More Good News from VOOM

I don't know if I can stand much more good news, although I would like to think my action had a part in the grand scheme of things. You know how if you wash your car, it always seems to rain soon afterwards? Well, last Friday I decided that if Voom was going to go under, then I would enjoy it while it lasted and I upgraded to VaVaVoom and figured what was an additional $42 a month for a while longer? In doing this I knew that if I went back to the basic service I would lose my grandfathered price and my cost would go up $10 a month. You just can't count on anything anymore (lol).

Add to this my experience yesterday with my installer. Since Voom seemed to go along with business as usual I decided to upgrade my antenna to get my distant NBC station that my SquareShooter would not pull in. My installer called and spent most of the time trying to convince me that a new antenna would not work and trying to talk me into going with Dish. He said that Voom and its programming had been sold to Dish anyways. I cancelled the upgrade because I didn't want to deal with that attitude anymore.

I work 3rd shift, and after being up most of the day I decided it was time to get some sleep and the last post I saw was a short one saying something like "great news" and I thought "well, tell it already". Then when I got up last evening, there was the good news in a new thread that had already grown to 7 pages. Maybe there is a god after all.
BFG said:
Sounds like they're just stringing you guys along... If they can do it fine, but I dunno how they plan on expanding early when they're about to loose their satellite and have to transition...
You sure post a lot for someone that wants Voom to fail... ;)
This announcement, I believe, is a very sincere and heartfelt thanks from Chuck Dolan and his staff to all the VOOM subscribers. I feel it means, in general, that they will make every effort to get the new content up and out to us as soon as possible.

We appreciate the thought, Mr. Dolan, and appreciate all your efforts on our behalf.
Nice to see that announcment by VOOM. Also nice to see some news about it on HD NEWS and continuing advertising on UHD & Discovery Theater. Way to go.

(never mind trolls)
Great News

I saw it also on my Screen these is the best news every more channels i can't wait, we should see them by the end of the month. Thank you Mr. Dolan your vision lives on now just bring us that DVR and tell us how much it cost or how much it is to lease it. :D
It seems like Mr. Dolan has a LOT Of interest in VoOm and still sees a future in it. If they dont jump soon on a LOT of HD content DirecTv and Dish is going to get 'em.
What's amazing is the reaction to some marketing :) Is it good news? Who you know what the news IS. It's good in that it's telling the public that the company is doing something to move in a forward direction after all of the hubbub, but c'mon folks...this isn't some new-age discovery here. They aren't announcing a cure for cancer.

Anyone remember The God's Must Be Crazy?...opens with the Coke bottle falling from the sky, which is taken as a "gift from the God's"? :) :) :)

I enjoy VOOM, and I'm glad it's not going out of business...BUT...lets keep things in perspective ;)

As far as I can tell it doesn't seem to really mean anything. It says they announce plans for early expansion of its satellite capacity, but it's not exactly an announcement -- more like the announcement of an announcement. I went to that live chat thing on their website (boy, is that a waste of time!) and learned absolutely nothing. Tried to get her to tell me where I could find the actual announcement (what form was this made in?--a press release? a website blurb? a press conference?) and she said she didn't have access to that information. Chick had no idea what I was talking about or what it meant. She ended up "guessing" that it was an "implication" that they "may" release "up to" 70 new channels. After about a half hour I was able to get her to boldly declare that "maybe" this "indicates" that "perhaps" the new channels "may" be released before March, since the original plan was to have them in March and this apparently was talking about early expansion. She had no clue if this meant all the channels at once or one at a time or HD or SD or anything at all. I felt like I was debating a lawyer. I've never in my life seen someone take so much time to be so careful not to actually say anything. I ended up asking her how I can get a decoder ring. She, of course, didn't know. :D
By the way, it is still showing the same message, but they've taken away the "Good News!" header. It now reads, "VOOM is Vooming!".
I view it this way, VOOM has plans to bring us additional channels in the very near future...they just forgot to tell us the details. I have little doubt that SatelliteGuys will provide us with more information as soon as it's availabe. Soon, we hope. :yes
riffjim4069 said:
I view it this way, VOOM has plans to bring us additional channels in the very near future...they just forgot to tell us the details. I have little doubt that SatelliteGuys will provide us with more information as soon as it's availabe. Soon, we hope. :yes
And I'll bet we'll learn any real news here, much sooner than we'll hear anything of meaning from Voom.
TheTimm said:
By the way, it is still showing the same message, but they've taken away the "Good News!" header. It now reads, "VOOM is Vooming!".
Yep, I noticed that also. I was hoping is would read, "Hey Riff, we're bringing you The Lifetime Channel so your wife will stop pestering you about it. And we're also addding ESPN2 HD just because we like you." :rolleyes:
riffjim4069 said:
Yep, I noticed that also. I was hoping is would read, "Hey Riff, we're bringing you The Lifetime Channel so your wife will stop pestering you about it. And we're also addding ESPN2 HD just because we like you." :rolleyes:
Oh, no -- don't get me started on those bastards at ESPN trying to create a demand for a totally unnecessary channel. No need to add the deuceHD, just put the good games where they belong -- on ESPNHD, and in high definition for god's sake! Oops, looks like I got started. :rolleyes:
I am sure glad

When on Jan 20 all the Voom Doomer's in these forums were wringing their hands and saying the sky had fallen and to switch to another service .. I stayed with Voom!

These are exciting times and I am glad to see some business guys with guts are still going strong.

Now what about this mini announcement on our screens this morning? I looked on the Voom website for a clarification - nothing, no press releases after Jan 6. Does this mean the extre 40 hi def channels are going on before March?

Thank you Mr. Dolan!!
Sean Mota said:
Here's a pic of the message for those that don't have Voom.

That was good Scott... :D :D :D

VOOMHD, LLC!! Never Give up...Never Surrender!


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