to treat a customer who has had AEP for as long as it's been offered.

When I had my very first install (2003) , Intertech insisted that I get 61.5 Wing Dish, even though I didn't have HD then; so when the day came, I would never have to worry about it. I bet they must be pretty upset now; if the Western New York subs can't get 61.5 or 72.7, they might as well start doing BEV or Directv installs from now on.
When I had my very first install (2003) , Intertech insisted that I get 61.5 Wing Dish, even though I didn't have HD then; so when the day came, I would never have to worry about it. I bet they must be pretty upset now; if the Western New York subs can't get 61.5 or 72.7, they might as well start doing BEV or Directv installs from now on.

That is not true. Nimiq5 at 72.7 was designed to cover the entire 48 CONUS states. And actually comparing the maps, Buffalo, NY has excellent coverage from 72.7, more power than half of the US. The only place hotter for 72.7 is the Southeast US.
Well Technition just left, And repeaked the dish , About 5 points higher the before, which is good. But not good enough for the Tech, So he Put the 500+ Reflector on and my signal went up another 10. So Hopefully that solves the problem.
Well, guess I need to make a decision and get this done, since I need to "move" back home to have the work done before baseball season gets here. ;)

Currently have 110/119 on Dish 500, with a separate pointing to my best bet to add 129 and call it a day? (Gotta keep 61.5 for SNY) If I go eastern arc, I would have to also upgrade my old 311, wouldn't I? I'm afraid to do anything with receivers, so i dont screw up my "upgrade" allowance before the 922 comes out, should that actually happen sometime in my lifetime.

if you can see 129 from your property, go for it.
That's what they did for me yesterday. Plus they had to add an external power source to the 722 receiver so it had enough power. I now have 3 dishes on the roof, but I get all the HD now.

I'm too far east for the 1000.4 dish.
You're too far east and north for 1000.2 110/119/129
Eastern Arc is fine for your area.
Well Technition just left, And repeaked the dish , About 5 points higher the before, which is good. But not good enough for the Tech, So he Put the 500+ Reflector on and my signal went up another 10. So Hopefully that solves the problem.

Please explain about the 500+ reflector. Dish installed the 1000.4 dish last Saturday and all my signals are weak, 45 from 61.5, 36 from 72.7 and 19 from 77.
Dish is coming to adjust the 1000.4 on Saturday. How does that reflector work and is the 500+ dish about the same size as the 1000.4 dish? I might need the same solution.

Installer coming tomorrow 8am-12pm to look at my set up, have 110/119/61.5. I can not receive 129 because of LOS so hoping to get EA on the 61.5 and keep the 110/119 for SD locals as the HD locals are only on 129. Johnstown/Altoona DMA.

I only have a VIP 722 so I think this is the right solution from what I have been reading.

Thanks for any replies.
Please explain about the 500+ reflector. Dish installed the 1000.4 dish last Saturday and all my signals are weak, 45 from 61.5, 36 from 72.7 and 19 from 77.
Dish is coming to adjust the 1000.4 on Saturday. How does that reflector work and is the 500+ dish about the same size as the 1000.4 dish? I might need the same solution.

It's called a 1000.5, just search the site here and you will find all the details.
Please explain about the 500+ reflector. Dish installed the 1000.4 dish last Saturday and all my signals are weak, 45 from 61.5, 36 from 72.7 and 19 from 77.
Dish is coming to adjust the 1000.4 on Saturday. How does that reflector work and is the 500+ dish about the same size as the 1000.4 dish? I might need the same solution.
He changed the Reflector and the part that holds the reflector on, Because the screw holes are different on the 500+. Thats it.
The 1000.4 reflector is 22x28
The 500+ is 24x32. And they both now say Turbo, so thats cool.:)
My old 500+ Used to say "Plus"

Also the dish is now Covered in snow completely and I still have about 85% full signal. Nice Job!
Only took a repeak and bigger reflector.
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